Bug Summary

Warning:line 744, column 2
Value stored to 'p2xp_cfg' is never read

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name ospf6_neighbor.c -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-opt-analyze-nested-blocks -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -pic-is-pie -mframe-pointer=all -fmath-errno -ffp-contract=on -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -funwind-tables=2 -target-cpu x86-64 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/home/sharpd/frr3 -resource-dir /usr/lib/llvm-14/lib/clang/14.0.0 -D HAVE_CONFIG_H -D SYSCONFDIR="/etc/frr/" -D CONFDATE=20240105 -I . -I ./lib/assert -I . -I ./include -I ./lib -I . -I /usr/include/lua5.3 -I /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-isystem /usr/lib/llvm-14/lib/clang/14.0.0/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/12/../../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -O0 -Wwrite-strings -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-microsoft-anon-tag -fconst-strings -fdebug-compilation-dir=/home/sharpd/frr3 -ferror-limit 19 -fms-extensions -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -analyzer-output=html -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /tmp/scan-build-2024-01-05-120749-780821-1 -x c ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c
1// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
3 * Copyright (C) 2003 Yasuhiro Ohara
4 */
6#include <zebra.h>
8#include "log.h"
9#include "memory.h"
10#include "frrevent.h"
11#include "linklist.h"
12#include "vty.h"
13#include "command.h"
14#include "lib/bfd.h"
16#include "ospf6_proto.h"
17#include "ospf6_lsa.h"
18#include "ospf6_lsdb.h"
19#include "ospf6_message.h"
20#include "ospf6_top.h"
21#include "ospf6_area.h"
22#include "ospf6_interface.h"
23#include "ospf6_neighbor.h"
24#include "ospf6_intra.h"
25#include "ospf6_flood.h"
26#include "ospf6d.h"
27#include "ospf6_bfd.h"
28#include "ospf6_abr.h"
29#include "ospf6_asbr.h"
30#include "ospf6_lsa.h"
31#include "ospf6_spf.h"
32#include "ospf6_zebra.h"
33#include "ospf6_gr.h"
34#include "lib/json.h"
36DEFINE_MTYPE_STATIC(OSPF6D, OSPF6_NEIGHBOR, "OSPF6 neighbor")static struct memtype MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR[1] __attribute__((
section(".data.mtypes"))) = { { .name = "OSPF6 neighbor", .next
= ((void*)0), .n_alloc = 0, .size = 0, .ref = ((void*)0), } }
; static void _mtinit_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR(void) __attribute__((constructor
(1001))); static void _mtinit_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR(void) { if (_mg_OSPF6D
.insert == ((void*)0)) _mg_OSPF6D.insert = &_mg_OSPF6D.types
; MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR->ref = _mg_OSPF6D.insert; *_mg_OSPF6D
->next; } static void _mtfini_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR(void) __attribute__
((destructor)); static void _mtfini_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR(void) { if
->ref = MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR->next; } _Static_assert(1,
"please add a semicolon after this macro")
((section(".data.mtypes"))) = { { .name = "OSPF6 PtP/PtMP neighbor config"
, .next = ((void*)0), .n_alloc = 0, .size = 0, .ref = ((void*
)0), } }; static void _mtinit_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG(void) __attribute__
((constructor(1001))); static void _mtinit_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG
(void) { if (_mg_OSPF6D.insert == ((void*)0)) _mg_OSPF6D.insert
= _mg_OSPF6D.insert; *_mg_OSPF6D.insert = MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG
next; } static void _mtfini_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG(void) __attribute__
((destructor)); static void _mtfini_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG(void
->ref = MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG->next; } _Static_assert
(1, "please add a semicolon after this macro")
38 "OSPF6 PtP/PtMP neighbor config")static struct memtype MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG[1] __attribute__
((section(".data.mtypes"))) = { { .name = "OSPF6 PtP/PtMP neighbor config"
, .next = ((void*)0), .n_alloc = 0, .size = 0, .ref = ((void*
)0), } }; static void _mtinit_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG(void) __attribute__
((constructor(1001))); static void _mtinit_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG
(void) { if (_mg_OSPF6D.insert == ((void*)0)) _mg_OSPF6D.insert
= _mg_OSPF6D.insert; *_mg_OSPF6D.insert = MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG
next; } static void _mtfini_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG(void) __attribute__
((destructor)); static void _mtfini_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG(void
->ref = MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG->next; } _Static_assert
(1, "please add a semicolon after this macro")
40static int ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg_cmp(const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *a,
41 const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *b);
43DECLARE_RBTREE_UNIQ(ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs, struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg,static inline __attribute__((unused)) int ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs__cmp
(const struct typed_rb_entry *a, const struct typed_rb_entry *
b) { return ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg_cmp((__builtin_choose_expr
( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re), typeof(a)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p
(void *, typeof(a)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (void *)(a); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (a); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )), (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re
), typeof(b)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof(
b)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.
re) *__mptr = (void *)(b); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)(
(char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (b); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) ))); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) const
struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_find
(const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { const struct typed_rb_entry *re; re = typed_rb_find
(&h->rr, &item->item.re, &ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs__cmp
); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr
( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p
(void *, typeof(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_find
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { return (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_find
(h, item); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) void ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_init
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { memset(h, 0, sizeof
(*h)); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) void ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_fini
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { memset(h, 0, sizeof
(*h)); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_add(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head
*h, struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *item) { struct typed_rb_entry
*re; re = typed_rb_insert(&h->rr, &item->item.
re, ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs__cmp); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp =
(re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re
), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof
(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item
.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused)) const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_find_gteq
( const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { const struct typed_rb_entry *re; re = typed_rb_find_gteq
(&h->rr, &item->item.re, ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs__cmp
); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr
( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p
(void *, typeof(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused)) const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_find_lt
( const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { const struct typed_rb_entry *re; re = typed_rb_find_lt
(&h->rr, &item->item.re, ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs__cmp
); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr
( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p
(void *, typeof(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_find_lt
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { return (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_find_lt
(h, item); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_find_gteq(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head
*h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *item) { return (struct
ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_find_gteq
(h, item); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_del(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head
*h, struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *item) { struct typed_rb_entry
*re; re = typed_rb_remove(&h->rr, &item->item.
re); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr
( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p
(void *, typeof(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_pop
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { struct typed_rb_entry
*re; re = typed_rb_min(&h->rr); if (!re) return ((void
*)0); typed_rb_remove(&h->rr, re); return (__builtin_choose_expr
( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re), typeof(re)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p
(void *, typeof(re)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (void *)(re); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (re); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) void
ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_swap_all(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head
*a, struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *b) { struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head
tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp; } static inline __attribute__((
unused, pure)) const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_first
(const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { const struct
typed_rb_entry *re; re = typed_rb_min(&h->rr); return
({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re
), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof
(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item
.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_next
(const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { const struct typed_rb_entry *re; re = typed_rb_next
(&item->item.re); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp
? (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re), typeof
(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof(_tmp))
, ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re)
*__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)(
(char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_first
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { return (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_first(h); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_next
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { return (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_next
(h, item); } static inline __attribute__((unused, pure)) const
struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_last
(const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { const struct
typed_rb_entry *re; re = typed_rb_max(&h->rr); return
({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re
), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof
(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item
.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_prev
(const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { const struct typed_rb_entry *re; re = typed_rb_prev
(&item->item.re); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp
? (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re), typeof
(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof(_tmp))
, ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re)
*__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)(
(char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_last
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { return (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_last(h); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_prev
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { return (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_prev
(h, item); } static inline __attribute__((unused, pure)) struct
ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_next_safe(struct
ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { struct typed_rb_entry *re; re = item ? typed_rb_next
(&item->item.re) : ((void*)0); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp
= (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re
), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof
(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item
.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_prev_safe
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { struct typed_rb_entry *re; re = item ? typed_rb_prev
(&item->item.re) : ((void*)0); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp
= (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re
), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof
(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item
.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) size_t ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_count(const struct
ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { return h->rr.count; } static
inline __attribute__((unused, pure)) _Bool ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_member
(const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { return typed_rb_member(&h->rr, &item->
item.re); } _Static_assert(1, "please add a semicolon after this macro"
); _Static_assert(1, "please add a semicolon after this macro"
44 item, ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg_cmp)static inline __attribute__((unused)) int ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs__cmp
(const struct typed_rb_entry *a, const struct typed_rb_entry *
b) { return ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg_cmp((__builtin_choose_expr
( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re), typeof(a)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p
(void *, typeof(a)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (void *)(a); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (a); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )), (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re
), typeof(b)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof(
b)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.
re) *__mptr = (void *)(b); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)(
(char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (b); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) ))); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) const
struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_find
(const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { const struct typed_rb_entry *re; re = typed_rb_find
(&h->rr, &item->item.re, &ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs__cmp
); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr
( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p
(void *, typeof(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_find
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { return (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_find
(h, item); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) void ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_init
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { memset(h, 0, sizeof
(*h)); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) void ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_fini
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { memset(h, 0, sizeof
(*h)); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_add(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head
*h, struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *item) { struct typed_rb_entry
*re; re = typed_rb_insert(&h->rr, &item->item.
re, ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs__cmp); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp =
(re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re
), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof
(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item
.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused)) const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_find_gteq
( const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { const struct typed_rb_entry *re; re = typed_rb_find_gteq
(&h->rr, &item->item.re, ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs__cmp
); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr
( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p
(void *, typeof(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused)) const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_find_lt
( const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { const struct typed_rb_entry *re; re = typed_rb_find_lt
(&h->rr, &item->item.re, ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs__cmp
); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr
( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p
(void *, typeof(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_find_lt
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { return (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_find_lt
(h, item); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_find_gteq(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head
*h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *item) { return (struct
ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_find_gteq
(h, item); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_del(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head
*h, struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *item) { struct typed_rb_entry
*re; re = typed_rb_remove(&h->rr, &item->item.
re); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr
( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p
(void *, typeof(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_pop
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { struct typed_rb_entry
*re; re = typed_rb_min(&h->rr); if (!re) return ((void
*)0); typed_rb_remove(&h->rr, re); return (__builtin_choose_expr
( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re), typeof(re)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p
(void *, typeof(re)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (void *)(re); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (re); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) void
ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_swap_all(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head
*a, struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *b) { struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head
tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp; } static inline __attribute__((
unused, pure)) const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_first
(const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { const struct
typed_rb_entry *re; re = typed_rb_min(&h->rr); return
({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re
), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof
(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item
.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_next
(const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { const struct typed_rb_entry *re; re = typed_rb_next
(&item->item.re); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp
? (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re), typeof
(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof(_tmp))
, ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re)
*__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)(
(char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_first
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { return (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_first(h); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_next
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { return (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_next
(h, item); } static inline __attribute__((unused, pure)) const
struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_last
(const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { const struct
typed_rb_entry *re; re = typed_rb_max(&h->rr); return
({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re
), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof
(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item
.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_prev
(const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { const struct typed_rb_entry *re; re = typed_rb_prev
(&item->item.re); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp = (re); _tmp
? (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof
(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re), typeof
(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof(_tmp))
, ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re)
*__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)(
(char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_last
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { return (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_last(h); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_prev
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { return (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_const_prev
(h, item); } static inline __attribute__((unused, pure)) struct
ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_next_safe(struct
ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { struct typed_rb_entry *re; re = item ? typed_rb_next
(&item->item.re) : ((void*)0); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp
= (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re
), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof
(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item
.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_prev_safe
(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { struct typed_rb_entry *re; re = item ? typed_rb_prev
(&item->item.re) : ((void*)0); return ({ typeof(re) _tmp
= (re); _tmp ? (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(&((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item.re
), typeof(_tmp)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof
(_tmp)), ({ typeof(((struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *)0)->item
.re) *__mptr = (void *)(_tmp); (struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)0)->item.re) *__mptr = (_tmp); (const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
, item.re)); }) )) : ((void*)0); }); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) size_t ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_count(const struct
ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h) { return h->rr.count; } static
inline __attribute__((unused, pure)) _Bool ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_member
(const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_head *h, const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg
*item) { return typed_rb_member(&h->rr, &item->
item.re); } _Static_assert(1, "please add a semicolon after this macro"
); _Static_assert(1, "please add a semicolon after this macro"
46static void p2xp_neigh_refresh(struct ospf6_neighbor *on, uint32_t prev_cost);
48DEFINE_HOOK(ospf6_neighbor_change,struct hook _hook_ospf6_neighbor_change = { .name = "ospf6_neighbor_change"
, .entries = ((void*)0), .reverse = 0, }; static int hook_call_ospf6_neighbor_change
( struct ospf6_neighbor * on, int state, int next_state) { int
hooksum = 0; struct hookent *he = _hook_ospf6_neighbor_change
.entries; void *hookarg; union { void *voidptr; int(*fptr) ( struct
ospf6_neighbor * on, int state, int next_state); int(*farg) (
void *hookarg ,struct ospf6_neighbor * on, int state, int next_state
); } hookp; for (; he; he = he->next) { hookarg = he->hookarg
; hookp.voidptr = he->hookfn; if (!he->has_arg) hooksum
+= hookp.fptr (on, state, next_state); else hooksum += hookp
.farg (hookarg ,on, state, next_state); } return hooksum; } _Static_assert
(1, "please add a semicolon after this macro")
49 (struct ospf6_neighbor * on, int state, int next_state),struct hook _hook_ospf6_neighbor_change = { .name = "ospf6_neighbor_change"
, .entries = ((void*)0), .reverse = 0, }; static int hook_call_ospf6_neighbor_change
( struct ospf6_neighbor * on, int state, int next_state) { int
hooksum = 0; struct hookent *he = _hook_ospf6_neighbor_change
.entries; void *hookarg; union { void *voidptr; int(*fptr) ( struct
ospf6_neighbor * on, int state, int next_state); int(*farg) (
void *hookarg ,struct ospf6_neighbor * on, int state, int next_state
); } hookp; for (; he; he = he->next) { hookarg = he->hookarg
; hookp.voidptr = he->hookfn; if (!he->has_arg) hooksum
+= hookp.fptr (on, state, next_state); else hooksum += hookp
.farg (hookarg ,on, state, next_state); } return hooksum; } _Static_assert
(1, "please add a semicolon after this macro")
50 (on, state, next_state))struct hook _hook_ospf6_neighbor_change = { .name = "ospf6_neighbor_change"
, .entries = ((void*)0), .reverse = 0, }; static int hook_call_ospf6_neighbor_change
( struct ospf6_neighbor * on, int state, int next_state) { int
hooksum = 0; struct hookent *he = _hook_ospf6_neighbor_change
.entries; void *hookarg; union { void *voidptr; int(*fptr) ( struct
ospf6_neighbor * on, int state, int next_state); int(*farg) (
void *hookarg ,struct ospf6_neighbor * on, int state, int next_state
); } hookp; for (; he; he = he->next) { hookarg = he->hookarg
; hookp.voidptr = he->hookfn; if (!he->has_arg) hooksum
+= hookp.fptr (on, state, next_state); else hooksum += hookp
.farg (hookarg ,on, state, next_state); } return hooksum; } _Static_assert
(1, "please add a semicolon after this macro")
52unsigned char conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor = 0;
54const char *const ospf6_neighbor_state_str[] = {
55 "None", "Down", "Attempt", "Init", "Twoway",
56 "ExStart", "ExChange", "Loading", "Full", NULL((void*)0)
59const char *const ospf6_neighbor_event_str[] = {
60 "NoEvent", "HelloReceived", "2-WayReceived", "NegotiationDone",
61 "ExchangeDone", "LoadingDone", "AdjOK?", "SeqNumberMismatch",
62 "BadLSReq", "1-WayReceived", "InactivityTimer",
65int ospf6_neighbor_cmp(void *va, void *vb)
67 struct ospf6_neighbor *ona = (struct ospf6_neighbor *)va;
68 struct ospf6_neighbor *onb = (struct ospf6_neighbor *)vb;
70 if (ona->router_id == onb->router_id)
71 return 0;
73 return (ntohl(ona->router_id) < ntohl(onb->router_id)) ? -1 : 1;
76struct ospf6_neighbor *ospf6_neighbor_lookup(uint32_t router_id,
77 struct ospf6_interface *oi)
79 struct listnode *n;
80 struct ospf6_neighbor *on;
82 for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO(oi->neighbor_list, n, on)(n) = ((oi->neighbor_list) ? ((oi->neighbor_list)->head
) : ((void*)0)), ((on) = ((void*)0)); (n) != ((void*)0) &&
((on) = ((({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 82, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "n", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_93 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((n) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (n); }), ({ static const struct
xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void
*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 82, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__
, }, .expr = "(n)->data != NULL", }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_94 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array")
)) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect(((n)->data !=
((void*)0)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref
, ((void*)0)); } while ((n)->data != ((void*)0)); }), (n)->
data)), 1); (n) = ((n) ? ((n)->next) : ((void*)0)), ((on) =
83 if (on->router_id == router_id)
84 return on;
86 return (struct ospf6_neighbor *)NULL((void*)0);
89struct ospf6_neighbor *ospf6_area_neighbor_lookup(struct ospf6_area *area,
90 uint32_t router_id)
92 struct ospf6_interface *oi;
93 struct ospf6_neighbor *nbr;
94 struct listnode *node;
96 for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO(area->if_list, node, oi)(node) = ((area->if_list) ? ((area->if_list)->head) :
((void*)0)), ((oi) = ((void*)0)); (node) != ((void*)0) &&
((oi) = ((({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 96, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "node", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_95 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((node) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (node); }), ({ static const
struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = {
(((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 96, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c",
__func__, }, .expr = "(node)->data != NULL", }; static const
struct xref * const xref_p_96 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect(((node)->data
!= ((void*)0)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref
, ((void*)0)); } while ((node)->data != ((void*)0)); }), (
node)->data)), 1); (node) = ((node) ? ((node)->next) : (
(void*)0)), ((oi) = ((void*)0))
) {
97 nbr = ospf6_neighbor_lookup(router_id, oi);
98 if (nbr)
99 return nbr;
100 }
102 return NULL((void*)0);
105static void ospf6_neighbor_clear_ls_lists(struct ospf6_neighbor *on)
107 struct ospf6_lsa *lsa;
108 struct ospf6_lsa *lsanext;
110 ospf6_lsdb_remove_all(on->summary_list);
111 if (on->last_ls_req) {
112 ospf6_lsa_unlock(&on->last_ls_req);
113 on->last_ls_req = NULL((void*)0);
114 }
116 ospf6_lsdb_remove_all(on->request_list);
117 for (ALL_LSDB(on->retrans_list, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->retrans_list
, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock
(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa))
, 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
) {
118 ospf6_decrement_retrans_count(lsa);
119 ospf6_lsdb_remove(lsa, on->retrans_list);
120 }
123/* create ospf6_neighbor */
124struct ospf6_neighbor *ospf6_neighbor_create(uint32_t router_id,
125 struct ospf6_interface *oi)
127 struct ospf6_neighbor *on;
128 char buf[16];
129 int type;
131 on = XCALLOC(MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR, sizeof(struct ospf6_neighbor))qcalloc(MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR, sizeof(struct ospf6_neighbor));
132 inet_ntop(AF_INET2, &router_id, buf, sizeof(buf));
133 snprintf(on->name, sizeof(on->name), "%s%%%s", buf, oi->interface->name);
134 on->ospf6_if = oi;
135 on->state = OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_DOWN1;
136 on->state_change = 0;
137 monotime(&on->last_changed);
138 on->router_id = router_id;
140 on->summary_list = ospf6_lsdb_create(on);
141 on->request_list = ospf6_lsdb_create(on);
142 on->retrans_list = ospf6_lsdb_create(on);
144 on->dbdesc_list = ospf6_lsdb_create(on);
145 on->lsupdate_list = ospf6_lsdb_create(on);
146 on->lsack_list = ospf6_lsdb_create(on);
148 for (type = 0; type < OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_MAX0x6; type++) {
149 on->seqnum_l[type] = 0;
150 on->seqnum_h[type] = 0;
151 }
153 on->auth_present = false0;
155 listnode_add_sort(oi->neighbor_list, on);
157 ospf6_bfd_info_nbr_create(oi, on);
158 return on;
161void ospf6_neighbor_delete(struct ospf6_neighbor *on)
163 if (on->p2xp_cfg)
164 on->p2xp_cfg->active = NULL((void*)0);
166 ospf6_neighbor_clear_ls_lists(on);
168 ospf6_lsdb_remove_all(on->dbdesc_list);
169 ospf6_lsdb_remove_all(on->lsupdate_list);
170 ospf6_lsdb_remove_all(on->lsack_list);
172 ospf6_lsdb_delete(on->summary_list);
173 ospf6_lsdb_delete(on->request_list);
174 ospf6_lsdb_delete(on->retrans_list);
176 ospf6_lsdb_delete(on->dbdesc_list);
177 ospf6_lsdb_delete(on->lsupdate_list);
178 ospf6_lsdb_delete(on->lsack_list);
180 EVENT_OFF(on->inactivity_timer)do { if ((on->inactivity_timer)) event_cancel(&(on->
inactivity_timer)); } while (0)
182 EVENT_OFF(on->last_dbdesc_release_timer)do { if ((on->last_dbdesc_release_timer)) event_cancel(&
(on->last_dbdesc_release_timer)); } while (0)
184 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_send_dbdesc)do { if ((on->thread_send_dbdesc)) event_cancel(&(on->
thread_send_dbdesc)); } while (0)
185 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_send_lsreq)do { if ((on->thread_send_lsreq)) event_cancel(&(on->
thread_send_lsreq)); } while (0)
186 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_send_lsupdate)do { if ((on->thread_send_lsupdate)) event_cancel(&(on
->thread_send_lsupdate)); } while (0)
187 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_send_lsack)do { if ((on->thread_send_lsack)) event_cancel(&(on->
thread_send_lsack)); } while (0)
188 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_exchange_done)do { if ((on->thread_exchange_done)) event_cancel(&(on
->thread_exchange_done)); } while (0)
189 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_adj_ok)do { if ((on->thread_adj_ok)) event_cancel(&(on->thread_adj_ok
)); } while (0)
190 EVENT_OFF(on->event_loading_done)do { if ((on->event_loading_done)) event_cancel(&(on->
event_loading_done)); } while (0)
192 EVENT_OFF(on->gr_helper_info.t_grace_timer)do { if ((on->gr_helper_info.t_grace_timer)) event_cancel(
&(on->gr_helper_info.t_grace_timer)); } while (0)
194 bfd_sess_free(&on->bfd_session);
195 XFREE(MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR, on)do { qfree(MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR, on); on = ((void*)0); } while
198void ospf6_neighbor_lladdr_set(struct ospf6_neighbor *on,
199 const struct in6_addr *addr)
201 if (IPV6_ADDR_SAME(addr, &on->linklocal_addr)(memcmp ((addr), (&on->linklocal_addr), 16) == 0))
202 return;
204 memcpy(&on->linklocal_addr, addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
206 if (on->ospf6_if->type == OSPF_IFTYPE_POINTOPOINT1 ||
207 on->ospf6_if->type == OSPF_IFTYPE_POINTOMULTIPOINT4) {
208 uint32_t prev_cost = ospf6_neighbor_cost(on);
210 p2xp_neigh_refresh(on, prev_cost);
211 }
214static void ospf6_neighbor_state_change(uint8_t next_state,
215 struct ospf6_neighbor *on, int event)
217 uint8_t prev_state;
219 prev_state = on->state;
220 on->state = next_state;
222 if (prev_state == next_state)
223 return;
225 on->state_change++;
226 monotime(&on->last_changed);
228 /* log */
229 if (IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR(STATE)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor & 0x01)) {
230 zlog_debug("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)",do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 234, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)"
), .priority = (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("on->name, &on->router_id, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string(event)"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_97 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)"
), on->name, &on->router_id, ospf6_neighbor_state_str
[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string
(event)); } while (0)
231 on->name, &on->router_id,do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 234, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)"
), .priority = (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("on->name, &on->router_id, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string(event)"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_97 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)"
), on->name, &on->router_id, ospf6_neighbor_state_str
[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string
(event)); } while (0)
232 ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state],do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 234, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)"
), .priority = (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("on->name, &on->router_id, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string(event)"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_97 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)"
), on->name, &on->router_id, ospf6_neighbor_state_str
[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string
(event)); } while (0)
233 ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state],do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 234, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)"
), .priority = (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("on->name, &on->router_id, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string(event)"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_97 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)"
), on->name, &on->router_id, ospf6_neighbor_state_str
[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string
(event)); } while (0)
234 ospf6_neighbor_event_string(event))do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 234, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)"
), .priority = (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("on->name, &on->router_id, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string(event)"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_97 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("Neighbor state change %s (Router-ID: %pI4): [%s]->[%s] (%s)"
), on->name, &on->router_id, ospf6_neighbor_state_str
[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string
(event)); } while (0)
235 }
237 /* Optionally notify about adjacency changes */
238 if (CHECK_FLAG(on->ospf6_if->area->ospf6->config_flags,((on->ospf6_if->area->ospf6->config_flags) & (
239 OSPF6_LOG_ADJACENCY_CHANGES)((on->ospf6_if->area->ospf6->config_flags) & (
240 (CHECK_FLAG(on->ospf6_if->area->ospf6->config_flags,((on->ospf6_if->area->ospf6->config_flags) & (
241 OSPF6_LOG_ADJACENCY_DETAIL)((on->ospf6_if->area->ospf6->config_flags) & (
242 (next_state == OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_FULL8) || (next_state < prev_state)))
243 zlog_notice("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)",do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)"
), .hashu32 = {(5), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 248, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)"
), .priority = (5), .ec = (0), .args = ("&on->router_id, vrf_id_to_name(on->ospf6_if->interface->vrf->vrf_id), on->name, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string(event)"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_98 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)")
, &on->router_id, vrf_id_to_name(on->ospf6_if->interface
->vrf->vrf_id), on->name, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state
], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string
(event)); } while (0)
244 &on->router_id,do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)"
), .hashu32 = {(5), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 248, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)"
), .priority = (5), .ec = (0), .args = ("&on->router_id, vrf_id_to_name(on->ospf6_if->interface->vrf->vrf_id), on->name, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string(event)"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_98 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)")
, &on->router_id, vrf_id_to_name(on->ospf6_if->interface
->vrf->vrf_id), on->name, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state
], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string
(event)); } while (0)
245 vrf_id_to_name(on->ospf6_if->interface->vrf->vrf_id),do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)"
), .hashu32 = {(5), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 248, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)"
), .priority = (5), .ec = (0), .args = ("&on->router_id, vrf_id_to_name(on->ospf6_if->interface->vrf->vrf_id), on->name, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string(event)"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_98 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)")
, &on->router_id, vrf_id_to_name(on->ospf6_if->interface
->vrf->vrf_id), on->name, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state
], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string
(event)); } while (0)
246 on->name, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state],do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)"
), .hashu32 = {(5), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 248, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)"
), .priority = (5), .ec = (0), .args = ("&on->router_id, vrf_id_to_name(on->ospf6_if->interface->vrf->vrf_id), on->name, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string(event)"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_98 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)")
, &on->router_id, vrf_id_to_name(on->ospf6_if->interface
->vrf->vrf_id), on->name, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state
], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string
(event)); } while (0)
247 ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state],do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)"
), .hashu32 = {(5), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 248, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)"
), .priority = (5), .ec = (0), .args = ("&on->router_id, vrf_id_to_name(on->ospf6_if->interface->vrf->vrf_id), on->name, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string(event)"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_98 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)")
, &on->router_id, vrf_id_to_name(on->ospf6_if->interface
->vrf->vrf_id), on->name, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state
], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string
(event)); } while (0)
248 ospf6_neighbor_event_string(event))do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)"
), .hashu32 = {(5), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 248, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)"
), .priority = (5), .ec = (0), .args = ("&on->router_id, vrf_id_to_name(on->ospf6_if->interface->vrf->vrf_id), on->name, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string(event)"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_98 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("AdjChg: Nbr %pI4(%s) on %s: %s -> %s (%s)")
, &on->router_id, vrf_id_to_name(on->ospf6_if->interface
->vrf->vrf_id), on->name, ospf6_neighbor_state_str[prev_state
], ospf6_neighbor_state_str[next_state], ospf6_neighbor_event_string
(event)); } while (0)
250 if (prev_state == OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_FULL8 ||
251 next_state == OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_FULL8) {
252 if (!OSPF6_GR_IS_ACTIVE_HELPER(on)((on)->gr_helper_info.gr_helper_status == 1)) {
253 OSPF6_ROUTER_LSA_SCHEDULE(on->ospf6_if->area)do { if ((((on->ospf6_if->area)->flag) & (0x01))
) ({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__(
(used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 253,
"ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_router_lsa_originate"
, .dest = "&(on->ospf6_if->area)->thread_router_lsa"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_99 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_router_lsa_originate
, on->ospf6_if->area, 0, &(on->ospf6_if->area
)->thread_router_lsa); }); } while (0)
254 if (on->ospf6_if->state == OSPF6_INTERFACE_DR8) {
255 OSPF6_NETWORK_LSA_SCHEDULE(on->ospf6_if)do { if (!(((on->ospf6_if)->flag) & (0x01))) ({ static
const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (used)) = {
.xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 255, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_network_lsa_originate", .dest
= "&(on->ospf6_if)->thread_network_lsa", .event_type
= EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_100
__attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref
); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_network_lsa_originate
, on->ospf6_if, 0, &(on->ospf6_if)->thread_network_lsa
); }); } while (0)
256 OSPF6_INTRA_PREFIX_LSA_SCHEDULE_TRANSIT(do { if (!(((on->ospf6_if)->flag) & (0x01))) ({ static
const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (used)) = {
.xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 257, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_intra_prefix_lsa_originate_transit"
, .dest = "&(on->ospf6_if)->thread_intra_prefix_lsa"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_101 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_intra_prefix_lsa_originate_transit
, on->ospf6_if, 0, &(on->ospf6_if)->thread_intra_prefix_lsa
); }); } while (0)
257 on->ospf6_if)do { if (!(((on->ospf6_if)->flag) & (0x01))) ({ static
const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (used)) = {
.xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 257, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_intra_prefix_lsa_originate_transit"
, .dest = "&(on->ospf6_if)->thread_intra_prefix_lsa"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_101 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_intra_prefix_lsa_originate_transit
, on->ospf6_if, 0, &(on->ospf6_if)->thread_intra_prefix_lsa
); }); } while (0)
258 }
259 }
260 if (next_state == OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_FULL8)
261 on->ospf6_if->area->intra_prefix_originate = 1;
263 if (!OSPF6_GR_IS_ACTIVE_HELPER(on)((on)->gr_helper_info.gr_helper_status == 1))
264 OSPF6_INTRA_PREFIX_LSA_SCHEDULE_STUB(on->ospf6_if->area)do { if ((((on->ospf6_if->area)->flag) & (0x01))
) ({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__(
(used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 264,
"ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_intra_prefix_lsa_originate_stub"
, .dest = "&(on->ospf6_if->area)->thread_intra_prefix_lsa"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_102 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_intra_prefix_lsa_originate_stub
, on->ospf6_if->area, 0, &(on->ospf6_if->area
)->thread_intra_prefix_lsa); }); } while (0)
266 if ((prev_state == OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_LOADING7 ||
267 prev_state == OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE6) &&
268 next_state == OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_FULL8) {
269 OSPF6_AS_EXTERN_LSA_SCHEDULE(on->ospf6_if)do { if (!(((on->ospf6_if)->flag) & (0x01))) ({ static
const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (used)) = {
.xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 269, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_orig_as_external_lsa", .dest
= "&(on->ospf6_if)->thread_as_extern_lsa", .event_type
= EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_103
__attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref
); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_orig_as_external_lsa
, on->ospf6_if, 0, &(on->ospf6_if)->thread_as_extern_lsa
); }); } while (0)
270 on->ospf6_if->area->full_nbrs++;
271 }
273 if (prev_state == OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_FULL8)
274 on->ospf6_if->area->full_nbrs--;
275 }
277 if ((prev_state == OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE6 ||
278 prev_state == OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_LOADING7) &&
279 (next_state != OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE6 &&
280 next_state != OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_LOADING7))
281 ospf6_maxage_remove(on->ospf6_if->area->ospf6);
283 hook_call(ospf6_neighbor_change, on, next_state, prev_state)hook_call_ospf6_neighbor_change(on, next_state, prev_state);
284 ospf6_bfd_trigger_event(on, prev_state, next_state);
287/* RFC2328 section 10.4 */
288static int need_adjacency(struct ospf6_neighbor *on)
290 if (on->ospf6_if->state == OSPF6_INTERFACE_POINTTOPOINT4 ||
291 on->ospf6_if->state == OSPF6_INTERFACE_POINTTOMULTIPOINT5 ||
292 on->ospf6_if->state == OSPF6_INTERFACE_DR8 ||
293 on->ospf6_if->state == OSPF6_INTERFACE_BDR7)
294 return 1;
296 if (on->ospf6_if->drouter == on->router_id ||
297 on->ospf6_if->bdrouter == on->router_id)
298 return 1;
300 return 0;
303void hello_received(struct event *thread)
305 struct ospf6_neighbor *on;
307 on = (struct ospf6_neighbor *)EVENT_ARG(thread)((thread)->arg);
308 assert(on)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 308, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "on", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_104 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((on) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (on); })
310 if (IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR(EVENT)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor & 0x02))
311 zlog_debug("Neighbor Event %s: *HelloReceived*", on->name)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("Neighbor Event %s: *HelloReceived*"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 311, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("Neighbor Event %s: *HelloReceived*"), .priority
= (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("on->name"), }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_105 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("Neighbor Event %s: *HelloReceived*"
), on->name); } while (0)
313 /* reset Inactivity Timer */
314 EVENT_OFF(on->inactivity_timer)do { if ((on->inactivity_timer)) event_cancel(&(on->
inactivity_timer)); } while (0)
315 event_add_timer(master, inactivity_timer, on,({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 316, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "inactivity_timer", .dest = "&on->inactivity_timer"
, .event_type = EVENT_TIMER, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_106 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_timer(&_xref, master, inactivity_timer
, on, on->ospf6_if->dead_interval, &on->inactivity_timer
); })
316 on->ospf6_if->dead_interval, &on->inactivity_timer)({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 316, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "inactivity_timer", .dest = "&on->inactivity_timer"
, .event_type = EVENT_TIMER, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_106 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_timer(&_xref, master, inactivity_timer
, on, on->ospf6_if->dead_interval, &on->inactivity_timer
); })
318 if (on->state <= OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_DOWN1)
319 ospf6_neighbor_state_change(OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_INIT3, on,
323void twoway_received(struct event *thread)
325 struct ospf6_neighbor *on;
327 on = (struct ospf6_neighbor *)EVENT_ARG(thread)((thread)->arg);
328 assert(on)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 328, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "on", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_107 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((on) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (on); })
330 if (on->state > OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_INIT3)
331 return;
333 if (IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR(EVENT)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor & 0x02))
334 zlog_debug("Neighbor Event %s: *2Way-Received*", on->name)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("Neighbor Event %s: *2Way-Received*"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 334, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("Neighbor Event %s: *2Way-Received*"), .priority
= (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("on->name"), }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_108 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("Neighbor Event %s: *2Way-Received*"
), on->name); } while (0)
336 event_add_event(master, neighbor_change, on->ospf6_if, 0, NULL)({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 336, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "neighbor_change", .dest = "((void*)0)"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_109 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, neighbor_change
, on->ospf6_if, 0, ((void*)0)); })
338 if (!need_adjacency(on)) {
339 ospf6_neighbor_state_change(OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_TWOWAY4, on,
341 return;
342 }
344 ospf6_neighbor_state_change(OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_EXSTART5, on,
346 SET_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_MSBIT)(on->dbdesc_bits) |= ((0x01));
347 SET_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_MBIT)(on->dbdesc_bits) |= ((0x02));
348 SET_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_IBIT)(on->dbdesc_bits) |= ((0x04));
350 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_send_dbdesc)do { if ((on->thread_send_dbdesc)) event_cancel(&(on->
thread_send_dbdesc)); } while (0)
351 event_add_event(master, ospf6_dbdesc_send, on, 0,({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 352, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_dbdesc_send", .dest = "&on->thread_send_dbdesc"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_110 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_dbdesc_send
, on, 0, &on->thread_send_dbdesc); })
352 &on->thread_send_dbdesc)({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 352, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_dbdesc_send", .dest = "&on->thread_send_dbdesc"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_110 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_dbdesc_send
, on, 0, &on->thread_send_dbdesc); })
355void negotiation_done(struct event *thread)
357 struct ospf6_neighbor *on;
358 struct ospf6_lsa *lsa, *lsanext;
360 on = (struct ospf6_neighbor *)EVENT_ARG(thread)((thread)->arg);
361 assert(on)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 361, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "on", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_111 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((on) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (on); })
363 if (on->state != OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_EXSTART5)
364 return;
366 if (IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR(EVENT)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor & 0x02))
367 zlog_debug("Neighbor Event %s: *NegotiationDone*", on->name)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("Neighbor Event %s: *NegotiationDone*"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 367, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("Neighbor Event %s: *NegotiationDone*"), .priority
= (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("on->name"), }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_112 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("Neighbor Event %s: *NegotiationDone*"
), on->name); } while (0)
369 /* clear ls-list */
370 ospf6_neighbor_clear_ls_lists(on);
372 /* Interface scoped LSAs */
373 for (ALL_LSDB(on->ospf6_if->lsdb, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->ospf6_if
->lsdb, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) &&
ospf6_lsa_lock(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(
iterend, (lsa)), 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext
) {
374 if (OSPF6_LSA_IS_MAXAGE(lsa)(ospf6_lsa_age_current (lsa) == 3600)) {
375 ospf6_increment_retrans_count(lsa);
376 ospf6_lsdb_add(ospf6_lsa_copy(lsa), on->retrans_list);
377 } else
378 ospf6_lsdb_add(ospf6_lsa_copy(lsa), on->summary_list);
379 }
381 /* Area scoped LSAs */
382 for (ALL_LSDB(on->ospf6_if->area->lsdb, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->ospf6_if
->area->lsdb, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) &&
ospf6_lsa_lock(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(
iterend, (lsa)), 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext
) {
383 if (OSPF6_LSA_IS_MAXAGE(lsa)(ospf6_lsa_age_current (lsa) == 3600)) {
384 ospf6_increment_retrans_count(lsa);
385 ospf6_lsdb_add(ospf6_lsa_copy(lsa), on->retrans_list);
386 } else
387 ospf6_lsdb_add(ospf6_lsa_copy(lsa), on->summary_list);
388 }
390 /* AS scoped LSAs */
391 for (ALL_LSDB(on->ospf6_if->area->ospf6->lsdb, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->ospf6_if
->area->ospf6->lsdb, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((
void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock(lsa) && ((lsanext)
= ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa)), 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&
lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
) {
392 if (OSPF6_LSA_IS_MAXAGE(lsa)(ospf6_lsa_age_current (lsa) == 3600)) {
393 ospf6_increment_retrans_count(lsa);
394 ospf6_lsdb_add(ospf6_lsa_copy(lsa), on->retrans_list);
395 } else
396 ospf6_lsdb_add(ospf6_lsa_copy(lsa), on->summary_list);
397 }
399 UNSET_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_IBIT)(on->dbdesc_bits) &= ~((0x04));
400 ospf6_neighbor_state_change(OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE6, on,
404static void ospf6_neighbor_last_dbdesc_release(struct event *thread)
406 struct ospf6_neighbor *on = EVENT_ARG(thread)((thread)->arg);
408 assert(on)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 408, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "on", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_113 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((on) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (on); })
409 memset(&on->dbdesc_last, 0, sizeof(struct ospf6_dbdesc));
412void exchange_done(struct event *thread)
414 struct ospf6_neighbor *on;
416 on = (struct ospf6_neighbor *)EVENT_ARG(thread)((thread)->arg);
417 assert(on)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 417, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "on", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_114 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((on) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (on); })
419 if (on->state != OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE6)
420 return;
422 if (IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR(EVENT)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor & 0x02))
423 zlog_debug("Neighbor Event %s: *ExchangeDone*", on->name)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("Neighbor Event %s: *ExchangeDone*"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 423, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("Neighbor Event %s: *ExchangeDone*"), .priority
= (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("on->name"), }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_115 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("Neighbor Event %s: *ExchangeDone*"
), on->name); } while (0)
425 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_send_dbdesc)do { if ((on->thread_send_dbdesc)) event_cancel(&(on->
thread_send_dbdesc)); } while (0)
426 ospf6_lsdb_remove_all(on->dbdesc_list);
428 /* RFC 2328 (10.8): Release the last dbdesc after dead_interval */
429 if (!CHECK_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_MSBIT)((on->dbdesc_bits) & ((0x01)))) {
430 EVENT_OFF(on->last_dbdesc_release_timer)do { if ((on->last_dbdesc_release_timer)) event_cancel(&
(on->last_dbdesc_release_timer)); } while (0)
431 event_add_timer(master, ospf6_neighbor_last_dbdesc_release, on,({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 433, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_neighbor_last_dbdesc_release"
, .dest = "&on->last_dbdesc_release_timer", .event_type
= EVENT_TIMER, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_116
__attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref
); _event_add_timer(&_xref, master, ospf6_neighbor_last_dbdesc_release
, on, on->ospf6_if->dead_interval, &on->last_dbdesc_release_timer
); })
432 on->ospf6_if->dead_interval,({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 433, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_neighbor_last_dbdesc_release"
, .dest = "&on->last_dbdesc_release_timer", .event_type
= EVENT_TIMER, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_116
__attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref
); _event_add_timer(&_xref, master, ospf6_neighbor_last_dbdesc_release
, on, on->ospf6_if->dead_interval, &on->last_dbdesc_release_timer
); })
433 &on->last_dbdesc_release_timer)({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 433, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_neighbor_last_dbdesc_release"
, .dest = "&on->last_dbdesc_release_timer", .event_type
= EVENT_TIMER, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_116
__attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref
); _event_add_timer(&_xref, master, ospf6_neighbor_last_dbdesc_release
, on, on->ospf6_if->dead_interval, &on->last_dbdesc_release_timer
); })
434 }
436 if (on->request_list->count == 0)
437 ospf6_neighbor_state_change(OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_FULL8, on,
439 else {
440 ospf6_neighbor_state_change(OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_LOADING7, on,
443 event_add_event(master, ospf6_lsreq_send, on, 0,({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 444, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_lsreq_send", .dest = "&on->thread_send_lsreq"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_117 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_lsreq_send
, on, 0, &on->thread_send_lsreq); })
444 &on->thread_send_lsreq)({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 444, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_lsreq_send", .dest = "&on->thread_send_lsreq"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_117 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_lsreq_send
, on, 0, &on->thread_send_lsreq); })
445 }
448/* Check loading state. */
449void ospf6_check_nbr_loading(struct ospf6_neighbor *on)
451 /* RFC2328 Section 10.9: When the neighbor responds to these requests
452 with the proper Link State Update packet(s), the Link state request
453 list is truncated and a new Link State Request packet is sent.
454 */
455 if ((on->state == OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_LOADING7) ||
456 (on->state == OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE6)) {
457 if (on->request_list->count == 0)
458 event_add_event(master, loading_done, on, 0,({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 459, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "loading_done", .dest = "&on->event_loading_done"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_118 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, loading_done
, on, 0, &on->event_loading_done); })
459 &on->event_loading_done)({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 459, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "loading_done", .dest = "&on->event_loading_done"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_118 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, loading_done
, on, 0, &on->event_loading_done); })
460 else if (on->last_ls_req == NULL((void*)0)) {
461 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_send_lsreq)do { if ((on->thread_send_lsreq)) event_cancel(&(on->
thread_send_lsreq)); } while (0)
462 event_add_event(master, ospf6_lsreq_send, on, 0,({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 463, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_lsreq_send", .dest = "&on->thread_send_lsreq"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_119 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_lsreq_send
, on, 0, &on->thread_send_lsreq); })
463 &on->thread_send_lsreq)({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 463, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_lsreq_send", .dest = "&on->thread_send_lsreq"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_119 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_lsreq_send
, on, 0, &on->thread_send_lsreq); })
464 }
465 }
468void loading_done(struct event *thread)
470 struct ospf6_neighbor *on;
472 on = (struct ospf6_neighbor *)EVENT_ARG(thread)((thread)->arg);
473 assert(on)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 473, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "on", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_120 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((on) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (on); })
475 if (on->state != OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_LOADING7)
476 return;
478 if (IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR(EVENT)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor & 0x02))
479 zlog_debug("Neighbor Event %s: *LoadingDone*", on->name)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("Neighbor Event %s: *LoadingDone*"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 479, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("Neighbor Event %s: *LoadingDone*"), .priority
= (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("on->name"), }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_121 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("Neighbor Event %s: *LoadingDone*"
), on->name); } while (0)
481 assert(on->request_list->count == 0)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 481, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "on->request_list->count == 0", }
; static const struct xref * const xref_p_122 __attribute__((
used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((on->request_list->count == 0) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (on->request_list->count
== 0); })
483 ospf6_neighbor_state_change(OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_FULL8, on,
487void adj_ok(struct event *thread)
489 struct ospf6_neighbor *on;
491 on = (struct ospf6_neighbor *)EVENT_ARG(thread)((thread)->arg);
492 assert(on)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 492, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "on", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_123 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((on) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (on); })
494 if (IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR(EVENT)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor & 0x02))
495 zlog_debug("Neighbor Event %s: *AdjOK?*", on->name)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("Neighbor Event %s: *AdjOK?*"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 495, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("Neighbor Event %s: *AdjOK?*"), .priority = (
7), .ec = (0), .args = ("on->name"), }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_124 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("Neighbor Event %s: *AdjOK?*"
), on->name); } while (0)
497 if (on->state == OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_TWOWAY4 && need_adjacency(on)) {
498 ospf6_neighbor_state_change(OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_EXSTART5, on,
500 SET_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_MSBIT)(on->dbdesc_bits) |= ((0x01));
501 SET_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_MBIT)(on->dbdesc_bits) |= ((0x02));
502 SET_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_IBIT)(on->dbdesc_bits) |= ((0x04));
504 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_send_dbdesc)do { if ((on->thread_send_dbdesc)) event_cancel(&(on->
thread_send_dbdesc)); } while (0)
505 event_add_event(master, ospf6_dbdesc_send, on, 0,({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 506, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_dbdesc_send", .dest = "&on->thread_send_dbdesc"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_125 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_dbdesc_send
, on, 0, &on->thread_send_dbdesc); })
506 &on->thread_send_dbdesc)({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 506, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_dbdesc_send", .dest = "&on->thread_send_dbdesc"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_125 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_dbdesc_send
, on, 0, &on->thread_send_dbdesc); })
508 } else if (on->state >= OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_EXSTART5 && !need_adjacency(on)) {
509 ospf6_neighbor_state_change(OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_TWOWAY4, on,
511 ospf6_neighbor_clear_ls_lists(on);
512 }
515void seqnumber_mismatch(struct event *thread)
517 struct ospf6_neighbor *on;
519 on = (struct ospf6_neighbor *)EVENT_ARG(thread)((thread)->arg);
520 assert(on)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 520, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "on", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_126 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((on) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (on); })
522 if (on->state < OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE6)
523 return;
525 if (IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR(EVENT)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor & 0x02))
526 zlog_debug("Neighbor Event %s: *SeqNumberMismatch*", on->name)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("Neighbor Event %s: *SeqNumberMismatch*"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 526, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("Neighbor Event %s: *SeqNumberMismatch*"), .priority
= (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("on->name"), }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_127 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("Neighbor Event %s: *SeqNumberMismatch*"
), on->name); } while (0)
528 ospf6_neighbor_state_change(OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_EXSTART5, on,
530 SET_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_MSBIT)(on->dbdesc_bits) |= ((0x01));
531 SET_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_MBIT)(on->dbdesc_bits) |= ((0x02));
532 SET_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_IBIT)(on->dbdesc_bits) |= ((0x04));
534 ospf6_neighbor_clear_ls_lists(on);
536 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_send_dbdesc)do { if ((on->thread_send_dbdesc)) event_cancel(&(on->
thread_send_dbdesc)); } while (0)
537 on->dbdesc_seqnum++; /* Incr seqnum as per RFC2328, sec 10.3 */
539 event_add_event(master, ospf6_dbdesc_send, on, 0,({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 540, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_dbdesc_send", .dest = "&on->thread_send_dbdesc"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_128 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_dbdesc_send
, on, 0, &on->thread_send_dbdesc); })
540 &on->thread_send_dbdesc)({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 540, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_dbdesc_send", .dest = "&on->thread_send_dbdesc"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_128 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_dbdesc_send
, on, 0, &on->thread_send_dbdesc); })
543void bad_lsreq(struct event *thread)
545 struct ospf6_neighbor *on;
547 on = (struct ospf6_neighbor *)EVENT_ARG(thread)((thread)->arg);
548 assert(on)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 548, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "on", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_129 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((on) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (on); })
550 if (on->state < OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE6)
551 return;
553 if (IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR(EVENT)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor & 0x02))
554 zlog_debug("Neighbor Event %s: *BadLSReq*", on->name)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("Neighbor Event %s: *BadLSReq*"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 554, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("Neighbor Event %s: *BadLSReq*"), .priority =
(7), .ec = (0), .args = ("on->name"), }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_130 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("Neighbor Event %s: *BadLSReq*"
), on->name); } while (0)
556 ospf6_neighbor_state_change(OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_EXSTART5, on,
558 SET_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_MSBIT)(on->dbdesc_bits) |= ((0x01));
559 SET_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_MBIT)(on->dbdesc_bits) |= ((0x02));
560 SET_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_IBIT)(on->dbdesc_bits) |= ((0x04));
562 ospf6_neighbor_clear_ls_lists(on);
564 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_send_dbdesc)do { if ((on->thread_send_dbdesc)) event_cancel(&(on->
thread_send_dbdesc)); } while (0)
565 on->dbdesc_seqnum++; /* Incr seqnum as per RFC2328, sec 10.3 */
567 event_add_event(master, ospf6_dbdesc_send, on, 0,({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 568, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_dbdesc_send", .dest = "&on->thread_send_dbdesc"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_131 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_dbdesc_send
, on, 0, &on->thread_send_dbdesc); })
568 &on->thread_send_dbdesc)({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 568, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_dbdesc_send", .dest = "&on->thread_send_dbdesc"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_131 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_dbdesc_send
, on, 0, &on->thread_send_dbdesc); })
571void oneway_received(struct event *thread)
573 struct ospf6_neighbor *on;
575 on = (struct ospf6_neighbor *)EVENT_ARG(thread)((thread)->arg);
576 assert(on)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 576, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "on", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_132 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((on) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (on); })
578 if (on->state < OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_TWOWAY4)
579 return;
581 if (IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR(EVENT)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor & 0x02))
582 zlog_debug("Neighbor Event %s: *1Way-Received*", on->name)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("Neighbor Event %s: *1Way-Received*"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 582, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("Neighbor Event %s: *1Way-Received*"), .priority
= (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("on->name"), }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_133 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("Neighbor Event %s: *1Way-Received*"
), on->name); } while (0)
584 ospf6_neighbor_state_change(OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_INIT3, on,
586 event_add_event(master, neighbor_change, on->ospf6_if, 0, NULL)({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 586, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "neighbor_change", .dest = "((void*)0)"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_134 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, neighbor_change
, on->ospf6_if, 0, ((void*)0)); })
588 ospf6_neighbor_clear_ls_lists(on);
590 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_send_dbdesc)do { if ((on->thread_send_dbdesc)) event_cancel(&(on->
thread_send_dbdesc)); } while (0)
591 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_send_lsreq)do { if ((on->thread_send_lsreq)) event_cancel(&(on->
thread_send_lsreq)); } while (0)
592 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_send_lsupdate)do { if ((on->thread_send_lsupdate)) event_cancel(&(on
->thread_send_lsupdate)); } while (0)
593 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_send_lsack)do { if ((on->thread_send_lsack)) event_cancel(&(on->
thread_send_lsack)); } while (0)
594 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_exchange_done)do { if ((on->thread_exchange_done)) event_cancel(&(on
->thread_exchange_done)); } while (0)
595 EVENT_OFF(on->thread_adj_ok)do { if ((on->thread_adj_ok)) event_cancel(&(on->thread_adj_ok
)); } while (0)
598void inactivity_timer(struct event *thread)
600 struct ospf6_neighbor *on;
602 on = (struct ospf6_neighbor *)EVENT_ARG(thread)((thread)->arg);
603 assert(on)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 603, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "on", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_135 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((on) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (on); })
605 if (IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR(EVENT)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor & 0x02))
606 zlog_debug("Neighbor Event %s: *InactivityTimer*", on->name)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("Neighbor Event %s: *InactivityTimer*"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 606, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("Neighbor Event %s: *InactivityTimer*"), .priority
= (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("on->name"), }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_136 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("Neighbor Event %s: *InactivityTimer*"
), on->name); } while (0)
608 on->drouter = on->prev_drouter = 0;
609 on->bdrouter = on->prev_bdrouter = 0;
611 if (!OSPF6_GR_IS_ACTIVE_HELPER(on)((on)->gr_helper_info.gr_helper_status == 1)) {
612 on->drouter = on->prev_drouter = 0;
613 on->bdrouter = on->prev_bdrouter = 0;
615 ospf6_neighbor_state_change(OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_DOWN1, on,
617 event_add_event(master, neighbor_change, on->ospf6_if, 0, NULL)({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 617, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "neighbor_change", .dest = "((void*)0)"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_137 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, neighbor_change
, on->ospf6_if, 0, ((void*)0)); })
619 listnode_delete(on->ospf6_if->neighbor_list, on);
620 ospf6_neighbor_delete(on);
622 } else {
623 if (IS_DEBUG_OSPF6_GRconf_debug_ospf6_gr)
624 zlog_debug("%s, Acting as HELPER for this neighbour, So restart the dead timer.",do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s, Acting as HELPER for this neighbour, So restart the dead timer."
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 625, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("%s, Acting as HELPER for this neighbour, So restart the dead timer."
), .priority = (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("__PRETTY_FUNCTION__"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_138 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("%s, Acting as HELPER for this neighbour, So restart the dead timer."
), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
625 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s, Acting as HELPER for this neighbour, So restart the dead timer."
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 625, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("%s, Acting as HELPER for this neighbour, So restart the dead timer."
), .priority = (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("__PRETTY_FUNCTION__"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_138 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("%s, Acting as HELPER for this neighbour, So restart the dead timer."
), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } while (0)
627 event_add_timer(master, inactivity_timer, on,({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 629, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "inactivity_timer", .dest = "&on->inactivity_timer"
, .event_type = EVENT_TIMER, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_139 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_timer(&_xref, master, inactivity_timer
, on, on->ospf6_if->dead_interval, &on->inactivity_timer
); })
628 on->ospf6_if->dead_interval,({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 629, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "inactivity_timer", .dest = "&on->inactivity_timer"
, .event_type = EVENT_TIMER, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_139 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_timer(&_xref, master, inactivity_timer
, on, on->ospf6_if->dead_interval, &on->inactivity_timer
); })
629 &on->inactivity_timer)({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 629, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "inactivity_timer", .dest = "&on->inactivity_timer"
, .event_type = EVENT_TIMER, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_139 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_timer(&_xref, master, inactivity_timer
, on, on->ospf6_if->dead_interval, &on->inactivity_timer
); })
630 }
633/* P2P/P2MP stuff */
635uint32_t ospf6_neighbor_cost(struct ospf6_neighbor *on)
637 if (on->p2xp_cfg && on->p2xp_cfg->cfg_cost)
638 return on->p2xp_cfg->cost;
639 return on->ospf6_if->cost;
642static int ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg_cmp(const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *a,
643 const struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *b)
645 return IPV6_ADDR_CMP(&a->addr, &b->addr)memcmp ((&a->addr), (&b->addr), 16);
648struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *ospf6_if_p2xp_find(struct ospf6_interface *oi,
649 const struct in6_addr *addr)
651 struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg ref;
653 if (!oi)
654 return NULL((void*)0);
656 ref.addr = *addr;
657 return ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_find(&oi->p2xp_neighs, &ref);
660static struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *
661ospf6_if_p2xp_get(struct ospf6_interface *oi, const struct in6_addr *addr)
663 struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg ref, *ret;
665 if (!oi)
666 return NULL((void*)0);
668 ref.addr = *addr;
669 ret = ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_find(&oi->p2xp_neighs, &ref);
670 if (!ret) {
671 ret = XCALLOC(MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG, sizeof(*ret))qcalloc(MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG, sizeof(*ret));
672 ret->addr = *addr;
673 ret->ospf6_if = oi;
675 ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_add(&oi->p2xp_neighs, ret);
676 }
678 return ret;
681static void ospf6_if_p2xp_destroy(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *p2xp_cfg)
683 EVENT_OFF(p2xp_cfg->t_unicast_hello)do { if ((p2xp_cfg->t_unicast_hello)) event_cancel(&(p2xp_cfg
->t_unicast_hello)); } while (0)
684 ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_del(&p2xp_cfg->ospf6_if->p2xp_neighs, p2xp_cfg);
686 XFREE(MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG, p2xp_cfg)do { qfree(MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_P2XP_CFG, p2xp_cfg); p2xp_cfg
= ((void*)0); } while (0)
689static void p2xp_neigh_refresh(struct ospf6_neighbor *on, uint32_t prev_cost)
691 if (on->p2xp_cfg)
692 on->p2xp_cfg->active = NULL((void*)0);
693 on->p2xp_cfg = ospf6_if_p2xp_find(on->ospf6_if, &on->linklocal_addr);
694 if (on->p2xp_cfg)
695 on->p2xp_cfg->active = on;
697 if (ospf6_neighbor_cost(on) != prev_cost)
698 OSPF6_ROUTER_LSA_SCHEDULE(on->ospf6_if->area)do { if ((((on->ospf6_if->area)->flag) & (0x01))
) ({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__(
(used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 698,
"ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }, .funcname = "ospf6_router_lsa_originate"
, .dest = "&(on->ospf6_if->area)->thread_router_lsa"
, .event_type = EVENT_EVENT, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_140 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_event(&_xref, master, ospf6_router_lsa_originate
, on->ospf6_if->area, 0, &(on->ospf6_if->area
)->thread_router_lsa); }); } while (0)
701/* vty functions */
704#include "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor_clippy.c"
707DEFPY(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh, ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd,static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd = {
.string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X", .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh
, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n" "IPv6 Information\n"
"Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n" "Configure static neighbor\n"
"Neighbor link-local address\n", .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name
= "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd", .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN
), 710, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh", }
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_141 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd
.xref); static int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_magic( const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const char * no, struct in6_addr
neighbor, const char * neighbor_str __attribute__ ((unused))
708 "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X",static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd = {
.string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X", .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh
, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n" "IPv6 Information\n"
"Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n" "Configure static neighbor\n"
"Neighbor link-local address\n", .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name
= "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd", .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN
), 710, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh", }
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_141 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd
.xref); static int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_magic( const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const char * no, struct in6_addr
neighbor, const char * neighbor_str __attribute__ ((unused))
709 NO_STR IP6_STR OSPF6_STR "Configure static neighbor\n"static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd = {
.string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X", .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh
, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n" "IPv6 Information\n"
"Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n" "Configure static neighbor\n"
"Neighbor link-local address\n", .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name
= "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd", .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN
), 710, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh", }
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_141 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd
.xref); static int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_magic( const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const char * no, struct in6_addr
neighbor, const char * neighbor_str __attribute__ ((unused))
710 "Neighbor link-local address\n")static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd = {
.string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X", .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh
, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n" "IPv6 Information\n"
"Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n" "Configure static neighbor\n"
"Neighbor link-local address\n", .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name
= "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd", .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN
), 710, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh", }
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_141 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd
.xref); static int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_magic( const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const char * no, struct in6_addr
neighbor, const char * neighbor_str __attribute__ ((unused))
712 VTY_DECLVAR_CONTEXT(interface, ifp)struct interface *ifp = ((struct interface *)qobj_get_typed((
vty->qobj_index), &qobj_t_interface)); if (!ifp) { vty_out
(vty, "Current configuration object was deleted " "by another process.\n"
); return 1; };
713 struct ospf6_interface *oi = ifp->info;
714 struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *p2xp_cfg;
716 if (!oi) {
717 if (no)
718 return CMD_SUCCESS0;
719 oi = ospf6_interface_create(ifp);
720 }
722 if (no) {
723 struct ospf6_neighbor *on;
724 uint32_t prev_cost = 0;
726 p2xp_cfg = ospf6_if_p2xp_find(oi, &neighbor);
727 if (!p2xp_cfg)
728 return CMD_SUCCESS0;
730 on = p2xp_cfg->active;
731 if (on)
732 prev_cost = ospf6_neighbor_cost(on);
734 p2xp_cfg->active = NULL((void*)0);
735 ospf6_if_p2xp_destroy(p2xp_cfg);
737 if (on) {
738 on->p2xp_cfg = NULL((void*)0);
739 p2xp_neigh_refresh(on, prev_cost);
740 }
741 return CMD_SUCCESS0;
742 }
744 p2xp_cfg = ospf6_if_p2xp_get(oi, &neighbor);
Value stored to 'p2xp_cfg' is never read
745 return CMD_SUCCESS0;
748DEFPY(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost, ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd,static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd
= { .string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X cost (1-65535)"
, .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Configure static neighbor\n" "Neighbor link-local address\n"
"Outgoing metric for this neighbor\n" "Outgoing metric for this neighbor\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 753, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost", }, }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_142 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd.xref); static int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_magic
( const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__ ((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((
unused)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const
char * no, struct in6_addr neighbor, const char * neighbor_str
__attribute__ ((unused)), long cost, const char * cost_str __attribute__
749 "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X cost (1-65535)",static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd
= { .string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X cost (1-65535)"
, .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Configure static neighbor\n" "Neighbor link-local address\n"
"Outgoing metric for this neighbor\n" "Outgoing metric for this neighbor\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 753, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost", }, }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_142 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd.xref); static int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_magic
( const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__ ((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((
unused)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const
char * no, struct in6_addr neighbor, const char * neighbor_str
__attribute__ ((unused)), long cost, const char * cost_str __attribute__
750 NO_STR IP6_STR OSPF6_STR "Configure static neighbor\n"static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd
= { .string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X cost (1-65535)"
, .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Configure static neighbor\n" "Neighbor link-local address\n"
"Outgoing metric for this neighbor\n" "Outgoing metric for this neighbor\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 753, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost", }, }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_142 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd.xref); static int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_magic
( const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__ ((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((
unused)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const
char * no, struct in6_addr neighbor, const char * neighbor_str
__attribute__ ((unused)), long cost, const char * cost_str __attribute__
751 "Neighbor link-local address\n"static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd
= { .string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X cost (1-65535)"
, .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Configure static neighbor\n" "Neighbor link-local address\n"
"Outgoing metric for this neighbor\n" "Outgoing metric for this neighbor\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 753, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost", }, }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_142 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd.xref); static int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_magic
( const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__ ((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((
unused)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const
char * no, struct in6_addr neighbor, const char * neighbor_str
__attribute__ ((unused)), long cost, const char * cost_str __attribute__
752 "Outgoing metric for this neighbor\n"static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd
= { .string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X cost (1-65535)"
, .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Configure static neighbor\n" "Neighbor link-local address\n"
"Outgoing metric for this neighbor\n" "Outgoing metric for this neighbor\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 753, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost", }, }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_142 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd.xref); static int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_magic
( const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__ ((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((
unused)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const
char * no, struct in6_addr neighbor, const char * neighbor_str
__attribute__ ((unused)), long cost, const char * cost_str __attribute__
753 "Outgoing metric for this neighbor\n")static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd
= { .string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X cost (1-65535)"
, .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Configure static neighbor\n" "Neighbor link-local address\n"
"Outgoing metric for this neighbor\n" "Outgoing metric for this neighbor\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 753, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost", }, }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_142 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd.xref); static int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_magic
( const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__ ((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((
unused)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const
char * no, struct in6_addr neighbor, const char * neighbor_str
__attribute__ ((unused)), long cost, const char * cost_str __attribute__
755 VTY_DECLVAR_CONTEXT(interface, ifp)struct interface *ifp = ((struct interface *)qobj_get_typed((
vty->qobj_index), &qobj_t_interface)); if (!ifp) { vty_out
(vty, "Current configuration object was deleted " "by another process.\n"
); return 1; };
756 struct ospf6_interface *oi = ifp->info;
757 struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *p2xp_cfg;
758 uint32_t prev_cost = 0;
760 if (!oi) {
761 if (no)
762 return CMD_SUCCESS0;
763 oi = ospf6_interface_create(ifp);
764 }
766 p2xp_cfg = ospf6_if_p2xp_get(oi, &neighbor);
768 if (p2xp_cfg->active)
769 prev_cost = ospf6_neighbor_cost(p2xp_cfg->active);
771 if (no) {
772 p2xp_cfg->cfg_cost = false0;
773 p2xp_cfg->cost = 0;
774 } else {
775 p2xp_cfg->cfg_cost = true1;
776 p2xp_cfg->cost = cost;
777 }
779 if (p2xp_cfg->active)
780 p2xp_neigh_refresh(p2xp_cfg->active, prev_cost);
781 return CMD_SUCCESS0;
784static void p2xp_unicast_hello_send(struct event *event);
786static void p2xp_unicast_hello_sched(struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *p2xp_cfg)
788 if (!p2xp_cfg->poll_interval ||
789 (p2xp_cfg->ospf6_if->state != OSPF6_INTERFACE_POINTTOMULTIPOINT5 &&
790 p2xp_cfg->ospf6_if->state != OSPF6_INTERFACE_POINTTOPOINT4))
791 /* state check covers DOWN state too */
792 EVENT_OFF(p2xp_cfg->t_unicast_hello)do { if ((p2xp_cfg->t_unicast_hello)) event_cancel(&(p2xp_cfg
->t_unicast_hello)); } while (0)
793 else
794 event_add_timer(master, p2xp_unicast_hello_send, p2xp_cfg,({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 796, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "p2xp_unicast_hello_send", .dest =
"&p2xp_cfg->t_unicast_hello", .event_type = EVENT_TIMER
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_143 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); _event_add_timer
(&_xref, master, p2xp_unicast_hello_send, p2xp_cfg, p2xp_cfg
->poll_interval, &p2xp_cfg->t_unicast_hello); })
795 p2xp_cfg->poll_interval,({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 796, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "p2xp_unicast_hello_send", .dest =
"&p2xp_cfg->t_unicast_hello", .event_type = EVENT_TIMER
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_143 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); _event_add_timer
(&_xref, master, p2xp_unicast_hello_send, p2xp_cfg, p2xp_cfg
->poll_interval, &p2xp_cfg->t_unicast_hello); })
796 &p2xp_cfg->t_unicast_hello)({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 796, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "p2xp_unicast_hello_send", .dest =
"&p2xp_cfg->t_unicast_hello", .event_type = EVENT_TIMER
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_143 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); _event_add_timer
(&_xref, master, p2xp_unicast_hello_send, p2xp_cfg, p2xp_cfg
->poll_interval, &p2xp_cfg->t_unicast_hello); })
799void ospf6_if_p2xp_up(struct ospf6_interface *oi)
801 struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *p2xp_cfg;
803 frr_each (ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs, &oi->p2xp_neighs, p2xp_cfg)for (p2xp_cfg = ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_first(&oi->p2xp_neighs
); p2xp_cfg; p2xp_cfg = ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_next(&oi->
p2xp_neighs, p2xp_cfg))
804 p2xp_unicast_hello_sched(p2xp_cfg);
807static void p2xp_unicast_hello_send(struct event *event)
809 struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *p2xp_cfg = EVENT_ARG(event)((event)->arg);
810 struct ospf6_interface *oi = p2xp_cfg->ospf6_if;
812 if (oi->state != OSPF6_INTERFACE_POINTTOPOINT4 &&
814 return;
816 p2xp_unicast_hello_sched(p2xp_cfg);
818 if (p2xp_cfg->active && p2xp_cfg->active->state >= OSPF6_NEIGHBOR_INIT3)
819 return;
821 ospf6_hello_send_addr(oi, &p2xp_cfg->addr);
824DEFPY(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval,static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd
= { .string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X poll-interval (1-65535)"
, .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Configure static neighbor\n" "Neighbor link-local address\n"
"Send unicast hellos to neighbor when down\n" "Unicast hello interval when down (seconds)\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 830, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval", }, }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_144 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd.xref); static
int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_magic( const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const char * no, struct in6_addr
neighbor, const char * neighbor_str __attribute__ ((unused))
, long poll_interval, const char * poll_interval_str __attribute__
825 ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd,static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd
= { .string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X poll-interval (1-65535)"
, .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Configure static neighbor\n" "Neighbor link-local address\n"
"Send unicast hellos to neighbor when down\n" "Unicast hello interval when down (seconds)\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 830, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval", }, }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_144 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd.xref); static
int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_magic( const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const char * no, struct in6_addr
neighbor, const char * neighbor_str __attribute__ ((unused))
, long poll_interval, const char * poll_interval_str __attribute__
826 "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X poll-interval (1-65535)",static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd
= { .string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X poll-interval (1-65535)"
, .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Configure static neighbor\n" "Neighbor link-local address\n"
"Send unicast hellos to neighbor when down\n" "Unicast hello interval when down (seconds)\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 830, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval", }, }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_144 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd.xref); static
int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_magic( const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const char * no, struct in6_addr
neighbor, const char * neighbor_str __attribute__ ((unused))
, long poll_interval, const char * poll_interval_str __attribute__
827 NO_STR IP6_STR OSPF6_STR "Configure static neighbor\n"static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd
= { .string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X poll-interval (1-65535)"
, .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Configure static neighbor\n" "Neighbor link-local address\n"
"Send unicast hellos to neighbor when down\n" "Unicast hello interval when down (seconds)\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 830, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval", }, }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_144 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd.xref); static
int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_magic( const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const char * no, struct in6_addr
neighbor, const char * neighbor_str __attribute__ ((unused))
, long poll_interval, const char * poll_interval_str __attribute__
828 "Neighbor link-local address\n"static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd
= { .string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X poll-interval (1-65535)"
, .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Configure static neighbor\n" "Neighbor link-local address\n"
"Send unicast hellos to neighbor when down\n" "Unicast hello interval when down (seconds)\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 830, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval", }, }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_144 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd.xref); static
int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_magic( const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const char * no, struct in6_addr
neighbor, const char * neighbor_str __attribute__ ((unused))
, long poll_interval, const char * poll_interval_str __attribute__
829 "Send unicast hellos to neighbor when down\n"static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd
= { .string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X poll-interval (1-65535)"
, .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Configure static neighbor\n" "Neighbor link-local address\n"
"Send unicast hellos to neighbor when down\n" "Unicast hello interval when down (seconds)\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 830, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval", }, }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_144 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd.xref); static
int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_magic( const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const char * no, struct in6_addr
neighbor, const char * neighbor_str __attribute__ ((unused))
, long poll_interval, const char * poll_interval_str __attribute__
830 "Unicast hello interval when down (seconds)\n")static const struct cmd_element ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd
= { .string = "[no] ipv6 ospf6 neighbor X:X::X:X poll-interval (1-65535)"
, .func = ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Configure static neighbor\n" "Neighbor link-local address\n"
"Send unicast hellos to neighbor when down\n" "Unicast hello interval when down (seconds)\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 830, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval", }, }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_144 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd.xref); static
int ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_magic( const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__ ((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__ ((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__ ((unused)), const char * no, struct in6_addr
neighbor, const char * neighbor_str __attribute__ ((unused))
, long poll_interval, const char * poll_interval_str __attribute__
832 VTY_DECLVAR_CONTEXT(interface, ifp)struct interface *ifp = ((struct interface *)qobj_get_typed((
vty->qobj_index), &qobj_t_interface)); if (!ifp) { vty_out
(vty, "Current configuration object was deleted " "by another process.\n"
); return 1; };
833 struct ospf6_interface *oi = ifp->info;
834 struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *p2xp_cfg;
836 if (!oi) {
837 if (no)
838 return CMD_SUCCESS0;
839 oi = ospf6_interface_create(ifp);
840 }
841 if (no)
842 poll_interval = 0;
844 p2xp_cfg = ospf6_if_p2xp_get(oi, &neighbor);
845 p2xp_cfg->poll_interval = poll_interval;
847 p2xp_unicast_hello_sched(p2xp_cfg);
848 return CMD_SUCCESS0;
851/* show neighbor structure */
852static void ospf6_neighbor_show(struct vty *vty, struct ospf6_neighbor *on,
853 json_object *json_array, bool_Bool use_json)
855 char router_id[16];
856 char duration[64];
857 struct timeval res;
858 char nstate[16];
859 char deadtime[64];
860 long h, m, s;
861 json_object *json_route;
863 /* Router-ID (Name) */
864 inet_ntop(AF_INET2, &on->router_id, router_id, sizeof(router_id));
866 {
867 }
868#endif /*HAVE_GETNAMEINFO*/
870 /* Dead time */
871 h = m = s = 0;
872 if (on->inactivity_timer) {
873 s = monotime_until(&on->inactivity_timer->u.sands, NULL((void*)0)) /
874 1000000LL;
875 h = s / 3600;
876 s -= h * 3600;
877 m = s / 60;
878 s -= m * 60;
879 }
880 snprintf(deadtime, sizeof(deadtime), "%02ld:%02ld:%02ld", h, m, s);
882 /* Neighbor State */
883 if (on->ospf6_if->type == OSPF_IFTYPE_POINTOPOINT1)
884 snprintf(nstate, sizeof(nstate), "PointToPoint");
885 else if (on->ospf6_if->type == OSPF_IFTYPE_POINTOMULTIPOINT4)
886 snprintf(nstate, sizeof(nstate), "PtMultipoint");
887 else {
888 if (on->router_id == on->drouter)
889 snprintf(nstate, sizeof(nstate), "DR");
890 else if (on->router_id == on->bdrouter)
891 snprintf(nstate, sizeof(nstate), "BDR");
892 else
893 snprintf(nstate, sizeof(nstate), "DROther");
894 }
896 /* Duration */
897 monotime_since(&on->last_changed, &res);
898 timerstring(&res, duration, sizeof(duration))do { if ((&res)->tv_sec / 60 / 60 / 24) snprintf(duration
, sizeof(duration), "%lldd%02lld:%02lld:%02lld", (&res)->
tv_sec / 60LL / 60 / 24, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL
); else snprintf(duration, sizeof(duration), "%02lld:%02lld:%02lld"
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24, (&res)->tv_sec
/ 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL); } while (0)
900 /*
901 vty_out (vty, "%-15s %3d %11s %6s/%-12s %11s %s[%s]\n",
902 "Neighbor ID", "Pri", "DeadTime", "State", "IfState",
903 "Duration", "I/F", "State");
904 */
905 if (use_json) {
906 json_route = json_object_new_object();
908 json_object_string_add(json_route, "neighborId", router_id);
909 json_object_int_add(json_route, "priority", on->priority);
910 json_object_string_add(json_route, "deadTime", deadtime);
911 json_object_string_add(json_route, "state",
912 ospf6_neighbor_state_str[on->state]);
913 json_object_string_add(json_route, "ifState", nstate);
914 json_object_string_add(json_route, "duration", duration);
915 json_object_string_add(json_route, "interfaceName",
916 on->ospf6_if->interface->name);
917 json_object_string_add(json_route, "interfaceState",
918 ospf6_interface_state_str
919 [on->ospf6_if->state]);
921 json_object_array_add(json_array, json_route);
922 } else
923 vty_out(vty, "%-15s %3d %11s %8s/%-12s %11s %s[%s]\n",
924 router_id, on->priority, deadtime,
925 ospf6_neighbor_state_str[on->state], nstate, duration,
926 on->ospf6_if->interface->name,
927 ospf6_interface_state_str[on->ospf6_if->state]);
930static void ospf6_neighbor_show_drchoice(struct vty *vty,
931 struct ospf6_neighbor *on,
932 json_object *json_array, bool_Bool use_json)
934 char router_id[16];
935 char drouter[16], bdrouter[16];
936 char duration[64];
937 struct timeval now, res;
938 json_object *json_route;
940 /*
941 vty_out (vty, "%-15s %6s/%-11s %-15s %-15s %s[%s]\n",
942 "RouterID", "State", "Duration", "DR", "BDR", "I/F",
943 "State");
944 */
946 inet_ntop(AF_INET2, &on->router_id, router_id, sizeof(router_id));
947 inet_ntop(AF_INET2, &on->drouter, drouter, sizeof(drouter));
948 inet_ntop(AF_INET2, &on->bdrouter, bdrouter, sizeof(bdrouter));
950 monotime(&now);
951 timersub(&now, &on->last_changed, &res)do { (&res)->tv_sec = (&now)->tv_sec - (&on
->last_changed)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec = (&
now)->tv_usec - (&on->last_changed)->tv_usec; if
((&res)->tv_usec < 0) { --(&res)->tv_sec; (
&res)->tv_usec += 1000000; } } while (0)
952 timerstring(&res, duration, sizeof(duration))do { if ((&res)->tv_sec / 60 / 60 / 24) snprintf(duration
, sizeof(duration), "%lldd%02lld:%02lld:%02lld", (&res)->
tv_sec / 60LL / 60 / 24, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL
); else snprintf(duration, sizeof(duration), "%02lld:%02lld:%02lld"
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24, (&res)->tv_sec
/ 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL); } while (0)
954 if (use_json) {
955 json_route = json_object_new_object();
956 json_object_string_add(json_route, "routerId", router_id);
957 json_object_string_add(json_route, "state",
958 ospf6_neighbor_state_str[on->state]);
959 json_object_string_add(json_route, "duration", duration);
960 json_object_string_add(json_route, "dRouter", drouter);
961 json_object_string_add(json_route, "bdRouter", bdrouter);
962 json_object_string_add(json_route, "interfaceName",
963 on->ospf6_if->interface->name);
964 json_object_string_add(json_route, "interfaceState",
965 ospf6_interface_state_str
966 [on->ospf6_if->state]);
968 json_object_array_add(json_array, json_route);
969 } else
970 vty_out(vty, "%-15s %8s/%-11s %-15s %-15s %s[%s]\n", router_id,
971 ospf6_neighbor_state_str[on->state], duration, drouter,
972 bdrouter, on->ospf6_if->interface->name,
973 ospf6_interface_state_str[on->ospf6_if->state]);
976static void ospf6_neighbor_show_detail(struct vty *vty,
977 struct ospf6_neighbor *on,
978 json_object *json, bool_Bool use_json)
980 char drouter[16], bdrouter[16];
981 char linklocal_addr[64], duration[32];
982 struct timeval now, res;
983 struct ospf6_lsa *lsa, *lsanext;
984 json_object *json_neighbor;
985 json_object *json_array;
986 char db_desc_str[20];
988 inet_ntop(AF_INET610, &on->linklocal_addr, linklocal_addr,
989 sizeof(linklocal_addr));
990 inet_ntop(AF_INET2, &on->drouter, drouter, sizeof(drouter));
991 inet_ntop(AF_INET2, &on->bdrouter, bdrouter, sizeof(bdrouter));
993 monotime(&now);
994 timersub(&now, &on->last_changed, &res)do { (&res)->tv_sec = (&now)->tv_sec - (&on
->last_changed)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec = (&
now)->tv_usec - (&on->last_changed)->tv_usec; if
((&res)->tv_usec < 0) { --(&res)->tv_sec; (
&res)->tv_usec += 1000000; } } while (0)
995 timerstring(&res, duration, sizeof(duration))do { if ((&res)->tv_sec / 60 / 60 / 24) snprintf(duration
, sizeof(duration), "%lldd%02lld:%02lld:%02lld", (&res)->
tv_sec / 60LL / 60 / 24, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL
); else snprintf(duration, sizeof(duration), "%02lld:%02lld:%02lld"
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24, (&res)->tv_sec
/ 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL); } while (0)
997 if (use_json) {
998 json_neighbor = json_object_new_object();
999 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "area",
1000 on->ospf6_if->area->name);
1001 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "interface",
1002 on->ospf6_if->interface->name);
1003 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor, "interfaceIndex",
1004 on->ospf6_if->interface->ifindex);
1005 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor, "neighborInterfaceIndex",
1006 on->ifindex);
1007 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "linkLocalAddress",
1008 linklocal_addr);
1009 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "neighborState",
1010 ospf6_neighbor_state_str[on->state]);
1011 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "neighborStateDuration",
1012 duration);
1013 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "neighborDRouter",
1014 drouter);
1015 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "neighborBdRouter",
1016 bdrouter);
1017 snprintf(db_desc_str, sizeof(db_desc_str), "%s%s%s",
1018 (CHECK_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_IBIT)((on->dbdesc_bits) & ((0x04)))
1019 ? "Initial "
1020 : ""),
1021 (CHECK_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_MBIT)((on->dbdesc_bits) & ((0x02))) ? "More"
1022 : ""),
1023 (CHECK_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_MSBIT)((on->dbdesc_bits) & ((0x01)))
1024 ? "Master"
1025 : "Slave"));
1026 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "dbDescStatus",
1027 db_desc_str);
1029 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor, "dbDescSeqNumber",
1030 (unsigned long)ntohl(on->dbdesc_seqnum));
1032 json_array = json_object_new_array();
1033 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor, "summaryListCount",
1034 on->summary_list->count);
1035 for (ALL_LSDB(on->summary_list, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->summary_list
, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock
(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa))
, 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
1036 json_object_array_add(json_array,
1037 json_object_new_string(lsa->name));
1038 json_object_object_add(json_neighbor, "summaryListLsa",
1039 json_array);
1041 json_array = json_object_new_array();
1042 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor, "requestListCount",
1043 on->request_list->count);
1044 for (ALL_LSDB(on->request_list, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->request_list
, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock
(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa))
, 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
1045 json_object_array_add(json_array,
1046 json_object_new_string(lsa->name));
1047 json_object_object_add(json_neighbor, "requestListLsa",
1048 json_array);
1050 json_array = json_object_new_array();
1051 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor, "reTransListCount",
1052 on->retrans_list->count);
1053 for (ALL_LSDB(on->retrans_list, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->retrans_list
, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock
(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa))
, 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
1054 json_object_array_add(json_array,
1055 json_object_new_string(lsa->name));
1056 json_object_object_add(json_neighbor, "reTransListLsa",
1057 json_array);
1060 timerclear(&res)((&res)->tv_sec = (&res)->tv_usec = 0);
1061 if (event_is_scheduled(on->thread_send_dbdesc))
1062 timersub(&on->thread_send_dbdesc->u.sands, &now, &res)do { (&res)->tv_sec = (&on->thread_send_dbdesc->
u.sands)->tv_sec - (&now)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec
= (&on->thread_send_dbdesc->u.sands)->tv_usec -
(&now)->tv_usec; if ((&res)->tv_usec < 0) {
--(&res)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec += 1000000; }
} while (0)
1063 timerstring(&res, duration, sizeof(duration))do { if ((&res)->tv_sec / 60 / 60 / 24) snprintf(duration
, sizeof(duration), "%lldd%02lld:%02lld:%02lld", (&res)->
tv_sec / 60LL / 60 / 24, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL
); else snprintf(duration, sizeof(duration), "%02lld:%02lld:%02lld"
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24, (&res)->tv_sec
/ 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL); } while (0)
1064 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor, "pendingLsaDbDescCount",
1065 on->dbdesc_list->count);
1066 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "pendingLsaDbDescTime",
1067 duration);
1068 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "dbDescSendThread",
1069 (event_is_scheduled(on->thread_send_dbdesc)
1070 ? "on"
1071 : "off"));
1072 json_array = json_object_new_array();
1073 for (ALL_LSDB(on->dbdesc_list, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->dbdesc_list
, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock
(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa))
, 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
1074 json_object_array_add(json_array,
1075 json_object_new_string(lsa->name));
1076 json_object_object_add(json_neighbor, "pendingLsaDbDesc",
1077 json_array);
1079 timerclear(&res)((&res)->tv_sec = (&res)->tv_usec = 0);
1080 if (event_is_scheduled(on->thread_send_lsreq))
1081 timersub(&on->thread_send_lsreq->u.sands, &now, &res)do { (&res)->tv_sec = (&on->thread_send_lsreq->
u.sands)->tv_sec - (&now)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec
= (&on->thread_send_lsreq->u.sands)->tv_usec - (
&now)->tv_usec; if ((&res)->tv_usec < 0) { --
(&res)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec += 1000000; } }
while (0)
1082 timerstring(&res, duration, sizeof(duration))do { if ((&res)->tv_sec / 60 / 60 / 24) snprintf(duration
, sizeof(duration), "%lldd%02lld:%02lld:%02lld", (&res)->
tv_sec / 60LL / 60 / 24, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL
); else snprintf(duration, sizeof(duration), "%02lld:%02lld:%02lld"
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24, (&res)->tv_sec
/ 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL); } while (0)
1083 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor, "pendingLsaLsReqCount",
1084 on->request_list->count);
1085 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "pendingLsaLsReqTime",
1086 duration);
1087 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "lsReqSendThread",
1088 (event_is_scheduled(on->thread_send_lsreq)
1089 ? "on"
1090 : "off"));
1091 json_array = json_object_new_array();
1092 for (ALL_LSDB(on->request_list, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->request_list
, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock
(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa))
, 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
1093 json_object_array_add(json_array,
1094 json_object_new_string(lsa->name));
1095 json_object_object_add(json_neighbor, "pendingLsaLsReq",
1096 json_array);
1099 timerclear(&res)((&res)->tv_sec = (&res)->tv_usec = 0);
1100 if (event_is_scheduled(on->thread_send_lsupdate))
1101 timersub(&on->thread_send_lsupdate->u.sands, &now, &res)do { (&res)->tv_sec = (&on->thread_send_lsupdate
->u.sands)->tv_sec - (&now)->tv_sec; (&res)->
tv_usec = (&on->thread_send_lsupdate->u.sands)->
tv_usec - (&now)->tv_usec; if ((&res)->tv_usec <
0) { --(&res)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec += 1000000
; } } while (0)
1102 timerstring(&res, duration, sizeof(duration))do { if ((&res)->tv_sec / 60 / 60 / 24) snprintf(duration
, sizeof(duration), "%lldd%02lld:%02lld:%02lld", (&res)->
tv_sec / 60LL / 60 / 24, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL
); else snprintf(duration, sizeof(duration), "%02lld:%02lld:%02lld"
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24, (&res)->tv_sec
/ 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL); } while (0)
1103 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor, "pendingLsaLsUpdateCount",
1104 on->lsupdate_list->count);
1105 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "pendingLsaLsUpdateTime",
1106 duration);
1107 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "lsUpdateSendThread",
1108 (event_is_scheduled(
1109 on->thread_send_lsupdate)
1110 ? "on"
1111 : "off"));
1112 json_array = json_object_new_array();
1113 for (ALL_LSDB(on->lsupdate_list, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->lsupdate_list
, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock
(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa))
, 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
1114 json_object_array_add(json_array,
1115 json_object_new_string(lsa->name));
1116 json_object_object_add(json_neighbor, "pendingLsaLsUpdate",
1117 json_array);
1119 timerclear(&res)((&res)->tv_sec = (&res)->tv_usec = 0);
1120 if (event_is_scheduled(on->thread_send_lsack))
1121 timersub(&on->thread_send_lsack->u.sands, &now, &res)do { (&res)->tv_sec = (&on->thread_send_lsack->
u.sands)->tv_sec - (&now)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec
= (&on->thread_send_lsack->u.sands)->tv_usec - (
&now)->tv_usec; if ((&res)->tv_usec < 0) { --
(&res)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec += 1000000; } }
while (0)
1122 timerstring(&res, duration, sizeof(duration))do { if ((&res)->tv_sec / 60 / 60 / 24) snprintf(duration
, sizeof(duration), "%lldd%02lld:%02lld:%02lld", (&res)->
tv_sec / 60LL / 60 / 24, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL
); else snprintf(duration, sizeof(duration), "%02lld:%02lld:%02lld"
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24, (&res)->tv_sec
/ 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL); } while (0)
1123 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor, "pendingLsaLsAckCount",
1124 on->lsack_list->count);
1125 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "pendingLsaLsAckTime",
1126 duration);
1127 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "lsAckSendThread",
1128 (event_is_scheduled(on->thread_send_lsack)
1129 ? "on"
1130 : "off"));
1131 json_array = json_object_new_array();
1132 for (ALL_LSDB(on->lsack_list, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->lsack_list
, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock
(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa))
, 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
1133 json_object_array_add(json_array,
1134 json_object_new_string(lsa->name));
1135 json_object_object_add(json_neighbor, "pendingLsaLsAck",
1136 json_array);
1138 bfd_sess_show(vty, json_neighbor, on->bfd_session);
1140 if (on->auth_present == true1) {
1141 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "authStatus",
1142 "enabled");
1143 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor,
1144 "recvdHelloHigherSeqNo",
1145 on->seqnum_h[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_HELLO0x1]);
1146 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor,
1147 "recvdHelloLowerSeqNo",
1148 on->seqnum_l[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_HELLO0x1]);
1149 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor,
1150 "recvdDBDescHigherSeqNo",
1151 on->seqnum_h[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_DBDESC0x2]);
1152 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor,
1153 "recvdDBDescLowerSeqNo",
1154 on->seqnum_l[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_DBDESC0x2]);
1155 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor,
1156 "recvdLSReqHigherSeqNo",
1157 on->seqnum_h[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_LSREQ0x3]);
1158 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor,
1159 "recvdLSReqLowerSeqNo",
1160 on->seqnum_l[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_LSREQ0x3]);
1161 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor,
1162 "recvdLSUpdHigherSeqNo",
1163 on->seqnum_h[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_LSUPDATE0x4]);
1164 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor,
1165 "recvdLSUpdLowerSeqNo",
1166 on->seqnum_l[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_LSUPDATE0x4]);
1167 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor,
1168 "recvdLSAckHigherSeqNo",
1169 on->seqnum_h[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_LSACK0x5]);
1170 json_object_int_add(json_neighbor,
1171 "recvdLSAckLowerSeqNo",
1172 on->seqnum_l[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_LSACK0x5]);
1173 } else
1174 json_object_string_add(json_neighbor, "authStatus",
1175 "disabled");
1177 json_object_object_add(json, on->name, json_neighbor);
1179 } else {
1180 vty_out(vty, " Neighbor %s\n", on->name);
1181 vty_out(vty, " Area %s via interface %s (ifindex %d)\n",
1182 on->ospf6_if->area->name, on->ospf6_if->interface->name,
1183 on->ospf6_if->interface->ifindex);
1184 vty_out(vty, " His IfIndex: %d Link-local address: %s\n",
1185 on->ifindex, linklocal_addr);
1186 vty_out(vty, " State %s for a duration of %s\n",
1187 ospf6_neighbor_state_str[on->state], duration);
1188 vty_out(vty, " His choice of DR/BDR %s/%s, Priority %d\n",
1189 drouter, bdrouter, on->priority);
1190 vty_out(vty, " DbDesc status: %s%s%s SeqNum: %#lx\n",
1191 (CHECK_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_IBIT)((on->dbdesc_bits) & ((0x04)))
1192 ? "Initial "
1193 : ""),
1194 (CHECK_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_MBIT)((on->dbdesc_bits) & ((0x02))) ? "More "
1195 : ""),
1196 (CHECK_FLAG(on->dbdesc_bits, OSPF6_DBDESC_MSBIT)((on->dbdesc_bits) & ((0x01)))
1197 ? "Master"
1198 : "Slave"),
1199 (unsigned long)ntohl(on->dbdesc_seqnum));
1201 vty_out(vty, " Summary-List: %d LSAs\n",
1202 on->summary_list->count);
1203 for (ALL_LSDB(on->summary_list, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->summary_list
, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock
(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa))
, 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
1204 vty_out(vty, " %s\n", lsa->name);
1206 vty_out(vty, " Request-List: %d LSAs\n",
1207 on->request_list->count);
1208 for (ALL_LSDB(on->request_list, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->request_list
, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock
(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa))
, 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
1209 vty_out(vty, " %s\n", lsa->name);
1211 vty_out(vty, " Retrans-List: %d LSAs\n",
1212 on->retrans_list->count);
1213 for (ALL_LSDB(on->retrans_list, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->retrans_list
, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock
(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa))
, 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
1214 vty_out(vty, " %s\n", lsa->name);
1216 timerclear(&res)((&res)->tv_sec = (&res)->tv_usec = 0);
1217 if (event_is_scheduled(on->thread_send_dbdesc))
1218 timersub(&on->thread_send_dbdesc->u.sands, &now, &res)do { (&res)->tv_sec = (&on->thread_send_dbdesc->
u.sands)->tv_sec - (&now)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec
= (&on->thread_send_dbdesc->u.sands)->tv_usec -
(&now)->tv_usec; if ((&res)->tv_usec < 0) {
--(&res)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec += 1000000; }
} while (0)
1219 timerstring(&res, duration, sizeof(duration))do { if ((&res)->tv_sec / 60 / 60 / 24) snprintf(duration
, sizeof(duration), "%lldd%02lld:%02lld:%02lld", (&res)->
tv_sec / 60LL / 60 / 24, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL
); else snprintf(duration, sizeof(duration), "%02lld:%02lld:%02lld"
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24, (&res)->tv_sec
/ 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL); } while (0)
1220 vty_out(vty,
1221 " %d Pending LSAs for DbDesc in Time %s [thread %s]\n",
1222 on->dbdesc_list->count, duration,
1223 (event_is_scheduled(on->thread_send_dbdesc) ? "on"
1224 : "off"));
1225 for (ALL_LSDB(on->dbdesc_list, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->dbdesc_list
, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock
(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa))
, 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
1226 vty_out(vty, " %s\n", lsa->name);
1228 timerclear(&res)((&res)->tv_sec = (&res)->tv_usec = 0);
1229 if (event_is_scheduled(on->thread_send_lsreq))
1230 timersub(&on->thread_send_lsreq->u.sands, &now, &res)do { (&res)->tv_sec = (&on->thread_send_lsreq->
u.sands)->tv_sec - (&now)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec
= (&on->thread_send_lsreq->u.sands)->tv_usec - (
&now)->tv_usec; if ((&res)->tv_usec < 0) { --
(&res)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec += 1000000; } }
while (0)
1231 timerstring(&res, duration, sizeof(duration))do { if ((&res)->tv_sec / 60 / 60 / 24) snprintf(duration
, sizeof(duration), "%lldd%02lld:%02lld:%02lld", (&res)->
tv_sec / 60LL / 60 / 24, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL
); else snprintf(duration, sizeof(duration), "%02lld:%02lld:%02lld"
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24, (&res)->tv_sec
/ 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL); } while (0)
1232 vty_out(vty,
1233 " %d Pending LSAs for LSReq in Time %s [thread %s]\n",
1234 on->request_list->count, duration,
1235 (event_is_scheduled(on->thread_send_lsreq) ? "on"
1236 : "off"));
1237 for (ALL_LSDB(on->request_list, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->request_list
, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock
(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa))
, 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
1238 vty_out(vty, " %s\n", lsa->name);
1240 timerclear(&res)((&res)->tv_sec = (&res)->tv_usec = 0);
1241 if (event_is_scheduled(on->thread_send_lsupdate))
1242 timersub(&on->thread_send_lsupdate->u.sands, &now, &res)do { (&res)->tv_sec = (&on->thread_send_lsupdate
->u.sands)->tv_sec - (&now)->tv_sec; (&res)->
tv_usec = (&on->thread_send_lsupdate->u.sands)->
tv_usec - (&now)->tv_usec; if ((&res)->tv_usec <
0) { --(&res)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec += 1000000
; } } while (0)
1243 timerstring(&res, duration, sizeof(duration))do { if ((&res)->tv_sec / 60 / 60 / 24) snprintf(duration
, sizeof(duration), "%lldd%02lld:%02lld:%02lld", (&res)->
tv_sec / 60LL / 60 / 24, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL
); else snprintf(duration, sizeof(duration), "%02lld:%02lld:%02lld"
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24, (&res)->tv_sec
/ 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL); } while (0)
1244 vty_out(vty,
1245 " %d Pending LSAs for LSUpdate in Time %s [thread %s]\n",
1246 on->lsupdate_list->count, duration,
1247 (event_is_scheduled(on->thread_send_lsupdate) ? "on"
1248 : "off"));
1249 for (ALL_LSDB(on->lsupdate_list, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->lsupdate_list
, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock
(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa))
, 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
1250 vty_out(vty, " %s\n", lsa->name);
1252 timerclear(&res)((&res)->tv_sec = (&res)->tv_usec = 0);
1253 if (event_is_scheduled(on->thread_send_lsack))
1254 timersub(&on->thread_send_lsack->u.sands, &now, &res)do { (&res)->tv_sec = (&on->thread_send_lsack->
u.sands)->tv_sec - (&now)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec
= (&on->thread_send_lsack->u.sands)->tv_usec - (
&now)->tv_usec; if ((&res)->tv_usec < 0) { --
(&res)->tv_sec; (&res)->tv_usec += 1000000; } }
while (0)
1255 timerstring(&res, duration, sizeof(duration))do { if ((&res)->tv_sec / 60 / 60 / 24) snprintf(duration
, sizeof(duration), "%lldd%02lld:%02lld:%02lld", (&res)->
tv_sec / 60LL / 60 / 24, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL
); else snprintf(duration, sizeof(duration), "%02lld:%02lld:%02lld"
, (&res)->tv_sec / 60LL / 60 % 24, (&res)->tv_sec
/ 60LL % 60, (&res)->tv_sec % 60LL); } while (0)
1256 vty_out(vty,
1257 " %d Pending LSAs for LSAck in Time %s [thread %s]\n",
1258 on->lsack_list->count, duration,
1259 (event_is_scheduled(on->thread_send_lsack) ? "on"
1260 : "off"));
1261 for (ALL_LSDB(on->lsack_list, lsa, lsanext)const struct route_node *iterend = ospf6_lsdb_head(on->lsack_list
, 0, 0, 0, &lsa); (lsa) != ((void*)0) && ospf6_lsa_lock
(lsa) && ((lsanext) = ospf6_lsdb_next(iterend, (lsa))
, 1); ospf6_lsa_unlock(&lsa), (lsa) = (lsanext)
1262 vty_out(vty, " %s\n", lsa->name);
1264 bfd_sess_show(vty, NULL((void*)0), on->bfd_session);
1266 if (on->auth_present == true1) {
1267 vty_out(vty, " Authentication header present\n");
1268 vty_out(vty,
1269 "\t\t\t hello DBDesc LSReq LSUpd LSAck\n");
1270 vty_out(vty,
1271 " Higher sequence no 0x%-10X 0x%-10X 0x%-10X 0x%-10X 0x%-10X\n",
1272 on->seqnum_h[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_HELLO0x1],
1273 on->seqnum_h[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_DBDESC0x2],
1274 on->seqnum_h[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_LSREQ0x3],
1275 on->seqnum_h[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_LSUPDATE0x4],
1276 on->seqnum_h[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_LSACK0x5]);
1277 vty_out(vty,
1278 " Lower sequence no 0x%-10X 0x%-10X 0x%-10X 0x%-10X 0x%-10X\n",
1279 on->seqnum_l[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_HELLO0x1],
1280 on->seqnum_l[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_DBDESC0x2],
1281 on->seqnum_l[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_LSREQ0x3],
1282 on->seqnum_l[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_LSUPDATE0x4],
1283 on->seqnum_l[OSPF6_MESSAGE_TYPE_LSACK0x5]);
1284 } else
1285 vty_out(vty, " Authentication header not present\n");
1286 }
1289static void ospf6_neighbor_show_detail_common(struct vty *vty,
1290 struct ospf6 *ospf6, bool_Bool uj,
1291 bool_Bool detail, bool_Bool drchoice)
1293 struct ospf6_neighbor *on;
1294 struct ospf6_interface *oi;
1295 struct ospf6_area *oa;
1296 struct listnode *i, *j, *k;
1297 json_object *json = NULL((void*)0);
1298 json_object *json_array = NULL((void*)0);
1299 void (*showfunc)(struct vty *, struct ospf6_neighbor *,
1300 json_object *json, bool_Bool use_json);
1302 if (detail)
1303 showfunc = ospf6_neighbor_show_detail;
1304 else if (drchoice)
1305 showfunc = ospf6_neighbor_show_drchoice;
1306 else
1307 showfunc = ospf6_neighbor_show;
1309 if (uj) {
1310 json = json_object_new_object();
1311 json_array = json_object_new_array();
1312 } else {
1313 if (showfunc == ospf6_neighbor_show)
1314 vty_out(vty, "%-15s %3s %11s %8s/%-12s %11s %s[%s]\n",
1315 "Neighbor ID", "Pri", "DeadTime", "State",
1316 "IfState", "Duration", "I/F", "State");
1317 else if (showfunc == ospf6_neighbor_show_drchoice)
1318 vty_out(vty, "%-15s %8s/%-11s %-15s %-15s %s[%s]\n",
1319 "RouterID", "State", "Duration", "DR", "BDR",
1320 "I/F", "State");
1321 }
1323 for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO(ospf6->area_list, i, oa)(i) = ((ospf6->area_list) ? ((ospf6->area_list)->head
) : ((void*)0)), ((oa) = ((void*)0)); (i) != ((void*)0) &&
((oa) = ((({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1323, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "i", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_145 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((i) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (i); }), ({ static const struct
xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void
*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1323, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__
, }, .expr = "(i)->data != NULL", }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_146 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect(((i)->data !=
((void*)0)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref
, ((void*)0)); } while ((i)->data != ((void*)0)); }), (i)->
data)), 1); (i) = ((i) ? ((i)->next) : ((void*)0)), ((oa) =
1324 for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO(oa->if_list, j, oi)(j) = ((oa->if_list) ? ((oa->if_list)->head) : ((void
*)0)), ((oi) = ((void*)0)); (j) != ((void*)0) && ((oi
) = ((({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__(
(used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1324, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "j", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_147 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((j) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (j); }), ({ static const struct
xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void
*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1324, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__
, }, .expr = "(j)->data != NULL", }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_148 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect(((j)->data !=
((void*)0)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref
, ((void*)0)); } while ((j)->data != ((void*)0)); }), (j)->
data)), 1); (j) = ((j) ? ((j)->next) : ((void*)0)), ((oi) =
1325 for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO(oi->neighbor_list, k, on)(k) = ((oi->neighbor_list) ? ((oi->neighbor_list)->head
) : ((void*)0)), ((on) = ((void*)0)); (k) != ((void*)0) &&
((on) = ((({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1325, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "k", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_149 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((k) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (k); }), ({ static const struct
xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void
*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1325, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__
, }, .expr = "(k)->data != NULL", }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_150 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect(((k)->data !=
((void*)0)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref
, ((void*)0)); } while ((k)->data != ((void*)0)); }), (k)->
data)), 1); (k) = ((k) ? ((k)->next) : ((void*)0)), ((on) =
) {
1326 if (showfunc == ospf6_neighbor_show_detail)
1327 (*showfunc)(vty, on, json, uj);
1328 else
1329 (*showfunc)(vty, on, json_array, uj);
1330 }
1332 if (uj) {
1333 if (showfunc != ospf6_neighbor_show_detail)
1334 json_object_object_add(json, "neighbors", json_array);
1335 else
1336 json_object_free(json_array);
1337 vty_json(vty, json);
1338 }
1341DEFUN(show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor, show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd,static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *
, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "show ipv6 ospf6 [vrf <NAME|all>] neighbor [<detail|drchoice>] [json]"
, .func = show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Show running system information\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Specify the VRF\nThe VRF name\n" "All VRFs\n" "Neighbor list\n"
"Display details\n" "Display DR choices\n" "JavaScript Object Notation\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1347, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor", }, }; static const struct xref *
const xref_p_151 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))
) = &(show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd.xref); static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor
(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused
)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1342 "show ipv6 ospf6 [vrf <NAME|all>] neighbor [<detail|drchoice>] [json]",static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *
, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "show ipv6 ospf6 [vrf <NAME|all>] neighbor [<detail|drchoice>] [json]"
, .func = show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Show running system information\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Specify the VRF\nThe VRF name\n" "All VRFs\n" "Neighbor list\n"
"Display details\n" "Display DR choices\n" "JavaScript Object Notation\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1347, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor", }, }; static const struct xref *
const xref_p_151 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))
) = &(show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd.xref); static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor
(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused
)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1343 SHOW_STR IP6_STR OSPF6_STR VRF_CMD_HELP_STRstatic int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *
, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "show ipv6 ospf6 [vrf <NAME|all>] neighbor [<detail|drchoice>] [json]"
, .func = show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Show running system information\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Specify the VRF\nThe VRF name\n" "All VRFs\n" "Neighbor list\n"
"Display details\n" "Display DR choices\n" "JavaScript Object Notation\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1347, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor", }, }; static const struct xref *
const xref_p_151 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))
) = &(show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd.xref); static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor
(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused
)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1344 "All VRFs\n"static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *
, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "show ipv6 ospf6 [vrf <NAME|all>] neighbor [<detail|drchoice>] [json]"
, .func = show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Show running system information\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Specify the VRF\nThe VRF name\n" "All VRFs\n" "Neighbor list\n"
"Display details\n" "Display DR choices\n" "JavaScript Object Notation\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1347, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor", }, }; static const struct xref *
const xref_p_151 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))
) = &(show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd.xref); static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor
(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused
)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1345 "Neighbor list\n"static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *
, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "show ipv6 ospf6 [vrf <NAME|all>] neighbor [<detail|drchoice>] [json]"
, .func = show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Show running system information\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Specify the VRF\nThe VRF name\n" "All VRFs\n" "Neighbor list\n"
"Display details\n" "Display DR choices\n" "JavaScript Object Notation\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1347, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor", }, }; static const struct xref *
const xref_p_151 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))
) = &(show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd.xref); static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor
(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused
)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1346 "Display details\n"static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *
, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "show ipv6 ospf6 [vrf <NAME|all>] neighbor [<detail|drchoice>] [json]"
, .func = show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Show running system information\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Specify the VRF\nThe VRF name\n" "All VRFs\n" "Neighbor list\n"
"Display details\n" "Display DR choices\n" "JavaScript Object Notation\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1347, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor", }, }; static const struct xref *
const xref_p_151 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))
) = &(show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd.xref); static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor
(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused
)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1347 "Display DR choices\n" JSON_STR)static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *
, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "show ipv6 ospf6 [vrf <NAME|all>] neighbor [<detail|drchoice>] [json]"
, .func = show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Show running system information\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Specify the VRF\nThe VRF name\n" "All VRFs\n" "Neighbor list\n"
"Display details\n" "Display DR choices\n" "JavaScript Object Notation\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1347, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor", }, }; static const struct xref *
const xref_p_151 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))
) = &(show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd.xref); static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor
(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused
)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1349 struct ospf6 *ospf6;
1350 struct listnode *node;
1351 const char *vrf_name = NULL((void*)0);
1352 bool_Bool all_vrf = false0;
1353 int idx_vrf = 0;
1354 int idx_type = 4;
1355 bool_Bool uj = use_json(argc, argv);
1356 bool_Bool detail = false0;
1357 bool_Bool drchoice = false0;
1359 OSPF6_FIND_VRF_ARGS(argv, argc, idx_vrf, vrf_name, all_vrf)do { if (argv_find(argv, argc, "vrf", &idx_vrf)) { vrf_name
= argv[idx_vrf + 1]->arg; all_vrf = (!strcmp((vrf_name), (
"all"))); } else { vrf_name = vrf_get_default_name(); } } while
1361 if (argv_find(argv, argc, "detail", &idx_type))
1362 detail = true1;
1363 else if (argv_find(argv, argc, "drchoice", &idx_type))
1364 drchoice = true1;
1366 for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO(om6->ospf6, node, ospf6)(node) = ((om6->ospf6) ? ((om6->ospf6)->head) : ((void
*)0)), ((ospf6) = ((void*)0)); (node) != ((void*)0) &&
((ospf6) = ((({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1366, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "node", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_152 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((node) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (node); }), ({ static const
struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = {
(((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1366, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "(node)->data != NULL", }; static const
struct xref * const xref_p_153 __attribute__((used, section(
"xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect(((node
)->data != ((void*)0)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while ((node)->data != ((void*
)0)); }), (node)->data)), 1); (node) = ((node) ? ((node)->
next) : ((void*)0)), ((ospf6) = ((void*)0))
) {
1367 if (all_vrf || strcmp(ospf6->name, vrf_name) == 0) {
1368 ospf6_neighbor_show_detail_common(vty, ospf6, uj,
1369 detail, drchoice);
1370 if (!all_vrf)
1371 break;
1372 }
1373 }
1375 OSPF6_CMD_CHECK_VRF(uj, all_vrf, ospf6)do { if (uj == 0 && all_vrf == 0 && ospf6 == (
(void*)0)) { vty_out(vty, "%% OSPFv3 instance not found\n"); return
0; } } while (0)
1377 return CMD_SUCCESS0;
1380static int ospf6_neighbor_show_common(struct vty *vty, int argc,
1381 struct cmd_token **argv,
1382 struct ospf6 *ospf6, int idx_ipv4, bool_Bool uj)
1384 struct ospf6_neighbor *on;
1385 struct ospf6_interface *oi;
1386 struct ospf6_area *oa;
1387 struct listnode *i, *j, *k;
1388 void (*showfunc)(struct vty *, struct ospf6_neighbor *,
1389 json_object *json, bool_Bool use_json);
1390 uint32_t router_id;
1391 json_object *json = NULL((void*)0);
1393 showfunc = ospf6_neighbor_show_detail;
1394 if (uj)
1395 json = json_object_new_object();
1397 if ((inet_pton(AF_INET2, argv[idx_ipv4]->arg, &router_id)) != 1) {
1398 vty_out(vty, "Router-ID is not parsable: %s\n",
1399 argv[idx_ipv4]->arg);
1400 return CMD_SUCCESS0;
1401 }
1403 for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO(ospf6->area_list, i, oa)(i) = ((ospf6->area_list) ? ((ospf6->area_list)->head
) : ((void*)0)), ((oa) = ((void*)0)); (i) != ((void*)0) &&
((oa) = ((({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1403, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "i", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_154 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((i) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (i); }), ({ static const struct
xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void
*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1403, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__
, }, .expr = "(i)->data != NULL", }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_155 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect(((i)->data !=
((void*)0)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref
, ((void*)0)); } while ((i)->data != ((void*)0)); }), (i)->
data)), 1); (i) = ((i) ? ((i)->next) : ((void*)0)), ((oa) =
1404 for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO(oa->if_list, j, oi)(j) = ((oa->if_list) ? ((oa->if_list)->head) : ((void
*)0)), ((oi) = ((void*)0)); (j) != ((void*)0) && ((oi
) = ((({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__(
(used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1404, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "j", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_156 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((j) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (j); }), ({ static const struct
xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void
*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1404, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__
, }, .expr = "(j)->data != NULL", }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_157 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect(((j)->data !=
((void*)0)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref
, ((void*)0)); } while ((j)->data != ((void*)0)); }), (j)->
data)), 1); (j) = ((j) ? ((j)->next) : ((void*)0)), ((oi) =
1405 for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO(oi->neighbor_list, k, on)(k) = ((oi->neighbor_list) ? ((oi->neighbor_list)->head
) : ((void*)0)), ((on) = ((void*)0)); (k) != ((void*)0) &&
((on) = ((({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1405, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "k", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_158 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((k) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (k); }), ({ static const struct
xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void
*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1405, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__
, }, .expr = "(k)->data != NULL", }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_159 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect(((k)->data !=
((void*)0)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref
, ((void*)0)); } while ((k)->data != ((void*)0)); }), (k)->
data)), 1); (k) = ((k) ? ((k)->next) : ((void*)0)), ((on) =
) {
1406 if (router_id == on->router_id)
1407 (*showfunc)(vty, on, json, uj);
1408 }
1410 if (uj)
1411 vty_json(vty, json);
1413 return CMD_SUCCESS0;
1416DEFUN(show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one, show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd,static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one(const struct cmd_element
*, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd = { .string = "show ipv6 ospf6 [vrf <NAME|all>] neighbor A.B.C.D [json]"
, .func = show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one, .doc = "Show running system information\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Specify the VRF\nThe VRF name\n" "All VRFs\n" "Neighbor list\n"
"Specify Router-ID as IPv4 address notation\n" "JavaScript Object Notation\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1421, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one", }, }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_160 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd.xref); static int
show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__
((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc
__attribute__((unused)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__
1417 "show ipv6 ospf6 [vrf <NAME|all>] neighbor A.B.C.D [json]",static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one(const struct cmd_element
*, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd = { .string = "show ipv6 ospf6 [vrf <NAME|all>] neighbor A.B.C.D [json]"
, .func = show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one, .doc = "Show running system information\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Specify the VRF\nThe VRF name\n" "All VRFs\n" "Neighbor list\n"
"Specify Router-ID as IPv4 address notation\n" "JavaScript Object Notation\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1421, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one", }, }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_160 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd.xref); static int
show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__
((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc
__attribute__((unused)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__
1418 SHOW_STR IP6_STR OSPF6_STR VRF_CMD_HELP_STRstatic int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one(const struct cmd_element
*, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd = { .string = "show ipv6 ospf6 [vrf <NAME|all>] neighbor A.B.C.D [json]"
, .func = show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one, .doc = "Show running system information\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Specify the VRF\nThe VRF name\n" "All VRFs\n" "Neighbor list\n"
"Specify Router-ID as IPv4 address notation\n" "JavaScript Object Notation\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1421, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one", }, }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_160 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd.xref); static int
show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__
((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc
__attribute__((unused)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__
1419 "All VRFs\n"static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one(const struct cmd_element
*, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd = { .string = "show ipv6 ospf6 [vrf <NAME|all>] neighbor A.B.C.D [json]"
, .func = show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one, .doc = "Show running system information\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Specify the VRF\nThe VRF name\n" "All VRFs\n" "Neighbor list\n"
"Specify Router-ID as IPv4 address notation\n" "JavaScript Object Notation\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1421, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one", }, }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_160 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd.xref); static int
show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__
((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc
__attribute__((unused)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__
1420 "Neighbor list\n"static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one(const struct cmd_element
*, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd = { .string = "show ipv6 ospf6 [vrf <NAME|all>] neighbor A.B.C.D [json]"
, .func = show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one, .doc = "Show running system information\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Specify the VRF\nThe VRF name\n" "All VRFs\n" "Neighbor list\n"
"Specify Router-ID as IPv4 address notation\n" "JavaScript Object Notation\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1421, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one", }, }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_160 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd.xref); static int
show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__
((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc
__attribute__((unused)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__
1421 "Specify Router-ID as IPv4 address notation\n" JSON_STR)static int show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one(const struct cmd_element
*, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd = { .string = "show ipv6 ospf6 [vrf <NAME|all>] neighbor A.B.C.D [json]"
, .func = show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one, .doc = "Show running system information\n"
"IPv6 Information\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Specify the VRF\nThe VRF name\n" "All VRFs\n" "Neighbor list\n"
"Specify Router-ID as IPv4 address notation\n" "JavaScript Object Notation\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd"
, .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1421, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one", }, }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_160 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd.xref); static int
show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__
((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc
__attribute__((unused)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__
1423 int idx_ipv4 = 4;
1424 struct ospf6 *ospf6;
1425 struct listnode *node;
1426 const char *vrf_name = NULL((void*)0);
1427 bool_Bool all_vrf = false0;
1428 int idx_vrf = 0;
1429 bool_Bool uj = use_json(argc, argv);
1431 OSPF6_FIND_VRF_ARGS(argv, argc, idx_vrf, vrf_name, all_vrf)do { if (argv_find(argv, argc, "vrf", &idx_vrf)) { vrf_name
= argv[idx_vrf + 1]->arg; all_vrf = (!strcmp((vrf_name), (
"all"))); } else { vrf_name = vrf_get_default_name(); } } while
1432 if (idx_vrf > 0)
1433 idx_ipv4 += 2;
1435 for (ALL_LIST_ELEMENTS_RO(om6->ospf6, node, ospf6)(node) = ((om6->ospf6) ? ((om6->ospf6)->head) : ((void
*)0)), ((ospf6) = ((void*)0)); (node) != ((void*)0) &&
((ospf6) = ((({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1435, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "node", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_161 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((node) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (node); }), ({ static const
struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = {
(((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1435, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "(node)->data != NULL", }; static const
struct xref * const xref_p_162 __attribute__((used, section(
"xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect(((node
)->data != ((void*)0)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while ((node)->data != ((void*
)0)); }), (node)->data)), 1); (node) = ((node) ? ((node)->
next) : ((void*)0)), ((ospf6) = ((void*)0))
) {
1436 if (all_vrf || strcmp(ospf6->name, vrf_name) == 0) {
1437 ospf6_neighbor_show_common(vty, argc, argv, ospf6,
1438 idx_ipv4, uj);
1440 if (!all_vrf)
1441 break;
1442 }
1443 }
1445 OSPF6_CMD_CHECK_VRF(uj, all_vrf, ospf6)do { if (uj == 0 && all_vrf == 0 && ospf6 == (
(void*)0)) { vty_out(vty, "%% OSPFv3 instance not found\n"); return
0; } } while (0)
1447 return CMD_SUCCESS0;
1450void ospf6_neighbor_init(void)
1452 install_element(VIEW_NODE, &show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd)do { static const struct xref_install_element _xref __attribute__
((used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_INSTALL_ELEMENT),
1452, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }, .cmd_element =
&show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd, .node_type = VIEW_NODE, }
; static const struct xref * const xref_p_163 __attribute__((
used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); _install_element
(VIEW_NODE, &show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_cmd); } while (0)
1453 install_element(VIEW_NODE, &show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd)do { static const struct xref_install_element _xref __attribute__
((used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_INSTALL_ELEMENT),
1453, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }, .cmd_element =
&show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd, .node_type = VIEW_NODE
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_164 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); _install_element
(VIEW_NODE, &show_ipv6_ospf6_neighbor_one_cmd); } while (
1455 install_element(INTERFACE_NODE, &ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd)do { static const struct xref_install_element _xref __attribute__
((used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_INSTALL_ELEMENT),
1455, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }, .cmd_element =
&ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd, .node_type = INTERFACE_NODE,
}; static const struct xref * const xref_p_165 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); _install_element
(INTERFACE_NODE, &ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cmd); } while (0)
1456 install_element(INTERFACE_NODE, &ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd)do { static const struct xref_install_element _xref __attribute__
((used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_INSTALL_ELEMENT),
1456, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }, .cmd_element =
&ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd, .node_type = INTERFACE_NODE
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_166 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); _install_element
(INTERFACE_NODE, &ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_cost_cmd); } while
1457 install_element(INTERFACE_NODE,do { static const struct xref_install_element _xref __attribute__
((used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_INSTALL_ELEMENT),
1458, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }, .cmd_element =
&ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd, .node_type = INTERFACE_NODE
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_167 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); _install_element
(INTERFACE_NODE, &ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd
); } while (0)
1458 &ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd)do { static const struct xref_install_element _xref __attribute__
((used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_INSTALL_ELEMENT),
1458, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }, .cmd_element =
&ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd, .node_type = INTERFACE_NODE
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_167 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); _install_element
(INTERFACE_NODE, &ipv6_ospf6_p2xp_neigh_poll_interval_cmd
); } while (0)
1461DEFUN(debug_ospf6_neighbor, debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd,static int debug_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *, struct
vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct cmd_element
debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "debug ospf6 neighbor [<state|event>]"
, .func = debug_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Debugging functions\n"
"Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n" "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor\n"
"Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor State Change\n" "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor Event\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd",
.xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1465, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "debug_ospf6_neighbor", }, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_168 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd.xref); static int debug_ospf6_neighbor
(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused
)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1462 "debug ospf6 neighbor [<state|event>]",static int debug_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *, struct
vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct cmd_element
debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "debug ospf6 neighbor [<state|event>]"
, .func = debug_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Debugging functions\n"
"Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n" "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor\n"
"Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor State Change\n" "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor Event\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd",
.xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1465, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "debug_ospf6_neighbor", }, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_168 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd.xref); static int debug_ospf6_neighbor
(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused
)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1463 DEBUG_STR OSPF6_STR "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor\n"static int debug_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *, struct
vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct cmd_element
debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "debug ospf6 neighbor [<state|event>]"
, .func = debug_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Debugging functions\n"
"Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n" "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor\n"
"Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor State Change\n" "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor Event\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd",
.xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1465, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "debug_ospf6_neighbor", }, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_168 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd.xref); static int debug_ospf6_neighbor
(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused
)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1464 "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor State Change\n"static int debug_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *, struct
vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct cmd_element
debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "debug ospf6 neighbor [<state|event>]"
, .func = debug_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Debugging functions\n"
"Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n" "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor\n"
"Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor State Change\n" "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor Event\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd",
.xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1465, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "debug_ospf6_neighbor", }, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_168 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd.xref); static int debug_ospf6_neighbor
(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused
)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1465 "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor Event\n")static int debug_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *, struct
vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct cmd_element
debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "debug ospf6 neighbor [<state|event>]"
, .func = debug_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Debugging functions\n"
"Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n" "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor\n"
"Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor State Change\n" "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor Event\n"
, .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name = "debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd",
.xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN), 1465, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c"
, "debug_ospf6_neighbor", }, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_168 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd.xref); static int debug_ospf6_neighbor
(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__((unused)), struct
vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused
)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1467 int idx_type = 3;
1468 unsigned char level = 0;
1470 if (argc == 4) {
1471 if (!strncmp(argv[idx_type]->arg, "s", 1))
1472 level = OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_STATE0x01;
1473 else if (!strncmp(argv[idx_type]->arg, "e", 1))
1474 level = OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_EVENT0x02;
1475 } else
1478 OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_ON(level)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor |= (level));
1479 return CMD_SUCCESS0;
1483DEFUN(no_debug_ospf6_neighbor, no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd,static int no_debug_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *
, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "no debug ospf6 neighbor [<state|event>]"
, .func = no_debug_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"Debugging functions\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor\n" "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor State Change\n"
"Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor Event\n", .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name
= "no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd", .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN
), 1487, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", "no_debug_ospf6_neighbor"
, }, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_169 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd
.xref); static int no_debug_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1484 "no debug ospf6 neighbor [<state|event>]",static int no_debug_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *
, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "no debug ospf6 neighbor [<state|event>]"
, .func = no_debug_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"Debugging functions\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor\n" "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor State Change\n"
"Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor Event\n", .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name
= "no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd", .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN
), 1487, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", "no_debug_ospf6_neighbor"
, }, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_169 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd
.xref); static int no_debug_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1485 NO_STR DEBUG_STR OSPF6_STR "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor\n"static int no_debug_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *
, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "no debug ospf6 neighbor [<state|event>]"
, .func = no_debug_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"Debugging functions\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor\n" "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor State Change\n"
"Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor Event\n", .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name
= "no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd", .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN
), 1487, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", "no_debug_ospf6_neighbor"
, }, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_169 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd
.xref); static int no_debug_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1486 "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor State Change\n"static int no_debug_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *
, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "no debug ospf6 neighbor [<state|event>]"
, .func = no_debug_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"Debugging functions\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor\n" "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor State Change\n"
"Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor Event\n", .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name
= "no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd", .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN
), 1487, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", "no_debug_ospf6_neighbor"
, }, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_169 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd
.xref); static int no_debug_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1487 "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor Event\n")static int no_debug_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element *
, struct vty *, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct
cmd_element no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd = { .string = "no debug ospf6 neighbor [<state|event>]"
, .func = no_debug_ospf6_neighbor, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n"
"Debugging functions\n" "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n"
"Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor\n" "Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor State Change\n"
"Debug OSPFv3 Neighbor Event\n", .attr = 0, .daemon = 0, .name
= "no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd", .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_DEFUN
), 1487, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", "no_debug_ospf6_neighbor"
, }, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_169 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd
.xref); static int no_debug_ospf6_neighbor(const struct cmd_element
*self __attribute__((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__
((unused)), int argc __attribute__((unused)), struct cmd_token
*argv[] __attribute__((unused)))
1489 int idx_type = 4;
1490 unsigned char level = 0;
1492 if (argc == 5) {
1493 if (!strncmp(argv[idx_type]->arg, "s", 1))
1494 level = OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_STATE0x01;
1495 if (!strncmp(argv[idx_type]->arg, "e", 1))
1496 level = OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_EVENT0x02;
1497 } else
1500 OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_OFF(level)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor &= ~(level));
1501 return CMD_SUCCESS0;
1505DEFUN(no_debug_ospf6, no_debug_ospf6_cmd, "no debug ospf6",static int no_debug_ospf6(const struct cmd_element *, struct vty
*, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct cmd_element
no_debug_ospf6_cmd = { .string = "no debug ospf6", .func = no_debug_ospf6
, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n" "Debugging functions\n"
"Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n", .attr = 0, .daemon
= 0, .name = "no_debug_ospf6_cmd", .xref = { (((void*)0)), (
XREFT_DEFUN), 1506, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", "no_debug_ospf6"
, }, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_170 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(no_debug_ospf6_cmd.xref
); static int no_debug_ospf6(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__
((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc
__attribute__((unused)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__
1506 NO_STR DEBUG_STR OSPF6_STR)static int no_debug_ospf6(const struct cmd_element *, struct vty
*, int, struct cmd_token *[]); static const struct cmd_element
no_debug_ospf6_cmd = { .string = "no debug ospf6", .func = no_debug_ospf6
, .doc = "Negate a command or set its defaults\n" "Debugging functions\n"
"Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for IPv6\n", .attr = 0, .daemon
= 0, .name = "no_debug_ospf6_cmd", .xref = { (((void*)0)), (
XREFT_DEFUN), 1506, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", "no_debug_ospf6"
, }, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_170 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(no_debug_ospf6_cmd.xref
); static int no_debug_ospf6(const struct cmd_element *self __attribute__
((unused)), struct vty *vty __attribute__((unused)), int argc
__attribute__((unused)), struct cmd_token *argv[] __attribute__
1508 unsigned int i;
1510 OSPF6_DEBUG_ABR_OFF()(conf_debug_ospf6_abr = 0);
1511 OSPF6_DEBUG_ASBR_OFF()(conf_debug_ospf6_asbr = 0);
1512 OSPF6_DEBUG_BROUTER_OFF()(conf_debug_ospf6_brouter &= ~0x01);
1513 OSPF6_DEBUG_BROUTER_SPECIFIC_ROUTER_OFF()do { conf_debug_ospf6_brouter_specific_router_id = 0; conf_debug_ospf6_brouter
&= ~0x02; } while (0)
1514 OSPF6_DEBUG_BROUTER_SPECIFIC_AREA_OFF()do { conf_debug_ospf6_brouter_specific_area_id = 0; conf_debug_ospf6_brouter
&= ~0x04; } while (0)
1515 OSPF6_DEBUG_FLOODING_OFF()(conf_debug_ospf6_flooding = 0);
1516 OSPF6_DEBUG_INTERFACE_OFF()(conf_debug_ospf6_interface = 0);
1518 ospf6_lsa_debug_set_all(false0);
1520 for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
1521 OSPF6_DEBUG_MESSAGE_OFF(i, OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_STATE |(conf_debug_ospf6_message[i] &= ~(0x01 | 0x02))
1522 OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_EVENT)(conf_debug_ospf6_message[i] &= ~(0x01 | 0x02));
1524 OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_OFF(OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_STATE |(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor &= ~(0x01 | 0x02))
1525 OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_EVENT)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor &= ~(0x01 | 0x02));
1526 OSPF6_DEBUG_ROUTE_OFF(OSPF6_DEBUG_ROUTE_TABLE)(conf_debug_ospf6_route &= ~(0x01));
1527 OSPF6_DEBUG_ROUTE_OFF(OSPF6_DEBUG_ROUTE_INTRA)(conf_debug_ospf6_route &= ~(0x02));
1528 OSPF6_DEBUG_ROUTE_OFF(OSPF6_DEBUG_ROUTE_INTER)(conf_debug_ospf6_route &= ~(0x04));
1529 OSPF6_DEBUG_ROUTE_OFF(OSPF6_DEBUG_ROUTE_MEMORY)(conf_debug_ospf6_route &= ~(0x08));
1530 OSPF6_DEBUG_SPF_OFF(OSPF6_DEBUG_SPF_PROCESS)(conf_debug_ospf6_spf &= ~(0x01));
1531 OSPF6_DEBUG_SPF_OFF(OSPF6_DEBUG_SPF_TIME)(conf_debug_ospf6_spf &= ~(0x02));
1532 OSPF6_DEBUG_SPF_OFF(OSPF6_DEBUG_SPF_DATABASE)(conf_debug_ospf6_spf &= ~(0x04));
1533 OSPF6_DEBUG_ZEBRA_OFF(OSPF6_DEBUG_ZEBRA_SEND | OSPF6_DEBUG_ZEBRA_RECV)(conf_debug_ospf6_zebra &= ~(0x01 | 0x02));
1535 return CMD_SUCCESS0;
1538int config_write_ospf6_debug_neighbor(struct vty *vty)
1540 if (IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR(STATE)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor & 0x01) && IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR(EVENT)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor & 0x02))
1541 vty_out(vty, "debug ospf6 neighbor\n");
1542 else if (IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR(STATE)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor & 0x01))
1543 vty_out(vty, "debug ospf6 neighbor state\n");
1544 else if (IS_OSPF6_DEBUG_NEIGHBOR(EVENT)(conf_debug_ospf6_neighbor & 0x02))
1545 vty_out(vty, "debug ospf6 neighbor event\n");
1546 return 0;
1549int config_write_ospf6_p2xp_neighbor(struct vty *vty, struct ospf6_interface *oi)
1551 struct ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfg *p2xp_cfg;
1553 frr_each (ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs, &oi->p2xp_neighs, p2xp_cfg)for (p2xp_cfg = ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_first(&oi->p2xp_neighs
); p2xp_cfg; p2xp_cfg = ospf6_if_p2xp_neighcfgs_next(&oi->
p2xp_neighs, p2xp_cfg))
1554 vty_out(vty, " ipv6 ospf6 neighbor %pI6\n", &p2xp_cfg->addr);
1556 if (p2xp_cfg->poll_interval)
1557 vty_out(vty,
1558 " ipv6 ospf6 neighbor %pI6 poll-interval %u\n",
1559 &p2xp_cfg->addr, p2xp_cfg->poll_interval);
1561 if (p2xp_cfg->cfg_cost)
1562 vty_out(vty, " ipv6 ospf6 neighbor %pI6 cost %u\n",
1563 &p2xp_cfg->addr, p2xp_cfg->cost);
1564 }
1565 return 0;
1568void install_element_ospf6_debug_neighbor(void)
1570 install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd)do { static const struct xref_install_element _xref __attribute__
((used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_INSTALL_ELEMENT),
1570, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }, .cmd_element =
&debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd, .node_type = ENABLE_NODE, }; static
const struct xref * const xref_p_171 __attribute__((used, section
("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); _install_element(ENABLE_NODE
, &debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd); } while (0)
1571 install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd)do { static const struct xref_install_element _xref __attribute__
((used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_INSTALL_ELEMENT),
1571, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }, .cmd_element =
&no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd, .node_type = ENABLE_NODE, }
; static const struct xref * const xref_p_172 __attribute__((
used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); _install_element
(ENABLE_NODE, &no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd); } while (0)
1572 install_element(ENABLE_NODE, &no_debug_ospf6_cmd)do { static const struct xref_install_element _xref __attribute__
((used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_INSTALL_ELEMENT),
1572, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }, .cmd_element =
&no_debug_ospf6_cmd, .node_type = ENABLE_NODE, }; static
const struct xref * const xref_p_173 __attribute__((used, section
("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); _install_element(ENABLE_NODE
, &no_debug_ospf6_cmd); } while (0)
1573 install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd)do { static const struct xref_install_element _xref __attribute__
((used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_INSTALL_ELEMENT),
1573, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }, .cmd_element =
&debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd, .node_type = CONFIG_NODE, }; static
const struct xref * const xref_p_174 __attribute__((used, section
("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); _install_element(CONFIG_NODE
, &debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd); } while (0)
1574 install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd)do { static const struct xref_install_element _xref __attribute__
((used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_INSTALL_ELEMENT),
1574, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }, .cmd_element =
&no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd, .node_type = CONFIG_NODE, }
; static const struct xref * const xref_p_175 __attribute__((
used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); _install_element
(CONFIG_NODE, &no_debug_ospf6_neighbor_cmd); } while (0)
1575 install_element(CONFIG_NODE, &no_debug_ospf6_cmd)do { static const struct xref_install_element _xref __attribute__
((used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_INSTALL_ELEMENT),
1575, "ospf6d/ospf6_neighbor.c", __func__, }, .cmd_element =
&no_debug_ospf6_cmd, .node_type = CONFIG_NODE, }; static
const struct xref * const xref_p_176 __attribute__((used, section
("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); _install_element(CONFIG_NODE
, &no_debug_ospf6_cmd); } while (0)