Bug Summary

Warning:line 1012, column 4
Value stored to 'ret' is never read

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name northbound_oper.c -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-opt-analyze-nested-blocks -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -fhalf-no-semantic-interposition -mframe-pointer=all -fmath-errno -ffp-contract=on -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -funwind-tables=2 -target-cpu x86-64 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/home/sharpd/frr3 -resource-dir /usr/lib/llvm-14/lib/clang/14.0.0 -D HAVE_CONFIG_H -D SYSCONFDIR="/etc/frr/" -D CONFDATE=20240105 -I . -I ./lib/assert -I . -I ./include -I ./lib -I . -I /usr/include/lua5.3 -I /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -D PIC -internal-isystem /usr/lib/llvm-14/lib/clang/14.0.0/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/12/../../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -O0 -Wwrite-strings -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-microsoft-anon-tag -fconst-strings -fdebug-compilation-dir=/home/sharpd/frr3 -ferror-limit 19 -fms-extensions -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -analyzer-output=html -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /tmp/scan-build-2024-01-05-120749-780821-1 -x c lib/northbound_oper.c
1// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
3 * October 14 2023, Christian Hopps <chopps@labn.net>
4 *
5 * Copyright (C) 2018 NetDEF, Inc.
6 * Renato Westphal
7 * Copyright (c) 2023, LabN Consulting, L.L.C.
8 *
9 */
11#include <zebra.h>
12#include "darr.h"
13#include "debug.h"
14#include "frrevent.h"
15#include "frrstr.h"
16#include "lib_errors.h"
17#include "monotime.h"
18#include "northbound.h"
21 * YANG model yielding design restrictions:
22 *
23 * In order to be able to yield and guarantee we have a valid data tree at the
24 * point of yielding we must know that each parent has all it's siblings
25 * collected to represent a complete element.
26 *
27 * Basically, there should be a only single branch in the schema tree that
28 * supports yielding. In practice this means:
29 *
30 * list node schema with lookup next:
31 * - must not have any lookup-next list node sibling schema
32 * - must not have any list or container node siblings with lookup-next descendants.
33 * - any parent list nodes must also be lookup-next list nodes
34 *
35 * We must also process containers with lookup-next descendants last.
36 */
38DEFINE_MTYPE_STATIC(LIB, NB_YIELD_STATE, "NB Yield State")static struct memtype MTYPE_NB_YIELD_STATE[1] __attribute__((
section(".data.mtypes"))) = { { .name = "NB Yield State", .next
= ((void*)0), .n_alloc = 0, .size = 0, .ref = ((void*)0), } }
; static void _mtinit_NB_YIELD_STATE(void) __attribute__((constructor
(1001))); static void _mtinit_NB_YIELD_STATE(void) { if (_mg_LIB
.insert == ((void*)0)) _mg_LIB.insert = &_mg_LIB.types; MTYPE_NB_YIELD_STATE
->ref = _mg_LIB.insert; *_mg_LIB.insert = MTYPE_NB_YIELD_STATE
; _mg_LIB.insert = &MTYPE_NB_YIELD_STATE->next; } static
void _mtfini_NB_YIELD_STATE(void) __attribute__((destructor)
); static void _mtfini_NB_YIELD_STATE(void) { if (MTYPE_NB_YIELD_STATE
->next; } _Static_assert(1, "please add a semicolon after this macro"
39DEFINE_MTYPE_STATIC(LIB, NB_NODE_INFOS, "NB Node Infos")static struct memtype MTYPE_NB_NODE_INFOS[1] __attribute__((section
(".data.mtypes"))) = { { .name = "NB Node Infos", .next = ((void
*)0), .n_alloc = 0, .size = 0, .ref = ((void*)0), } }; static
void _mtinit_NB_NODE_INFOS(void) __attribute__((constructor(
1001))); static void _mtinit_NB_NODE_INFOS(void) { if (_mg_LIB
.insert == ((void*)0)) _mg_LIB.insert = &_mg_LIB.types; MTYPE_NB_NODE_INFOS
->ref = _mg_LIB.insert; *_mg_LIB.insert = MTYPE_NB_NODE_INFOS
; _mg_LIB.insert = &MTYPE_NB_NODE_INFOS->next; } static
void _mtfini_NB_NODE_INFOS(void) __attribute__((destructor))
; static void _mtfini_NB_NODE_INFOS(void) { if (MTYPE_NB_NODE_INFOS
next; } _Static_assert(1, "please add a semicolon after this macro"
41/* Amount of time allowed to spend constructing oper-state prior to yielding */
42#define NB_OP_WALK_INTERVAL_MS50 50
43#define NB_OP_WALK_INTERVAL_US(50 * 1000) (NB_OP_WALK_INTERVAL_MS50 * 1000)
45/* ---------- */
46/* Data Types */
47/* ---------- */
48PREDECL_LIST(nb_op_walks)struct nb_op_walks_head { struct slist_head sh; }; struct nb_op_walks_item
{ struct slist_item si; }; _Static_assert(1, "please add a semicolon after this macro"
51 * This is our information about a node on the branch we are looking at
52 */
53struct nb_op_node_info {
54 struct lyd_node_inner *inner;
55 const struct lysc_node *schema; /* inner schema in case we rm inner */
56 struct yang_list_keys keys; /* if list, keys to locate element */
57 const void *list_entry; /* opaque entry from user or NULL */
58 uint xpath_len; /* length of the xpath string for this node */
59 uint niters; /* # list elems create this iteration */
60 uint nents; /* # list elems create so far */
61 bool_Bool query_specific_entry : 1; /* this info is specific specified */
62 bool_Bool has_lookup_next : 1; /* if this node support lookup next */
63 bool_Bool lookup_next_ok : 1; /* if this and all previous support */
67 * struct nb_op_yield_state - tracking required state for yielding.
68 *
69 * @xpath: current xpath representing the node_info stack.
70 * @xpath_orig: the original query string from the user
71 * @node_infos: the container stack for the walk from root to current
72 * @schema_path: the schema nodes for each node in the query string.
73 # @query_tokstr: the query string tokenized with NUL bytes.
74 * @query_tokens: the string pointers to each query token (node).
75 * @walk_root_level: The topmost specific node, +1 is where we start walking.
76 * @walk_start_level: @walk_root_level + 1.
77 * @query_base_level: the level the query string stops at and full walks
78 * commence below that.
79 */
80struct nb_op_yield_state {
81 /* Walking state */
82 char *xpath;
83 char *xpath_orig;
84 struct nb_op_node_info *node_infos;
85 const struct lysc_node **schema_path;
86 char *query_tokstr;
87 char **query_tokens;
88 int walk_root_level;
89 int walk_start_level;
90 int query_base_level;
91 bool_Bool query_list_entry; /* XXX query was for a specific list entry */
93 /* Yielding state */
94 bool_Bool query_did_entry; /* currently processing the entry */
95 bool_Bool should_batch;
96 struct timeval start_time;
97 struct yang_translator *translator;
98 uint32_t flags;
99 nb_oper_data_cb cb;
100 void *cb_arg;
101 nb_oper_data_finish_cb finish;
102 void *finish_arg;
103 struct event *walk_ev;
104 struct nb_op_walks_item link;
107DECLARE_LIST(nb_op_walks, struct nb_op_yield_state, link)static inline __attribute__((unused)) void nb_op_walks_init(struct
nb_op_walks_head *h) { memset(h, 0, sizeof(*h)); h->sh.first
= &typesafe_slist_sentinel; h->sh.last_next = &h->
sh.first; } static inline __attribute__((unused)) void nb_op_walks_fini
(struct nb_op_walks_head *h) { memset(h, 0, sizeof(*h)); } static
inline __attribute__((unused)) void nb_op_walks_add_head(struct
nb_op_walks_head *h, struct nb_op_yield_state *item) { typesafe_list_add
(&h->sh, &h->sh.first, &item->link.si); }
static inline __attribute__((unused)) void nb_op_walks_add_tail
(struct nb_op_walks_head *h, struct nb_op_yield_state *item) {
typesafe_list_add(&h->sh, h->sh.last_next, &item
->link.si); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) void nb_op_walks_add_after
(struct nb_op_walks_head *h, struct nb_op_yield_state *after,
struct nb_op_yield_state *item) { struct slist_item **nextp;
nextp = after ? &after->link.si.next : &h->sh.
first; typesafe_list_add(&h->sh, nextp, &item->
link.si); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) struct nb_op_yield_state
*nb_op_walks_del(struct nb_op_walks_head *h, struct nb_op_yield_state
*item) { struct slist_item **iter = &h->sh.first; while
(*iter != &typesafe_slist_sentinel && *iter != &
item->link.si) iter = &(*iter)->next; if (*iter == &
typesafe_slist_sentinel) return ((void*)0); h->sh.count--;
*iter = item->link.si.next; if (item->link.si.next == &
typesafe_slist_sentinel) h->sh.last_next = iter; item->
link.si.next = ((void*)0); return item; } static inline __attribute__
((unused)) struct nb_op_yield_state *nb_op_walks_pop(struct nb_op_walks_head
*h) { struct slist_item *sitem = h->sh.first; if (sitem ==
&typesafe_slist_sentinel) return ((void*)0); h->sh.count
--; h->sh.first = sitem->next; if (h->sh.first == &
typesafe_slist_sentinel) h->sh.last_next = &h->sh.first
; sitem->next = ((void*)0); return (__builtin_choose_expr(
__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&((struct nb_op_yield_state
*)0)->link.si), typeof(sitem)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p
(void *, typeof(sitem)), ({ typeof(((struct nb_op_yield_state
*)0)->link.si) *__mptr = (void *)(sitem); (struct nb_op_yield_state
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct nb_op_yield_state
, link.si)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct nb_op_yield_state *
)0)->link.si) *__mptr = (sitem); (const struct nb_op_yield_state
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct nb_op_yield_state
, link.si)); }) )); } static inline __attribute__((unused)) void
nb_op_walks_swap_all(struct nb_op_walks_head *a, struct nb_op_walks_head
*b) { struct nb_op_walks_head tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp; if
(a->sh.last_next == &b->sh.first) a->sh.last_next
= &a->sh.first; if (b->sh.last_next == &a->
sh.first) b->sh.last_next = &b->sh.first; } static inline
__attribute__((unused, pure)) const struct nb_op_yield_state
*nb_op_walks_const_first(const struct nb_op_walks_head *h) {
if (h->sh.first != &typesafe_slist_sentinel) return (
__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&
((struct nb_op_yield_state *)0)->link.si), typeof(h->sh
.first)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof(h->
sh.first)), ({ typeof(((struct nb_op_yield_state *)0)->link
.si) *__mptr = (void *)(h->sh.first); (struct nb_op_yield_state
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct nb_op_yield_state
, link.si)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct nb_op_yield_state *
)0)->link.si) *__mptr = (h->sh.first); (const struct nb_op_yield_state
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct nb_op_yield_state
, link.si)); }) )); return ((void*)0); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) const struct nb_op_yield_state *nb_op_walks_const_next
(const struct nb_op_walks_head *h, const struct nb_op_yield_state
*item) { const struct slist_item *sitem = &item->link
.si; if (sitem->next != &typesafe_slist_sentinel) return
(__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(
&((struct nb_op_yield_state *)0)->link.si), typeof(sitem
->next)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof(sitem
->next)), ({ typeof(((struct nb_op_yield_state *)0)->link
.si) *__mptr = (void *)(sitem->next); (struct nb_op_yield_state
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct nb_op_yield_state
, link.si)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct nb_op_yield_state *
)0)->link.si) *__mptr = (sitem->next); (const struct nb_op_yield_state
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct nb_op_yield_state
, link.si)); }) )); return ((void*)0); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) struct nb_op_yield_state *nb_op_walks_first(
struct nb_op_walks_head *h) { return (struct nb_op_yield_state
*)nb_op_walks_const_first(h); } static inline __attribute__(
(unused, pure)) struct nb_op_yield_state *nb_op_walks_next(struct
nb_op_walks_head *h, struct nb_op_yield_state *item) { return
(struct nb_op_yield_state *)nb_op_walks_const_next(h, item);
} static inline __attribute__((unused, pure)) struct nb_op_yield_state
*nb_op_walks_next_safe(struct nb_op_walks_head *h, struct nb_op_yield_state
*item) { struct slist_item *sitem; if (!item) return ((void*
)0); sitem = &item->link.si; if (sitem->next != &
typesafe_slist_sentinel) return (__builtin_choose_expr( __builtin_types_compatible_p
(typeof(&((struct nb_op_yield_state *)0)->link.si), typeof
(sitem->next)) || __builtin_types_compatible_p(void *, typeof
(sitem->next)), ({ typeof(((struct nb_op_yield_state *)0)->
link.si) *__mptr = (void *)(sitem->next); (struct nb_op_yield_state
*)((char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct nb_op_yield_state
, link.si)); }), ({ typeof(((const struct nb_op_yield_state *
)0)->link.si) *__mptr = (sitem->next); (const struct nb_op_yield_state
*)((const char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct nb_op_yield_state
, link.si)); }) )); return ((void*)0); } static inline __attribute__
((unused, pure)) size_t nb_op_walks_count(const struct nb_op_walks_head
*h) { return h->sh.count; } static inline __attribute__((
unused, pure)) _Bool nb_op_walks_anywhere(const struct nb_op_yield_state
*item) { return item->link.si.next != ((void*)0); } static
inline __attribute__((unused, pure)) _Bool nb_op_walks_member
(const struct nb_op_walks_head *h, const struct nb_op_yield_state
*item) { return typesafe_list_member(&h->sh, &item
->link.si); } _Static_assert(1, "please add a semicolon after this macro"
109/* ---------------- */
110/* Global Variables */
111/* ---------------- */
113static struct event_loop *event_loop;
114static struct nb_op_walks_head nb_op_walks;
116/* --------------------- */
117/* Function Declarations */
118/* --------------------- */
120static enum nb_error nb_op_yield(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys);
121static struct lyd_node *ys_root_node(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys);
123/* -------------------- */
124/* Function Definitions */
125/* -------------------- */
127static inline struct nb_op_yield_state *
128nb_op_create_yield_state(const char *xpath, struct yang_translator *translator,
129 uint32_t flags, bool_Bool should_batch, nb_oper_data_cb cb,
130 void *cb_arg, nb_oper_data_finish_cb finish,
131 void *finish_arg)
133 struct nb_op_yield_state *ys;
135 ys = XCALLOC(MTYPE_NB_YIELD_STATE, sizeof(*ys))qcalloc(MTYPE_NB_YIELD_STATE, sizeof(*ys));
136 ys->xpath = darr_strdup_cap(xpath, (size_t)XPATH_MAXLEN)({ size_t __size = strlen(xpath) + 1; char *__s = ((void*)0);
({ if ((ssize_t)(((__s) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(__s)) - 1)->cap) < (ssize_t)(((ssize_t)((size_t)1024
) > (ssize_t)__size) ? (size_t)((size_t)1024) : __size)) (
{ ((__s)) = __darr_resize((__s), (((ssize_t)((size_t)1024) >
(ssize_t)__size) ? (size_t)((size_t)1024) : __size), sizeof(
((__s))[0]), MTYPE_DARR_STR); }); (__s); }); strlcpy(__s, (xpath
), (((__s) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(__s
)) - 1)->cap)); do { ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref
__attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT
), 136, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .expr = "(__s) || !((size_t)__size)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_256 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((__s) || !((size_t)__size)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while ((__s) || !((size_t)__size)
); }); if ((__s)) { ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 136, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "(long long)darr_cap(__s) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_257 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((long long)(((__s) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(__s)) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)) ? 0
: 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0)); }
while ((long long)(((__s) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(__s)) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)); }
); (((struct darr_metadata *)(__s)) - 1)->len = ((size_t)__size
); } } while (0); __s; })
137 ys->xpath_orig = darr_strdup(xpath)({ size_t __size = strlen(xpath) + 1; char *__s = ((void*)0);
({ if ((ssize_t)(((__s) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(__s)) - 1)->cap) < (ssize_t)(((ssize_t)(0) > (ssize_t
)__size) ? (size_t)(0) : __size)) ({ ((__s)) = __darr_resize(
(__s), (((ssize_t)(0) > (ssize_t)__size) ? (size_t)(0) : __size
), sizeof(((__s))[0]), MTYPE_DARR_STR); }); (__s); }); strlcpy
(__s, (xpath), (((__s) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(__s)) - 1)->cap)); do { ({ static const struct xref_assert
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT
), 137, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .expr = "(__s) || !((size_t)__size)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_258 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((__s) || !((size_t)__size)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while ((__s) || !((size_t)__size)
); }); if ((__s)) { ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 137, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "(long long)darr_cap(__s) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_259 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((long long)(((__s) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(__s)) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)) ? 0
: 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0)); }
while ((long long)(((__s) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(__s)) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)); }
); (((struct darr_metadata *)(__s)) - 1)->len = ((size_t)__size
); } } while (0); __s; })
138 ys->translator = translator;
139 ys->flags = flags;
140 ys->should_batch = should_batch;
141 ys->cb = cb;
142 ys->cb_arg = cb_arg;
143 ys->finish = finish;
144 ys->finish_arg = finish_arg;
146 nb_op_walks_add_tail(&nb_op_walks, ys);
148 return ys;
151static inline void nb_op_free_yield_state(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys,
152 bool_Bool nofree_tree)
154 if (ys) {
155 EVENT_OFF(ys->walk_ev)do { if ((ys->walk_ev)) event_cancel(&(ys->walk_ev)
); } while (0)
156 nb_op_walks_del(&nb_op_walks, ys);
157 /* if we have a branch then free up it's libyang tree */
158 if (!nofree_tree && ys_root_node(ys))
159 lyd_free_all(ys_root_node(ys));
160 darr_free(ys->query_tokens)do { if ((ys->query_tokens)) { struct darr_metadata *__meta
= (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->query_tokens)) - 1); do {
qfree(__meta->mtype, __meta); __meta = ((void*)0); } while
(0); (ys->query_tokens) = ((void*)0); } } while (0)
161 darr_free(ys->query_tokstr)do { if ((ys->query_tokstr)) { struct darr_metadata *__meta
= (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->query_tokstr)) - 1); do {
qfree(__meta->mtype, __meta); __meta = ((void*)0); } while
(0); (ys->query_tokstr) = ((void*)0); } } while (0)
162 darr_free(ys->schema_path)do { if ((ys->schema_path)) { struct darr_metadata *__meta
= (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->schema_path)) - 1); do {
qfree(__meta->mtype, __meta); __meta = ((void*)0); } while
(0); (ys->schema_path) = ((void*)0); } } while (0)
163 darr_free(ys->node_infos)do { if ((ys->node_infos)) { struct darr_metadata *__meta =
(((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1); do { qfree
(__meta->mtype, __meta); __meta = ((void*)0); } while (0);
(ys->node_infos) = ((void*)0); } } while (0)
164 darr_free(ys->xpath_orig)do { if ((ys->xpath_orig)) { struct darr_metadata *__meta =
(((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath_orig)) - 1); do { qfree
(__meta->mtype, __meta); __meta = ((void*)0); } while (0);
(ys->xpath_orig) = ((void*)0); } } while (0)
165 darr_free(ys->xpath)do { if ((ys->xpath)) { struct darr_metadata *__meta = (((
struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) - 1); do { qfree(__meta
->mtype, __meta); __meta = ((void*)0); } while (0); (ys->
xpath) = ((void*)0); } } while (0)
166 XFREE(MTYPE_NB_YIELD_STATE, ys)do { qfree(MTYPE_NB_YIELD_STATE, ys); ys = ((void*)0); } while
167 }
170static const struct lysc_node *ys_get_walk_stem_tip(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys)
172 if (ys->walk_start_level <= 0)
173 return NULL((void*)0);
174 return ys->node_infos[ys->walk_start_level - 1].schema;
177static struct lyd_node *ys_root_node(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys)
179 if (!darr_len(ys->node_infos)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len)
180 return NULL((void*)0);
181 return &ys->node_infos[0].inner->node;
184static void ys_trim_xpath(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys)
186 uint len = darr_len(ys->node_infos)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len)
188 if (len == 0)
189 darr_setlen(ys->xpath, 1)do { ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 189, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "(ys->xpath) || !(1)", }; static const
struct xref * const xref_p_260 __attribute__((used, section(
"xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect(((ys
->xpath) || !(1)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&
_xref, ((void*)0)); } while ((ys->xpath) || !(1)); }); if (
(ys->xpath)) { ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 189, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "(long long)darr_cap(ys->xpath) >= (long long)(1)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_261 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((long long)(((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)(1)) ? 0 : 1
, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while
((long long)(((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)(1)); }); (
((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->len = (1); }
} while (0)
190 else
191 darr_setlen(ys->xpath, darr_last(ys->node_infos)->xpath_len + 1)do { ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 191, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "(ys->xpath) || !(({ uint __len = (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); ((__len > 0) ? &(ys->node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void*)0)); })->xpath_len + 1)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_262 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((ys->xpath) || !(({ uint __len = (((ys->node_infos) ==
((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos
)) - 1)->len); ((__len > 0) ? &(ys->node_infos)[
__len - 1] : ((void*)0)); })->xpath_len + 1)) ? 0 : 1, 0))
do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while ((
ys->xpath) || !(({ uint __len = (((ys->node_infos) == (
(void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos
)) - 1)->len); ((__len > 0) ? &(ys->node_infos)[
__len - 1] : ((void*)0)); })->xpath_len + 1)); }); if ((ys
->xpath)) { ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 191, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "(long long)darr_cap(ys->xpath) >= (long long)(({ uint __len = (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); ((__len > 0) ? &(ys->node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void*)0)); })->xpath_len + 1)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_263 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((long long)(((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)(({ uint __len
= (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); ((__len > 0) ? &
(ys->node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void*)0)); })->xpath_len
+ 1)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void
*)0)); } while ((long long)(((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0
: (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->cap) >=
(long long)(({ uint __len = (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*
)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1
)->len); ((__len > 0) ? &(ys->node_infos)[__len -
1] : ((void*)0)); })->xpath_len + 1)); }); (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->len = (({ uint __len = (((ys->
node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys
->node_infos)) - 1)->len); ((__len > 0) ? &(ys->
node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void*)0)); })->xpath_len + 1); }
} while (0)
192 ys->xpath[darr_len(ys->xpath)(((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->len)
- 1] = 0;
195static void ys_pop_inner(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys)
197 uint len = darr_len(ys->node_infos)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len)
199 assert(len)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 199, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "len", }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_264 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((len) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (len); })
200 darr_setlen(ys->node_infos, len - 1)do { ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 200, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "(ys->node_infos) || !(len - 1)", }
; static const struct xref * const xref_p_265 __attribute__((
used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((ys->node_infos) || !(len - 1)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while ((ys->node_infos) || !(len
- 1)); }); if ((ys->node_infos)) { ({ static const struct
xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void
*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 200, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__
, }, .expr = "(long long)darr_cap(ys->node_infos) >= (long long)(len - 1)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_266 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((long long)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->cap) >= (long
long)(len - 1)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref
, ((void*)0)); } while ((long long)(((ys->node_infos) == (
(void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos
)) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)(len - 1)); }); (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len = (len - 1); } } while (
201 ys_trim_xpath(ys);
204static void nb_op_get_keys(struct lyd_node_inner *list_node,
205 struct yang_list_keys *keys)
207 struct lyd_node *child;
208 uint n = 0;
210 keys->num = 0;
211 LY_LIST_FOR (list_node->child, child)for ((child) = (list_node->child); (child); (child) = (child
212 if (!lysc_is_key(child->schema)((!child->schema || (child->schema->nodetype != 0x0004
) || !(child->schema->flags & 0x0100)) ? 0 : 1)
213 break;
214 strlcpy(keys->key[n], yang_dnode_get_string(child, NULL((void*)0)),
215 sizeof(keys->key[n]));
216 n++;
217 }
219 keys->num = n;
223 * __move_back_to_next() - move back to the next lookup-next schema
224 */
225static bool_Bool __move_back_to_next(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys, int i)
227 struct nb_op_node_info *ni;
228 int j;
230 /*
231 * We will free the subtree we are trimming back to, or we will be done
232 * with the walk and will free the root on cleanup.
233 */
235 /* pop any node_info we dropped below on entry */
236 for (j = darr_ilen(ys->node_infos)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len)
- 1; j > i; j--)
237 ys_pop_inner(ys);
239 for (; i >= ys->walk_root_level; i--) {
240 if (ys->node_infos[i].has_lookup_next)
241 break;
242 ys_pop_inner(ys);
243 }
245 if (i < ys->walk_root_level)
246 return false0;
248 ni = &ys->node_infos[i];
250 /*
251 * The i'th node has been lost after a yield so trim it from the tree
252 * now.
253 */
254 lyd_free_tree(&ni->inner->node);
255 ni->inner = NULL((void*)0);
256 ni->list_entry = NULL((void*)0);
258 /*
259 * Leave the empty-of-data node_info on top, __walk will deal with
260 * this, by doing a lookup-next with the keys which we still have.
261 */
263 return true1;
266static void nb_op_resume_data_tree(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys)
268 struct nb_op_node_info *ni;
269 struct nb_node *nn;
270 const void *parent_entry;
271 const void *list_entry;
272 uint i;
274 /*
275 * IMPORTANT: On yielding: we always yield during list iteration and
276 * after the initial list element has been created and handled, so the
277 * top of the yield stack will always point at a list node.
278 *
279 * Additionally, that list node has been processed and was in the
280 * process of being "get_next"d when we yielded. We process the
281 * lookup-next list node last so all the rest of the data (to the left)
282 * has been gotten. NOTE: To keep this simple we will require only a
283 * single lookup-next sibling in any parents list of children.
284 *
285 * Walk the rightmost branch (the node info stack) from base to tip
286 * verifying all list nodes are still present. If not we backup to the
287 * node which has a lookup next, and we prune the branch to this node.
288 * If the list node that went away is the topmost we will be using
289 * lookup_next, but if it's a parent then the list_entry will have been
290 * restored.
291 */
292 darr_foreach_i (ys->node_infos, i)for ((i) = 0; (i) < (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ?
0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->
len); (i)++)
293 ni = &ys->node_infos[i];
294 nn = ni->schema->priv;
296 if (CHECK_FLAG(ni->schema->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER)((ni->schema->nodetype) & (0x0001)))
297 continue;
299 assert(ni->list_entry != NULL ||({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 300, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "ni->list_entry != NULL || ni == darr_last(ys->node_infos)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_267 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((ni->list_entry != ((void*)0) || ni == ({ uint __len = ((
(ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); ((__len > 0) ? &
(ys->node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void*)0)); })) ? 0 : 1, 0)
) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (
ni->list_entry != ((void*)0) || ni == ({ uint __len = (((ys
->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); ((__len > 0) ? &
(ys->node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void*)0)); })); })
300 ni == darr_last(ys->node_infos))({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 300, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "ni->list_entry != NULL || ni == darr_last(ys->node_infos)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_267 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((ni->list_entry != ((void*)0) || ni == ({ uint __len = ((
(ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); ((__len > 0) ? &
(ys->node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void*)0)); })) ? 0 : 1, 0)
) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (
ni->list_entry != ((void*)0) || ni == ({ uint __len = (((ys
->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); ((__len > 0) ? &
(ys->node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void*)0)); })); })
302 /* Verify the entry is still present */
303 parent_entry = (i == 0 ? NULL((void*)0) : ni[-1].list_entry);
304 list_entry = nb_callback_lookup_entry(nn, parent_entry,
305 &ni->keys);
306 if (!list_entry || list_entry != ni->list_entry) {
307 /* May be NULL or a different pointer
308 * move back to first of
309 * container with last lookup_next list node
310 * (which may be this one) and get next.
311 */
312 if (!__move_back_to_next(ys, i))
313 DEBUGD(&nb_dbg_events,do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_events)->flags
, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000))&
(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("%s: Nothing to resume after delete during walk (yield)"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 315, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, },
.fmtstring = ("%s: Nothing to resume after delete during walk (yield)"
), .priority = (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("__func__"), }; static
const struct xref * const xref_p_268 __attribute__((used, section
("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: Nothing to resume after delete during walk (yield)"
), __func__); } while (0); } while (0)
314 "%s: Nothing to resume after delete during walk (yield)",do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_events)->flags
, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000))&
(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("%s: Nothing to resume after delete during walk (yield)"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 315, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, },
.fmtstring = ("%s: Nothing to resume after delete during walk (yield)"
), .priority = (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("__func__"), }; static
const struct xref * const xref_p_268 __attribute__((used, section
("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: Nothing to resume after delete during walk (yield)"
), __func__); } while (0); } while (0)
315 __func__)do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_events)->flags
, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000))&
(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("%s: Nothing to resume after delete during walk (yield)"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 315, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, },
.fmtstring = ("%s: Nothing to resume after delete during walk (yield)"
), .priority = (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("__func__"), }; static
const struct xref * const xref_p_268 __attribute__((used, section
("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: Nothing to resume after delete during walk (yield)"
), __func__); } while (0); } while (0)
316 return;
317 }
318 }
322 * Can only yield if all list nodes to root have lookup_next() callbacks
323 *
324 * In order to support lookup_next() the list_node get_next() callback
325 * needs to return ordered (i.e., sorted) results.
326 */
328/* ======================= */
329/* Start of walk init code */
330/* ======================= */
333 * __xpath_pop_node() - remove the last node from xpath string
334 * @xpath: an xpath string
335 *
336 * Return: NB_OK or NB_ERR_NOT_FOUND if nothing left to pop.
337 */
338static int __xpath_pop_node(char *xpath)
340 int len = strlen(xpath);
341 bool_Bool abs = xpath[0] == '/';
342 char *slash;
344 /* "//" or "/" => NULL */
345 if (abs && (len == 1 || (len == 2 && xpath[1] == '/')))
346 return NB_ERR_NOT_FOUND;
348 slash = (char *)frrstr_back_to_char(xpath, '/');
349 /* "/foo/bar/" or "/foo/bar//" => "/foo " */
350 if (slash && slash == &xpath[len - 1]) {
351 xpath[--len] = 0;
352 slash = (char *)frrstr_back_to_char(xpath, '/');
353 if (slash && slash == &xpath[len - 1]) {
354 xpath[--len] = 0;
355 slash = (char *)frrstr_back_to_char(xpath, '/');
356 }
357 }
358 if (!slash)
359 return NB_ERR_NOT_FOUND;
360 *slash = 0;
361 return NB_OK;
365 * nb_op_xpath_to_trunk() - generate a lyd_node tree (trunk) using an xpath.
366 * @xpath_in: xpath query string to build trunk from.
367 * @dnode: resulting tree (trunk)
368 *
369 * Use the longest prefix of @xpath_in as possible to resolve to a tree (trunk).
370 * This is logically as if we walked along the xpath string resolving each
371 * nodename reference (in particular list nodes) until we could not.
372 *
373 * Return: error if any, if no error then @dnode contains the tree (trunk).
374 */
375static enum nb_error nb_op_xpath_to_trunk(const char *xpath_in,
376 struct lyd_node **trunk)
378 char *xpath = NULL((void*)0);
379 enum nb_error ret = NB_OK;
380 LY_ERR err;
382 darr_in_strdup(xpath, xpath_in)({ size_t __size = strlen(xpath_in) + 1; do { if ((xpath)) ((
(struct darr_metadata *)(xpath)) - 1)->len = 0; } while (0
); ({ if ((ssize_t)(((xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(xpath)) - 1)->cap) < (ssize_t)(((size_t)(1) > __size
) ? (size_t)(1) : __size)) ({ ((xpath)) = __darr_resize((xpath
), (((size_t)(1) > __size) ? (size_t)(1) : __size), sizeof
(((xpath))[0]), MTYPE_DARR_STR); }); (xpath); }); strlcpy(xpath
, (xpath_in), (((xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(xpath)) - 1)->cap)); do { ({ static const struct xref_assert
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT
), 382, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .expr = "((xpath)) || !((size_t)__size)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_269 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((((xpath)) || !((size_t)__size)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (((xpath)) || !((size_t)__size
)); }); if (((xpath))) { ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref
__attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT
), 382, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .expr = "(long long)darr_cap((xpath)) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_270 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((long long)((((xpath)) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)((xpath))) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)
) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0
)); } while ((long long)((((xpath)) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)((xpath))) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)((
size_t)__size)); }); (((struct darr_metadata *)((xpath))) - 1
)->len = ((size_t)__size); } } while (0); xpath; })
383 for (;;) {
384 err = lyd_new_path2(NULL((void*)0), ly_native_ctx, xpath, NULL((void*)0), 0, 0,
385 LYD_NEW_PATH_UPDATE0x01, NULL((void*)0), trunk);
386 if (err == LY_SUCCESS)
387 break;
389 ret = __xpath_pop_node(xpath);
390 if (ret != NB_OK)
391 break;
392 }
393 darr_free(xpath)do { if ((xpath)) { struct darr_metadata *__meta = (((struct darr_metadata
*)(xpath)) - 1); do { qfree(__meta->mtype, __meta); __meta
= ((void*)0); } while (0); (xpath) = ((void*)0); } } while (
394 return ret;
398 * Finish initializing the node info based on the xpath string, and previous
399 * node_infos on the stack. If this node is a list node, obtain the specific
400 * list-entry object.
401 */
402static enum nb_error nb_op_ys_finalize_node_info(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys,
403 uint index)
405 struct nb_op_node_info *ni = &ys->node_infos[index];
406 struct lyd_node_inner *inner = ni->inner;
407 struct nb_node *nn = ni->schema->priv;
408 bool_Bool yield_ok = ys->finish != NULL((void*)0);
410 ni->has_lookup_next = nn->cbs.lookup_next != NULL((void*)0);
412 /* track the last list_entry until updated by new list node */
413 ni->list_entry = index == 0 ? NULL((void*)0) : ni[-1].list_entry;
415 /* Assert that we are walking the rightmost branch */
416 assert(!inner->parent || &inner->node == inner->parent->child->prev)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 416, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "!inner->parent || &inner->node == inner->parent->child->prev"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_271 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((!inner->parent || &inner->node == inner->parent
->child->prev) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&
_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (!inner->parent || &inner->
node == inner->parent->child->prev); })
418 if (CHECK_FLAG(inner->schema->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER)((inner->schema->nodetype) & (0x0001))) {
419 /* containers have only zero or one child on a branch of a tree */
420 inner = (struct lyd_node_inner *)inner->child;
421 assert(!inner || inner->prev == &inner->node)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 421, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "!inner || inner->prev == &inner->node"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_272 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((!inner || inner->prev == &inner->node) ? 0 : 1, 0
)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (
!inner || inner->prev == &inner->node); })
422 ni->lookup_next_ok = yield_ok &&
423 (index == 0 || ni[-1].lookup_next_ok);
424 return NB_OK;
425 }
427 assert(CHECK_FLAG(inner->schema->nodetype, LYS_LIST))({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 427, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "CHECK_FLAG(inner->schema->nodetype, LYS_LIST)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_273 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((((inner->schema->nodetype) & (0x0010))) ? 0 : 1, 0
)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (
((inner->schema->nodetype) & (0x0010))); })
429 ni->lookup_next_ok = yield_ok && ni->has_lookup_next &&
430 (index == 0 || ni[-1].lookup_next_ok);
432 nb_op_get_keys(inner, &ni->keys);
434 /* A list entry cannot be present in a tree w/o it's keys */
435 assert(ni->keys.num == yang_snode_num_keys(inner->schema))({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 435, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "ni->keys.num == yang_snode_num_keys(inner->schema)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_274 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((ni->keys.num == yang_snode_num_keys(inner->schema)) ?
0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0));
} while (ni->keys.num == yang_snode_num_keys(inner->schema
)); })
437 /*
438 * Get this nodes opaque list_entry object
439 */
441 if (!nn->cbs.lookup_entry) {
442 flog_warn(EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA,do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: data path doesn't support iteration over operational data: %s"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 444, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: data path doesn't support iteration over operational data: %s"
), .priority = (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA), .args
= ("__func__, ys->xpath"), }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_275 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: data path doesn't support iteration over operational data: %s"
), __func__, ys->xpath); } while (0)
443 "%s: data path doesn't support iteration over operational data: %s",do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: data path doesn't support iteration over operational data: %s"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 444, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: data path doesn't support iteration over operational data: %s"
), .priority = (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA), .args
= ("__func__, ys->xpath"), }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_275 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: data path doesn't support iteration over operational data: %s"
), __func__, ys->xpath); } while (0)
444 __func__, ys->xpath)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: data path doesn't support iteration over operational data: %s"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 444, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: data path doesn't support iteration over operational data: %s"
), .priority = (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA), .args
= ("__func__, ys->xpath"), }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_275 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: data path doesn't support iteration over operational data: %s"
), __func__, ys->xpath); } while (0)
445 return NB_ERR_NOT_FOUND;
446 }
448 /* ni->list_entry starts as the parent entry of this node */
449 ni->list_entry = nb_callback_lookup_entry(nn, ni->list_entry, &ni->keys);
450 if (ni->list_entry == NULL((void*)0)) {
451 flog_warn(EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA,do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: list entry lookup failed"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 452, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: list entry lookup failed"),
.priority = (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA), .args =
("__func__"), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_276
__attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref
); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: list entry lookup failed"), __func__
); } while (0)
452 "%s: list entry lookup failed", __func__)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: list entry lookup failed"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 452, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: list entry lookup failed"),
.priority = (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA), .args =
("__func__"), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_276
__attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref
); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: list entry lookup failed"), __func__
); } while (0)
453 return NB_ERR_NOT_FOUND;
454 }
456 /*
457 * By definition any list element we can get a specific list_entry for
458 * is specific.
459 */
460 ni->query_specific_entry = true1;
462 return NB_OK;
466 * nb_op_ys_init_node_infos() - initialize the node info stack from the query.
467 * @ys: the yield state for this tree walk.
468 *
469 * On starting a walk we initialize the node_info stack as deeply as possible
470 * based on specific node references in the query string. We will stop at the
471 * point in the query string that is not specific (e.g., a list element without
472 * it's keys predicate)
473 *
474 * Return: northbound return value (enum nb_error)
475 */
476static enum nb_error nb_op_ys_init_node_infos(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys)
478 struct nb_op_node_info *ni;
479 struct lyd_node_inner *inner;
480 struct lyd_node *node;
481 enum nb_error ret;
482 uint i, len;
483 char *tmp;
485 /*
486 * Obtain the trunk of the data node tree of the query.
487 *
488 * These are the nodes from the root that could be specifically
489 * identified with the query string. The trunk ends when a no specific
490 * node could be identified (e.g., a list-node name with no keys).
491 */
493 ret = nb_op_xpath_to_trunk(ys->xpath, &node);
494 if (ret || !node) {
495 flog_warn(EC_LIB_LIBYANG,do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: can't instantiate concrete path using xpath: %s"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_LIBYANG)}, }, }; static const struct
xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&
_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 497, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: can't instantiate concrete path using xpath: %s"
), .priority = (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_LIBYANG), .args = ("__func__, ys->xpath"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_277 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("%s: can't instantiate concrete path using xpath: %s"
), __func__, ys->xpath); } while (0)
496 "%s: can't instantiate concrete path using xpath: %s",do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: can't instantiate concrete path using xpath: %s"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_LIBYANG)}, }, }; static const struct
xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&
_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 497, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: can't instantiate concrete path using xpath: %s"
), .priority = (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_LIBYANG), .args = ("__func__, ys->xpath"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_277 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("%s: can't instantiate concrete path using xpath: %s"
), __func__, ys->xpath); } while (0)
497 __func__, ys->xpath)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: can't instantiate concrete path using xpath: %s"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_LIBYANG)}, }, }; static const struct
xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&
_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 497, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: can't instantiate concrete path using xpath: %s"
), .priority = (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_LIBYANG), .args = ("__func__, ys->xpath"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_277 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("%s: can't instantiate concrete path using xpath: %s"
), __func__, ys->xpath); } while (0)
498 if (!ret)
499 ret = NB_ERR_NOT_FOUND;
500 return ret;
501 }
502 while (node &&
503 !CHECK_FLAG(node->schema->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER | LYS_LIST)((node->schema->nodetype) & (0x0001 | 0x0010)))
504 node = &node->parent->node;
505 if (!node)
506 return NB_ERR_NOT_FOUND;
508 inner = (struct lyd_node_inner *)node;
509 for (len = 1; inner->parent; len++)
510 inner = inner->parent;
513 darr_append_nz_mt(ys->node_infos, len, MTYPE_NB_NODE_INFOS)({ uint __len = (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : ((
(struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); (
{ if ((ssize_t)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((
struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->cap) <
(ssize_t)(__len + (len))) ({ ((ys->node_infos)) = __darr_resize
((ys->node_infos), (__len + (len)), sizeof(((ys->node_infos
))[0]), MTYPE_NB_NODE_INFOS); }); (ys->node_infos); }); ((
(struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len = __len
+ (len); if (1) memset(&(ys->node_infos)[__len], 0, (
len)*sizeof((ys->node_infos)[0])); &(ys->node_infos
)[__len]; })
515 /*
516 * For each node find the prefix of the xpath query that identified it
517 * -- save the prefix length.
518 */
519 inner = (struct lyd_node_inner *)node;
520 for (i = len; i > 0; i--, inner = inner->parent) {
521 ni = &ys->node_infos[i - 1];
522 ni->inner = inner;
523 ni->schema = inner->schema;
524 /*
525 * NOTE: we could build this by hand with a litte more effort,
526 * but this simple implementation works and won't be expensive
527 * since the number of nodes is small and only done once per
528 * query.
529 */
530 tmp = yang_dnode_get_path(&inner->node, NULL((void*)0), 0);
531 ni->xpath_len = strlen(tmp);
533 /* Replace users supplied xpath with the libyang returned value */
534 if (i == len)
535 darr_in_strdup(ys->xpath, tmp)({ size_t __size = strlen(tmp) + 1; do { if ((ys->xpath)) (
((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->len = 0; } while
(0); ({ if ((ssize_t)(((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (
((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->cap) < (
ssize_t)(((size_t)(1) > __size) ? (size_t)(1) : __size)) (
{ ((ys->xpath)) = __darr_resize((ys->xpath), (((size_t)
(1) > __size) ? (size_t)(1) : __size), sizeof(((ys->xpath
))[0]), MTYPE_DARR_STR); }); (ys->xpath); }); strlcpy(ys->
xpath, (tmp), (((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->cap)); do { ({ static
const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 535, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "((ys->xpath)) || !((size_t)__size)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_278 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((((ys->xpath)) || !((size_t)__size)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (((ys->xpath)) || !((size_t
)__size)); }); if (((ys->xpath))) { ({ static const struct
xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void
*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 535, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__
, }, .expr = "(long long)darr_cap((ys->xpath)) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_279 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((long long)((((ys->xpath)) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)((ys->xpath))) - 1)->cap) >= (long long
)((size_t)__size)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&
_xref, ((void*)0)); } while ((long long)((((ys->xpath)) ==
((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)((ys->xpath))
) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)); }); (((struct
darr_metadata *)((ys->xpath))) - 1)->len = ((size_t)__size
); } } while (0); ys->xpath; })
537 /* The prefix must match the prefix of the stored xpath */
538 assert(!strncmp(tmp, ys->xpath, ni->xpath_len))({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 538, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "!strncmp(tmp, ys->xpath, ni->xpath_len)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_280 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((!strncmp(tmp, ys->xpath, ni->xpath_len)) ? 0 : 1, 0))
do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (!
strncmp(tmp, ys->xpath, ni->xpath_len)); })
539 free(tmp);
540 }
542 /*
543 * Obtain the specific list-entry objects for each list node on the
544 * trunk and finish initializing the node_info structs.
545 */
547 darr_foreach_i (ys->node_infos, i)for ((i) = 0; (i) < (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ?
0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->
len); (i)++)
548 ret = nb_op_ys_finalize_node_info(ys, i);
549 if (ret != NB_OK) {
550 darr_free(ys->node_infos)do { if ((ys->node_infos)) { struct darr_metadata *__meta =
(((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1); do { qfree
(__meta->mtype, __meta); __meta = ((void*)0); } while (0);
(ys->node_infos) = ((void*)0); } } while (0)
551 return ret;
552 }
553 }
555 ys->walk_start_level = darr_len(ys->node_infos)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len)
557 ys->walk_root_level = (int)ys->walk_start_level - 1;
559 return NB_OK;
562/* ================ */
563/* End of init code */
564/* ================ */
567 * nb_op_add_leaf() - Add leaf data to the get tree results
568 * @ys - the yield state for this tree walk.
569 * @nb_node - the northbound node representing this leaf.
570 * @xpath - the xpath (with key predicates) to this leaf value.
571 *
572 * Return: northbound return value (enum nb_error)
573 */
574static enum nb_error nb_op_iter_leaf(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys,
575 const struct nb_node *nb_node,
576 const char *xpath)
578 const struct lysc_node *snode = nb_node->snode;
579 struct nb_op_node_info *ni = darr_last(ys->node_infos)({ uint __len = (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : ((
(struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); (
(__len > 0) ? &(ys->node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void
*)0)); })
580 struct yang_data *data;
581 enum nb_error ret = NB_OK;
582 LY_ERR err;
584 if (CHECK_FLAG(snode->flags, LYS_CONFIG_W)((snode->flags) & (0x01)))
585 return NB_OK;
587 /* Ignore list keys. */
588 if (lysc_is_key(snode)((!snode || (snode->nodetype != 0x0004) || !(snode->flags
& 0x0100)) ? 0 : 1)
589 return NB_OK;
591 data = nb_callback_get_elem(nb_node, xpath, ni->list_entry);
592 if (data == NULL((void*)0))
593 return NB_OK;
595 /* Add a dnode to our tree */
596 err = lyd_new_term(&ni->inner->node, snode->module, snode->name,
597 data->value, false0, NULL((void*)0));
598 if (err) {
599 yang_data_free(data);
600 return NB_ERR_RESOURCE;
601 }
603 if (ys->cb)
604 ret = (*ys->cb)(nb_node->snode, ys->translator, data,
605 ys->cb_arg);
606 yang_data_free(data);
608 return ret;
611static enum nb_error nb_op_iter_leaflist(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys,
612 const struct nb_node *nb_node,
613 const char *xpath)
615 const struct lysc_node *snode = nb_node->snode;
616 struct nb_op_node_info *ni = darr_last(ys->node_infos)({ uint __len = (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : ((
(struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); (
(__len > 0) ? &(ys->node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void
*)0)); })
617 const void *list_entry = NULL((void*)0);
618 enum nb_error ret = NB_OK;
619 LY_ERR err;
621 if (CHECK_FLAG(snode->flags, LYS_CONFIG_W)((snode->flags) & (0x01)))
622 return NB_OK;
624 do {
625 struct yang_data *data;
627 list_entry = nb_callback_get_next(nb_node, ni->list_entry,
628 list_entry);
629 if (!list_entry)
630 /* End of the list. */
631 break;
633 data = nb_callback_get_elem(nb_node, xpath, list_entry);
634 if (data == NULL((void*)0))
635 continue;
637 /* Add a dnode to our tree */
638 err = lyd_new_term(&ni->inner->node, snode->module, snode->name,
639 data->value, false0, NULL((void*)0));
640 if (err) {
641 yang_data_free(data);
642 return NB_ERR_RESOURCE;
643 }
645 if (ys->cb)
646 ret = (*ys->cb)(nb_node->snode, ys->translator, data,
647 ys->cb_arg);
648 yang_data_free(data);
649 } while (ret == NB_OK && list_entry);
651 return ret;
655static bool_Bool nb_op_schema_path_has_predicate(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys,
656 int level)
658 if (level > darr_lasti(ys->query_tokens)((((ys->query_tokens) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->query_tokens)) - 1)->len) - 1)
659 return false0;
660 return strchr(ys->query_tokens[level], '[') != NULL((void*)0);
664 * nb_op_empty_container_ok() - determine if should keep empty container node.
665 *
666 * Return: true if the empty container should be kept.
667 */
668static bool_Bool nb_op_empty_container_ok(const struct lysc_node *snode,
669 const char *xpath, const void *list_entry)
671 struct nb_node *nn = snode->priv;
672 struct yang_data *data;
674 if (!CHECK_FLAG(snode->flags, LYS_PRESENCE)((snode->flags) & (0x80)))
675 return false0;
677 if (!nn->cbs.get_elem)
678 return false0;
680 data = nb_callback_get_elem(nn, xpath, list_entry);
681 if (data) {
682 yang_data_free(data);
683 return true1;
684 }
685 return false0;
689 * nb_op_get_child_path() - add child node name to the xpath.
690 * @xpath_parent - a darr string for the parent node.
691 * @schild - the child schema node.
692 * @xpath_child - a previous return value from this function to reuse.
693 */
694static char *nb_op_get_child_path(const char *xpath_parent,
695 const struct lysc_node *schild,
696 char *xpath_child)
698 /* "/childname" */
699 uint space, extra = strlen(schild->name) + 1;
700 bool_Bool new_mod = (!schild->parent ||
701 schild->parent->module != schild->module);
702 int n;
704 if (new_mod)
705 /* "modulename:" */
706 extra += strlen(schild->module->name) + 1;
707 space = darr_len(xpath_parent)(((xpath_parent) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(xpath_parent)) - 1)->len)
+ extra;
709 if (xpath_parent == xpath_child)
710 darr_ensure_cap(xpath_child, space)({ if ((ssize_t)(((xpath_child) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)(xpath_child)) - 1)->cap) < (ssize_t)(
space)) ({ ((xpath_child)) = __darr_resize((xpath_child), (space
), sizeof(((xpath_child))[0]), MTYPE_DARR); }); (xpath_child)
; })
711 else
712 darr_in_strdup_cap(xpath_child, xpath_parent, space)({ size_t __size = strlen(xpath_parent) + 1; do { if ((xpath_child
)) (((struct darr_metadata *)(xpath_child)) - 1)->len = 0;
} while (0); ({ if ((ssize_t)(((xpath_child) == ((void*)0)) ?
0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(xpath_child)) - 1)->cap) <
(ssize_t)(((size_t)(space) > __size) ? (size_t)(space) : __size
)) ({ ((xpath_child)) = __darr_resize((xpath_child), (((size_t
)(space) > __size) ? (size_t)(space) : __size), sizeof(((xpath_child
))[0]), MTYPE_DARR_STR); }); (xpath_child); }); strlcpy(xpath_child
, (xpath_parent), (((xpath_child) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)(xpath_child)) - 1)->cap)); do { ({ static
const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 712, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "((xpath_child)) || !((size_t)__size)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_281 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((((xpath_child)) || !((size_t)__size)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (((xpath_child)) || !((size_t
)__size)); }); if (((xpath_child))) { ({ static const struct xref_assert
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT
), 712, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .expr = "(long long)darr_cap((xpath_child)) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_282 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((long long)((((xpath_child)) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)((xpath_child))) - 1)->cap) >= (long long
)((size_t)__size)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&
_xref, ((void*)0)); } while ((long long)((((xpath_child)) == (
(void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)((xpath_child))) -
1)->cap) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)); }); (((struct
darr_metadata *)((xpath_child))) - 1)->len = ((size_t)__size
); } } while (0); xpath_child; })
713 if (new_mod)
714 n = snprintf(darr_strnul(xpath_child)({ uint __len = (((xpath_child) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)(xpath_child)) - 1)->len); ((__len > 0
) ? &(xpath_child)[__len - 1] : ((void*)0)); })
, extra + 1, "/%s:%s",
715 schild->module->name, schild->name);
716 else
717 n = snprintf(darr_strnul(xpath_child)({ uint __len = (((xpath_child) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)(xpath_child)) - 1)->len); ((__len > 0
) ? &(xpath_child)[__len - 1] : ((void*)0)); })
, extra + 1, "/%s",
718 schild->name);
719 assert(n == (int)extra)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 719, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "n == (int)extra", }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_283 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((n == (int)extra
) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0
)); } while (n == (int)extra); })
720 _darr_len(xpath_child)(((struct darr_metadata *)(xpath_child)) - 1)->len += extra;
721 return xpath_child;
724static bool_Bool __is_yielding_node(const struct lysc_node *snode)
726 struct nb_node *nn = snode->priv;
728 return nn->cbs.lookup_next != NULL((void*)0);
731static const struct lysc_node *__sib_next(bool_Bool yn, const struct lysc_node *sib)
733 for (; sib; sib = sib->next) {
734 /* Always skip keys. */
735 if (lysc_is_key(sib)((!sib || (sib->nodetype != 0x0004) || !(sib->flags &
0x0100)) ? 0 : 1)
736 continue;
737 if (yn == __is_yielding_node(sib))
738 return sib;
739 }
740 return NULL((void*)0);
744 * nb_op_sib_next() - Return the next sibling to walk to
745 * @ys: the yield state for this tree walk.
746 * @sib: the currently being visited sibling
747 *
748 * Return: the next sibling to walk to, walking non-yielding before yielding.
749 */
750static const struct lysc_node *nb_op_sib_next(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys,
751 const struct lysc_node *sib)
753 struct lysc_node *parent = sib->parent;
754 bool_Bool yn = __is_yielding_node(sib);
756 /*
757 * If the node info stack is shorter than the schema path then we are
758 * doign specific query still on the node from the schema path (should
759 * match) so just return NULL.
760 */
761 if (darr_len(ys->schema_path)(((ys->schema_path) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->schema_path)) - 1)->len)
> darr_len(ys->node_infos)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len)
762 return NULL((void*)0);
763 /*
764 * If sib is on top of the node info stack then
765 * 1) it's a container node -or-
766 * 2) it's a list node that we were walking and we've reach the last entry
767 * 3) if sib is a list and the list was empty we never would have
768 * pushed sib on the stack so the top of the stack is the parent
769 *
770 * If the query string included this node then we do not process any
771 * siblings as we are not walking all the parent's children just this
772 * specified one give by the query string.
773 */
774 if (sib == darr_last(ys->node_infos)({ uint __len = (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : ((
(struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); (
(__len > 0) ? &(ys->node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void
*)0)); })
->schema &&
775 darr_len(ys->schema_path)(((ys->schema_path) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->schema_path)) - 1)->len)
>= darr_len(ys->node_infos)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len)
776 return NULL((void*)0);
777 /* case (3) */
778 else if (sib->nodetype == LYS_LIST0x0010 &&
779 parent == darr_last(ys->node_infos)({ uint __len = (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : ((
(struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); (
(__len > 0) ? &(ys->node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void
*)0)); })
->schema &&
780 darr_len(ys->schema_path)(((ys->schema_path) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->schema_path)) - 1)->len)
> darr_len(ys->node_infos)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len)
781 return NULL((void*)0);
783 sib = __sib_next(yn, sib->next);
784 if (sib)
785 return sib;
786 if (yn)
787 return NULL((void*)0);
788 return __sib_next(true1, lysc_node_child(parent));
791 * sib_walk((struct lyd_node *)ni->inner->node.parent->parent->parent->parent->parent->parent->parent)
792 */
795 * nb_op_sib_first() - obtain the first child to walk to
796 * @ys: the yield state for this tree walk.
797 * @parent: the parent whose child we seek
798 * @skip_keys: if should skip over keys
799 *
800 * Return: the first child to continue the walk to, starting with non-yielding
801 * siblings then yielding ones. There should be no more than 1 yielding sibling.
802 */
803static const struct lysc_node *nb_op_sib_first(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys,
804 const struct lysc_node *parent)
806 const struct lysc_node *sib = lysc_node_child(parent);
807 const struct lysc_node *first_sib;
809 /*
810 * The top of the node stack points at @parent.
811 *
812 * If the schema path (original query) is longer than our current node
813 * info stack (current xpath location), we are building back up to the
814 * base of the user query, return the next schema node from the query
815 * string (schema_path).
816 */
817 assert(darr_last(ys->node_infos)->schema == parent)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 817, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "darr_last(ys->node_infos)->schema == parent"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_284 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((({ uint __len = (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (
((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); (
(__len > 0) ? &(ys->node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void
*)0)); })->schema == parent) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (({ uint __len = (((ys->
node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys
->node_infos)) - 1)->len); ((__len > 0) ? &(ys->
node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void*)0)); })->schema == parent
); })
818 if (darr_lasti(ys->node_infos)((((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len) - 1)
< ys->query_base_level)
819 return ys->schema_path[darr_lasti(ys->node_infos)((((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len) - 1)
+ 1];
821 /* We always skip keys. */
822 while (sib && lysc_is_key(sib)((!sib || (sib->nodetype != 0x0004) || !(sib->flags &
0x0100)) ? 0 : 1)
823 sib = sib->next;
824 if (!sib)
825 return NULL((void*)0);
827 /* Return non-yielding node's first */
828 first_sib = sib;
829 if (__is_yielding_node(sib)) {
830 sib = __sib_next(false0, sib);
831 if (sib)
832 return sib;
833 }
834 return first_sib;
838 * "3-dimensional" walk from base of the tree to the tip in-order.
839 *
840 * The actual tree is only 2-dimensional as list nodes are organized as adjacent
841 * siblings under a common parent perhaps with other siblings to each side;
842 * however, using 3d view here is easier to diagram.
843 *
844 * - A list node is yielding if it has a lookup_next callback.
845 * - All other node types are not yielding.
846 * - There's only one yielding node in a list of children (i.e., siblings).
847 *
848 * We visit all non-yielding children prior to the yielding child.
849 * That way we have the fullest tree possible even when something is deleted
850 * during a yield.
851 * --- child/parent descendant poinilnters
852 * ... next/prev sibling pointers
853 * o.o list entries pointers
854 * ~~~ diagram extension connector
855 * 1
856 * / \
857 * / \ o~~~~12
858 * / \ . / \
859 * 2.......5 o~~~9 13...14
860 * / \ | . / \
861 * 3...4 6 10...11 Cont Nodes: 1,2,5
862 * / \ List Nodes: 6,9,12
863 * 7...8 Leaf Nodes: 3,4,7,8,10,11,13,14
864 * Schema Leaf A: 3
865 * Schema Leaf B: 4
866 * Schema Leaf C: 7,10,13
867 * Schema Leaf D: 8,11,14
868 */
869static enum nb_error __walk(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys, bool_Bool is_resume)
871 const struct lysc_node *walk_stem_tip = ys_get_walk_stem_tip(ys);
872 const struct lysc_node *sib;
873 const void *parent_list_entry = NULL((void*)0);
874 const void *list_entry = NULL((void*)0);
875 struct nb_op_node_info *ni, *pni;
876 struct lyd_node *node;
877 struct nb_node *nn;
878 char *xpath_child = NULL((void*)0);
879 // bool at_query_base;
880 bool_Bool at_root_level, list_start, is_specific_node;
881 enum nb_error ret = NB_OK;
882 LY_ERR err;
883 int at_clevel;
884 uint len;
887 monotime(&ys->start_time);
889 /* Don't currently support walking all root nodes */
890 if (!walk_stem_tip)
891 return NB_ERR_NOT_FOUND;
893 /*
894 * If we are resuming then start with the list container on top.
895 * Otherwise get the first child of the container we are walking,
896 * starting with non-yielding children.
897 */
898 if (is_resume)
899 sib = darr_last(ys->node_infos)({ uint __len = (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : ((
(struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); (
(__len > 0) ? &(ys->node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void
*)0)); })
900 else {
901 /*
902 * Start with non-yielding children first.
903 *
904 * When adding root level walks, the sibling list are the root
905 * level nodes of all modules
906 */
907 sib = nb_op_sib_first(ys, walk_stem_tip);
908 if (!sib)
909 return NB_ERR_NOT_FOUND;
910 }
913 while (true1) {
914 /* Grab the top container/list node info on the stack */
915 at_clevel = darr_lasti(ys->node_infos)((((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len) - 1)
916 ni = &ys->node_infos[at_clevel];
918 /*
919 * This is the level of the last specific node at init
920 * time. +1 would be the first non-specific list or
921 * non-container if present in the container node.
922 */
923 at_root_level = at_clevel == ys->walk_root_level;
925 if (!sib) {
926 /*
927 * We've reached the end of the siblings inside a
928 * containing node; either a container or a specific
929 * list node entry.
930 *
931 * We handle container node inline; however, for lists
932 * we are only done with a specific entry and need to
933 * move to the next element on the list so we drop down
934 * into the switch for that case.
935 */
937 /* Grab the containing node. */
938 sib = ni->schema;
940 if (sib->nodetype == LYS_CONTAINER0x0001) {
941 /* If we added an empty container node (no
942 * children) and it's not a presence container
943 * or it's not backed by the get_elem callback,
944 * remove the node from the tree.
945 */
946 if (!lyd_child(&ni->inner->node) &&
947 !nb_op_empty_container_ok(sib, ys->xpath,
948 ni->list_entry))
949 lyd_free_tree(&ni->inner->node);
951 /* If we have returned to our original walk base,
952 * then we are done with the walk.
953 */
954 if (at_root_level) {
955 ret = NB_OK;
956 goto done;
957 }
958 /*
959 * Grab the sibling of the container we are
960 * about to pop, so we will be mid-walk on the
961 * parent containers children.
962 */
963 sib = nb_op_sib_next(ys, sib);
965 /* Pop container node to the parent container */
966 ys_pop_inner(ys);
968 /*
969 * If are were working on a user narrowed path
970 * then we are done with these siblings.
971 */
972 if (darr_len(ys->schema_path)(((ys->schema_path) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->schema_path)) - 1)->len)
973 darr_len(ys->node_infos)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len)
974 sib = NULL((void*)0);
976 /* Start over */
977 continue;
978 }
979 /*
980 * If we are here we have reached the end of the
981 * children of a list entry node. sib points
982 * at the list node info.
983 */
984 }
986 /* TODO: old code checked for "first" here and skipped if set */
987 if (CHECK_FLAG(sib->nodetype,((sib->nodetype) & (0x0004 | 0x0008 | 0x0001))
988 LYS_LEAF | LYS_LEAFLIST | LYS_CONTAINER)((sib->nodetype) & (0x0004 | 0x0008 | 0x0001)))
989 xpath_child = nb_op_get_child_path(ys->xpath, sib,
990 xpath_child);
991 nn = sib->priv;
993 switch (sib->nodetype) {
994 case LYS_LEAF0x0004:
995 /*
996 * If we have a non-specific walk to a specific leaf
997 * (e.g., "..../route-entry/metric") and the leaf value
998 * is not present, then we are left with the data nodes
999 * of the stem of the branch to the missing leaf data.
1000 * For containers this will get cleaned up by the
1001 * container code above that looks for no children;
1002 * however, this doesn't work for lists.
1003 *
1004 * (FN:A) We need a similar check for empty list
1005 * elements. Empty list elements below the
1006 * query_base_level (i.e., the schema path length)
1007 * should be cleaned up as they don't support anything
1008 * the user is querying for, if they are above the
1009 * query_base_level then they are part of the walk and
1010 * should be kept.
1011 */
1012 ret = nb_op_iter_leaf(ys, nn, xpath_child);
Value stored to 'ret' is never read
1013 sib = nb_op_sib_next(ys, sib);
1014 continue;
1015 case LYS_LEAFLIST0x0008:
1016 ret = nb_op_iter_leaflist(ys, nn, xpath_child);
1017 sib = nb_op_sib_next(ys, sib);
1018 continue;
1019 case LYS_CONTAINER0x0001:
1020 if (CHECK_FLAG(nn->flags, F_NB_NODE_CONFIG_ONLY)((nn->flags) & (0x01))) {
1021 sib = nb_op_sib_next(ys, sib);
1022 continue;
1023 }
1025 node = NULL((void*)0);
1026 err = lyd_new_inner(&ni->inner->node, sib->module,
1027 sib->name, false0, &node);
1028 if (err) {
1029 ret = NB_ERR_RESOURCE;
1030 goto done;
1031 }
1033 /* push this container node on top of the stack */
1034 ni = darr_appendz(ys->node_infos)({ uint __len = (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : ((
(struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); (
{ if ((ssize_t)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((
struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->cap) <
(ssize_t)(__len + (1))) ({ ((ys->node_infos)) = __darr_resize
((ys->node_infos), (__len + (1)), sizeof(((ys->node_infos
))[0]), MTYPE_DARR); }); (ys->node_infos); }); (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len = __len + (1); if (1) memset
(&(ys->node_infos)[__len], 0, (1)*sizeof((ys->node_infos
)[0])); &(ys->node_infos)[__len]; })
1035 ni->inner = (struct lyd_node_inner *)node;
1036 ni->schema = node->schema;
1037 ni->niters = 0;
1038 ni->nents = 0;
1039 ni->has_lookup_next = false0;
1040 ni->lookup_next_ok = ni[-1].lookup_next_ok;
1041 ni->list_entry = ni[-1].list_entry;
1043 darr_in_strdup(ys->xpath, xpath_child)({ size_t __size = strlen(xpath_child) + 1; do { if ((ys->
xpath)) (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->len
= 0; } while (0); ({ if ((ssize_t)(((ys->xpath) == ((void
*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->
cap) < (ssize_t)(((size_t)(1) > __size) ? (size_t)(1) :
__size)) ({ ((ys->xpath)) = __darr_resize((ys->xpath),
(((size_t)(1) > __size) ? (size_t)(1) : __size), sizeof((
(ys->xpath))[0]), MTYPE_DARR_STR); }); (ys->xpath); });
strlcpy(ys->xpath, (xpath_child), (((ys->xpath) == ((void
*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->
cap)); do { ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1043, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "((ys->xpath)) || !((size_t)__size)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_285 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((((ys->xpath)) || !((size_t)__size)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (((ys->xpath)) || !((size_t
)__size)); }); if (((ys->xpath))) { ({ static const struct
xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void
*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1043, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__
, }, .expr = "(long long)darr_cap((ys->xpath)) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_286 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((long long)((((ys->xpath)) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)((ys->xpath))) - 1)->cap) >= (long long
)((size_t)__size)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&
_xref, ((void*)0)); } while ((long long)((((ys->xpath)) ==
((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)((ys->xpath))
) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)); }); (((struct
darr_metadata *)((ys->xpath))) - 1)->len = ((size_t)__size
); } } while (0); ys->xpath; })
1044 ni->xpath_len = darr_strlen(ys->xpath)({ uint __size = (((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->len); if (__size) __size
-= 1; ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1044, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "!(ys->xpath) || ((char *)(ys->xpath))[__size] == 0"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_287 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((!(ys->xpath) || ((char *)(ys->xpath))[__size] == 0) ?
0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0));
} while (!(ys->xpath) || ((char *)(ys->xpath))[__size]
== 0); }); __size; })
1046 sib = nb_op_sib_first(ys, sib);
1047 continue;
1048 case LYS_LIST0x0010:
1050 /*
1051 * Notes:
1052 *
1053 * NOTE: ni->inner may be NULL here if we resumed and it
1054 * was gone. ni->schema and ni->keys will still be
1055 * valid.
1056 *
1057 * NOTE: At this point sib is never NULL; however, if it
1058 * was NULL at the top of the loop, then we were done
1059 * working on a list element's children and will be
1060 * attempting to get the next list element here so sib
1061 * == ni->schema (i.e., !list_start).
1062 *
1063 * (FN:A): Before doing this let's remove empty list
1064 * elements that are "inside" the query string as they
1065 * represent a stem which didn't lead to actual data
1066 * being requested by the user -- for example,
1067 * ".../route-entry/metric" if metric is not present we
1068 * don't want to return an empty route-entry to the
1069 * user.
1070 */
1072 node = NULL((void*)0);
1073 list_start = ni->schema != sib;
1074 if (list_start) {
1075 /*
1076 * List iteration: First Element
1077 * -----------------------------
1078 *
1079 * Our node info wasn't on top (wasn't an entry
1080 * for sib) so this is a new list iteration, we
1081 * will push our node info below. The top is our
1082 * parent.
1083 */
1084 if (CHECK_FLAG(nn->flags,((nn->flags) & (0x01))
1085 F_NB_NODE_CONFIG_ONLY)((nn->flags) & (0x01))) {
1086 sib = nb_op_sib_next(ys, sib);
1087 continue;
1088 }
1089 /* we are now at one level higher */
1090 at_clevel += 1;
1091 pni = ni;
1092 ni = NULL((void*)0);
1093 } else {
1094 /*
1095 * List iteration: Next Element
1096 * ----------------------------
1097 *
1098 * This is the case where `sib == NULL` at the
1099 * top of the loop, so, we just completed the
1100 * walking the children of a list entry, i.e.,
1101 * we are done with that list entry.
1102 *
1103 * `sib` was reset to point at the our list node
1104 * at the top of node_infos.
1105 *
1106 * Within this node_info, `ys->xpath`, `inner`,
1107 * `list_entry`, and `xpath_len` are for the
1108 * previous list entry, and need to be updated.
1109 */
1110 pni = darr_len(ys->node_infos)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len)
> 1 ? &ni[-1]
1111 : NULL((void*)0);
1112 }
1114 parent_list_entry = pni ? pni->list_entry : NULL((void*)0);
1115 list_entry = ni ? ni->list_entry : NULL((void*)0);
1117 /*
1118 * Before yielding we check to see if we are doing a
1119 * specific list entry instead of a full list iteration.
1120 * We do not want to yield during specific list entry
1121 * processing.
1122 */
1124 /*
1125 * If we are at a list start check to see if the node
1126 * has a predicate. If so we will try and fetch the data
1127 * node now that we've built part of the tree, if the
1128 * predicates are keys or only depend on the tree already
1129 * built, it should create the element for us.
1130 */
1131 is_specific_node = false0;
1132 if (list_start &&
1133 at_clevel <= darr_lasti(ys->query_tokens)((((ys->query_tokens) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->query_tokens)) - 1)->len) - 1)
1134 nb_op_schema_path_has_predicate(ys, at_clevel)) {
1135 err = lyd_new_path(&pni->inner->node, NULL((void*)0),
1136 ys->query_tokens[at_clevel],
1137 NULL((void*)0), 0, &node);
1138 if (!err)
1139 /* predicate resolved to specific node */
1140 is_specific_node = true1;
1141 else {
1142 flog_warn(EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA,do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: unable to create node for specific query string: %s"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1145, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: unable to create node for specific query string: %s"
), .priority = (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA), .args
= ("__func__, ys->query_tokens[at_clevel]"), }; static const
struct xref * const xref_p_288 __attribute__((used, section(
"xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: unable to create node for specific query string: %s"
), __func__, ys->query_tokens[at_clevel]); } while (0)
1143 "%s: unable to create node for specific query string: %s",do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: unable to create node for specific query string: %s"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1145, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: unable to create node for specific query string: %s"
), .priority = (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA), .args
= ("__func__, ys->query_tokens[at_clevel]"), }; static const
struct xref * const xref_p_288 __attribute__((used, section(
"xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: unable to create node for specific query string: %s"
), __func__, ys->query_tokens[at_clevel]); } while (0)
1144 __func__,do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: unable to create node for specific query string: %s"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1145, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: unable to create node for specific query string: %s"
), .priority = (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA), .args
= ("__func__, ys->query_tokens[at_clevel]"), }; static const
struct xref * const xref_p_288 __attribute__((used, section(
"xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: unable to create node for specific query string: %s"
), __func__, ys->query_tokens[at_clevel]); } while (0)
1145 ys->query_tokens[at_clevel])do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: unable to create node for specific query string: %s"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1145, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: unable to create node for specific query string: %s"
), .priority = (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA), .args
= ("__func__, ys->query_tokens[at_clevel]"), }; static const
struct xref * const xref_p_288 __attribute__((used, section(
"xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: unable to create node for specific query string: %s"
), __func__, ys->query_tokens[at_clevel]); } while (0)
1146 }
1147 }
1149 if (list_entry && ni->query_specific_entry) {
1150 /*
1151 * Ending specific list entry processing.
1152 */
1153 assert(!list_start)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1153, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "!list_start", }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_289 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((!list_start) ?
0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0));
} while (!list_start); })
1154 is_specific_node = true1;
1155 list_entry = NULL((void*)0);
1156 }
1158 /*
1159 * Should we yield?
1160 *
1161 * Don't yield if we have a specific entry.
1162 */
1163 if (!is_specific_node && ni && ni->lookup_next_ok &&
1164 // make sure we advance, if the interval is
1165 // fast and we are very slow.
1166 ((monotime_since(&ys->start_time, NULL((void*)0)) >
1167 NB_OP_WALK_INTERVAL_US(50 * 1000) &&
1168 ni->niters) ||
1169 (ni->niters + 1) % 10000 == 0)) {
1170 /* This is a yield supporting list node and
1171 * we've been running at least our yield
1172 * interval, so yield.
1173 *
1174 * NOTE: we never yield on list_start, and we
1175 * are always about to be doing a get_next.
1176 */
1177 DEBUGD(&nb_dbg_events,do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_events)->flags
, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000))&
(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("%s: yielding after %u iterations"), .hashu32 = {(
7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG
), 1179, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .fmtstring = (
"%s: yielding after %u iterations"), .priority = (7), .ec = (
0), .args = ("__func__, ni->niters"), }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_290 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: yielding after %u iterations"
), __func__, ni->niters); } while (0); } while (0)
1178 "%s: yielding after %u iterations",do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_events)->flags
, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000))&
(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("%s: yielding after %u iterations"), .hashu32 = {(
7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG
), 1179, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .fmtstring = (
"%s: yielding after %u iterations"), .priority = (7), .ec = (
0), .args = ("__func__, ni->niters"), }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_290 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: yielding after %u iterations"
), __func__, ni->niters); } while (0); } while (0)
1179 __func__, ni->niters)do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_events)->flags
, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000))&
(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("%s: yielding after %u iterations"), .hashu32 = {(
7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG
), 1179, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .fmtstring = (
"%s: yielding after %u iterations"), .priority = (7), .ec = (
0), .args = ("__func__, ni->niters"), }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_290 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: yielding after %u iterations"
), __func__, ni->niters); } while (0); } while (0)
1181 ni->niters = 0;
1182 ret = NB_YIELD;
1183 goto done;
1184 }
1186 /*
1187 * Now get the backend list_entry opaque object for
1188 * this list entry from the backend.
1189 */
1191 if (is_specific_node) {
1192 /*
1193 * Specific List Entry:
1194 * --------------------
1195 */
1196 if (list_start) {
1197 list_entry =
1198 nb_callback_lookup_node_entry(
1199 node, parent_list_entry);
1200 /*
1201 * If the node we created from a
1202 * specific predicate entry is not
1203 * actually there we need to delete the
1204 * node from our data tree
1205 */
1206 if (!list_entry) {
1207 lyd_free_tree(node);
1208 node = NULL((void*)0);
1209 }
1210 }
1211 } else if (!list_start && !list_entry &&
1212 ni->has_lookup_next) {
1213 /*
1214 * After Yield:
1215 * ------------
1216 * After a yield the list_entry may have become
1217 * invalid, so use lookup_next callback with
1218 * parent and keys instead to find next element.
1219 */
1220 list_entry =
1221 nb_callback_lookup_next(nn,
1222 parent_list_entry,
1223 &ni->keys);
1224 } else {
1225 /*
1226 * Normal List Iteration:
1227 * ----------------------
1228 * Start (list_entry == NULL) or continue
1229 * (list_entry != NULL) the list iteration.
1230 */
1231 /* Obtain [next] list entry. */
1232 list_entry =
1233 nb_callback_get_next(nn,
1234 parent_list_entry,
1235 list_entry);
1236 }
1238 /*
1239 * (FN:A) Reap empty list element? Check to see if we
1240 * should reap an empty list element. We do this if the
1241 * empty list element exists at or below the query base
1242 * (i.e., it's not part of the walk, but a failed find
1243 * on a more specific query e.g., for below the
1244 * `route-entry` element for a query
1245 * `.../route-entry/metric` where the list element had
1246 * no metric value.
1247 *
1248 * However, if the user query is for a key of a list
1249 * element, then when we reach that list element it will
1250 * have no non-key children, check for this condition
1251 * and do not reap if true.
1252 */
1253 if (!list_start && ni->inner &&
1254 !lyd_child_no_keys(&ni->inner->node) &&
1255 /* not the top element with a key match */
1256 !((darr_ilen(ys->node_infos)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len)
1257 darr_ilen(ys->schema_path)(((ys->schema_path) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->schema_path)) - 1)->len)
- 1) &&
1258 lysc_is_key((*darr_last(ys->schema_path)))((!(*({ uint __len = (((ys->schema_path) == ((void*)0)) ? 0
: (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->schema_path)) - 1)->len
); ((__len > 0) ? &(ys->schema_path)[__len - 1] : (
(void*)0)); })) || ((*({ uint __len = (((ys->schema_path) ==
((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->schema_path
)) - 1)->len); ((__len > 0) ? &(ys->schema_path)
[__len - 1] : ((void*)0)); }))->nodetype != 0x0004) || !((
*({ uint __len = (((ys->schema_path) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (
((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->schema_path)) - 1)->len);
((__len > 0) ? &(ys->schema_path)[__len - 1] : ((void
*)0)); }))->flags & 0x0100)) ? 0 : 1)
) &&
1259 /* is this at or below the base? */
1260 darr_ilen(ys->node_infos)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len)
<= ys->query_base_level)
1261 lyd_free_tree(&ni->inner->node);
1264 if (!list_entry) {
1265 /*
1266 * List Iteration Done
1267 * -------------------
1268 */
1270 /*
1271 * Grab next sibling of the list node
1272 */
1273 if (is_specific_node)
1274 sib = NULL((void*)0);
1275 else
1276 sib = nb_op_sib_next(ys, sib);
1278 /*
1279 * If we are at the walk root (base) level then
1280 * that specifies a list and we are done iterating
1281 * the list, so we are done with the walk entirely.
1282 */
1283 if (!sib && at_clevel == ys->walk_root_level) {
1284 ret = NB_OK;
1285 goto done;
1286 }
1288 /*
1289 * Pop the our list node info back to our
1290 * parent.
1291 *
1292 * We only do this if we've already pushed a
1293 * node for the current list schema. For
1294 * `list_start` this hasn't happened yet, as
1295 * would have happened below. So when list_start
1296 * is true but list_entry if NULL we
1297 * are processing an empty list.
1298 */
1299 if (!list_start)
1300 ys_pop_inner(ys);
1302 /*
1303 * We should never be below the walk root
1304 */
1305 assert(darr_lasti(ys->node_infos) >=({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1306, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "darr_lasti(ys->node_infos) >= ys->walk_root_level"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_291 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((((((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len) - 1) >=
ys->walk_root_level) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (((((ys->node_infos) == (
(void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos
)) - 1)->len) - 1) >= ys->walk_root_level); })
1306 ys->walk_root_level)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1306, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "darr_lasti(ys->node_infos) >= ys->walk_root_level"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_291 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((((((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len) - 1) >=
ys->walk_root_level) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (((((ys->node_infos) == (
(void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos
)) - 1)->len) - 1) >= ys->walk_root_level); })
1308 /* Move on to the sibling of the list node */
1309 continue;
1310 }
1312 /*
1313 * From here on, we have selected a new top node_info
1314 * list entry (either newly pushed or replacing the
1315 * previous entry in the walk), and we are filling in
1316 * the details.
1317 */
1319 if (list_start) {
1320 /*
1321 * Starting iteration of a list type or
1322 * processing a specific entry, push the list
1323 * node_info on stack.
1324 */
1325 ni = darr_appendz(ys->node_infos)({ uint __len = (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : ((
(struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); (
{ if ((ssize_t)(((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((
struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->cap) <
(ssize_t)(__len + (1))) ({ ((ys->node_infos)) = __darr_resize
((ys->node_infos), (__len + (1)), sizeof(((ys->node_infos
))[0]), MTYPE_DARR); }); (ys->node_infos); }); (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len = __len + (1); if (1) memset
(&(ys->node_infos)[__len], 0, (1)*sizeof((ys->node_infos
)[0])); &(ys->node_infos)[__len]; })
1326 pni = &ni[-1]; /* memory may have moved */
1327 ni->has_lookup_next = nn->cbs.lookup_next !=
1328 NULL((void*)0);
1329 ni->lookup_next_ok = ((!pni && ys->finish) ||
1330 pni->lookup_next_ok) &&
1331 ni->has_lookup_next;
1332 ni->query_specific_entry = is_specific_node;
1333 ni->niters = 0;
1334 ni->nents = 0;
1336 /* this will be our predicate-less xpath */
1337 ys->xpath = nb_op_get_child_path(ys->xpath, sib,
1338 ys->xpath);
1339 } else {
1340 /*
1341 * Reset our xpath to the list node (i.e.,
1342 * remove the entry predicates)
1343 */
1344 if (ni->query_specific_entry) {
1345 flog_warn(EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA,do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: unexpected state"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1347, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: unexpected state"), .priority
= (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA), .args = ("__func__"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_292 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("%s: unexpected state"), __func__); } while (0)
1346 "%s: unexpected state",do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: unexpected state"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1347, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: unexpected state"), .priority
= (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA), .args = ("__func__"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_292 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("%s: unexpected state"), __func__); } while (0)
1347 __func__)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: unexpected state"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1347, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: unexpected state"), .priority
= (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA), .args = ("__func__"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_292 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("%s: unexpected state"), __func__); } while (0)
1348 }
1349 assert(!ni->query_specific_entry)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1349, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "!ni->query_specific_entry", }; static
const struct xref * const xref_p_293 __attribute__((used, section
("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((!
ni->query_specific_entry) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (!ni->query_specific_entry
); })
1350 len = strlen(sib->name) + 1; /* "/sibname" */
1351 if (pni)
1352 len += pni->xpath_len;
1353 darr_setlen(ys->xpath, len + 1)do { ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1353, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "(ys->xpath) || !(len + 1)", }; static
const struct xref * const xref_p_294 __attribute__((used, section
("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect(((
ys->xpath) || !(len + 1)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while ((ys->xpath) || !(len + 1
)); }); if ((ys->xpath)) { ({ static const struct xref_assert
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT
), 1353, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .expr = "(long long)darr_cap(ys->xpath) >= (long long)(len + 1)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_295 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((long long)(((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)(len + 1)) ?
0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0));
} while ((long long)(((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : ((
(struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->cap) >= (
long long)(len + 1)); }); (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath
)) - 1)->len = (len + 1); } } while (0)
1354 ys->xpath[len] = 0;
1355 ni->xpath_len = len;
1356 }
1358 /* Need to get keys. */
1360 if (!CHECK_FLAG(nn->flags, F_NB_NODE_KEYLESS_LIST)((nn->flags) & (0x02))) {
1361 ret = nb_callback_get_keys(nn, list_entry,
1362 &ni->keys);
1363 if (ret) {
1364 darr_pop(ys->node_infos)({ uint __len = (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)
) - 1)->len; ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1364, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "__len", }; static const struct xref *
const xref_p_296 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))
) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((__len) ? 0 : 1, 0
)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (
__len); }); do { uint __i = (__len - 1); uint __n = (1); uint
__len = (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); if (!__len
) break; else if (__i + __n < __len) { memmove(&(ys->
node_infos)[__i], &(ys->node_infos)[__i + __n], sizeof
((ys->node_infos)[0]) * (__len - (__i + __n))); (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len = __len - __n; } else ((
(struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len = __i
; } while (0); (ys->node_infos)[__len - 1]; })
1365 ret = NB_ERR_RESOURCE;
1366 goto done;
1367 }
1368 }
1369 /*
1370 * Append predicates to xpath.
1371 */
1372 len = darr_strlen(ys->xpath)({ uint __size = (((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->len); if (__size) __size
-= 1; ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1372, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "!(ys->xpath) || ((char *)(ys->xpath))[__size] == 0"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_297 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((!(ys->xpath) || ((char *)(ys->xpath))[__size] == 0) ?
0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0));
} while (!(ys->xpath) || ((char *)(ys->xpath))[__size]
== 0); }); __size; })
1373 if (ni->keys.num) {
1374 yang_get_key_preds(ys->xpath + len, sib,
1375 &ni->keys,
1376 darr_cap(ys->xpath)(((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->cap)
- len);
1377 } else {
1378 /* add a position predicate (1s based?) */
1379 darr_ensure_avail(ys->xpath, 10)({ ssize_t need = (ssize_t)(10) - (ssize_t)((((ys->xpath) ==
((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) -
1)->cap) - (((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->len)); if (need >
0) ({ ((ys->xpath)) = __darr_resize((ys->xpath), (((ys
->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys
->xpath)) - 1)->cap) + need, sizeof(((ys->xpath))[0]
), MTYPE_DARR); }); (ys->xpath); })
1380 snprintf(ys->xpath + len,
1381 darr_cap(ys->xpath)(((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->cap)
- len + 1, "[%u]",
1382 ni->nents + 1);
1383 }
1384 darr_setlen(ys->xpath,do { ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1385, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "(ys->xpath) || !(strlen(ys->xpath + len) + len + 1)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_298 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((ys->xpath) || !(strlen(ys->xpath + len) + len + 1)) ?
0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0));
} while ((ys->xpath) || !(strlen(ys->xpath + len) + len
+ 1)); }); if ((ys->xpath)) { ({ static const struct xref_assert
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT
), 1385, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .expr = "(long long)darr_cap(ys->xpath) >= (long long)(strlen(ys->xpath + len) + len + 1)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_299 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((long long)(((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)(strlen(ys->
xpath + len) + len + 1)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while ((long long)(((ys->xpath
) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath
)) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)(strlen(ys->xpath + len)
+ len + 1)); }); (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) -
1)->len = (strlen(ys->xpath + len) + len + 1); } } while
1385 strlen(ys->xpath + len) + len + 1)do { ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1385, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "(ys->xpath) || !(strlen(ys->xpath + len) + len + 1)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_298 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((ys->xpath) || !(strlen(ys->xpath + len) + len + 1)) ?
0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0));
} while ((ys->xpath) || !(strlen(ys->xpath + len) + len
+ 1)); }); if ((ys->xpath)) { ({ static const struct xref_assert
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT
), 1385, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .expr = "(long long)darr_cap(ys->xpath) >= (long long)(strlen(ys->xpath + len) + len + 1)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_299 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((long long)(((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)(strlen(ys->
xpath + len) + len + 1)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while ((long long)(((ys->xpath
) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath
)) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)(strlen(ys->xpath + len)
+ len + 1)); }); (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) -
1)->len = (strlen(ys->xpath + len) + len + 1); } } while
1386 ni->xpath_len = darr_strlen(ys->xpath)({ uint __size = (((ys->xpath) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->xpath)) - 1)->len); if (__size) __size
-= 1; ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1386, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "!(ys->xpath) || ((char *)(ys->xpath))[__size] == 0"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_300 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((!(ys->xpath) || ((char *)(ys->xpath))[__size] == 0) ?
0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0));
} while (!(ys->xpath) || ((char *)(ys->xpath))[__size]
== 0); }); __size; })
1388 /*
1389 * Create the new list entry node.
1390 */
1392 if (!node) {
1393 /* NOTE: can also use lyd_new_list2 here when available */
1394 err = yang_lyd_new_list(ni[-1].inner, sib,
1395 &ni->keys,
1396 (struct lyd_node_inner *
1397 *)&node);
1398 if (err) {
1399 darr_pop(ys->node_infos)({ uint __len = (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)
) - 1)->len; ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1399, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "__len", }; static const struct xref *
const xref_p_301 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))
) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((__len) ? 0 : 1, 0
)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (
__len); }); do { uint __i = (__len - 1); uint __n = (1); uint
__len = (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); if (!__len
) break; else if (__i + __n < __len) { memmove(&(ys->
node_infos)[__i], &(ys->node_infos)[__i + __n], sizeof
((ys->node_infos)[0]) * (__len - (__i + __n))); (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len = __len - __n; } else ((
(struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len = __i
; } while (0); (ys->node_infos)[__len - 1]; })
1400 ret = NB_ERR_RESOURCE;
1401 goto done;
1402 }
1403 }
1405 /*
1406 * Save the new list entry with the list node info
1407 */
1408 ni->inner = (struct lyd_node_inner *)node;
1409 ni->schema = node->schema;
1410 ni->list_entry = list_entry;
1411 ni->niters += 1;
1412 ni->nents += 1;
1414 /* Skip over the key children, they've been created. */
1415 sib = nb_op_sib_first(ys, sib);
1416 continue;
1418 case LYS_CHOICE0x0002:
1419 /* Container type with no data */
1421 case LYS_CASE0x0080:
1422 /* Container type with no data */
1424 default:
1426 case LYS_ANYXML0x0020:
1427 case LYS_ANYDATA0x0060:
1428 /* These schema types are not currently handled */
1429 flog_warn(EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA,do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: unsupported schema node type: %s"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1431, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: unsupported schema node type: %s"
), .priority = (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA), .args
= ("__func__, lys_nodetype2str(sib->nodetype)"), }; static
const struct xref * const xref_p_302 __attribute__((used, section
("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: unsupported schema node type: %s"
), __func__, lys_nodetype2str(sib->nodetype)); } while (0)
1430 "%s: unsupported schema node type: %s",do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: unsupported schema node type: %s"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1431, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: unsupported schema node type: %s"
), .priority = (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA), .args
= ("__func__, lys_nodetype2str(sib->nodetype)"), }; static
const struct xref * const xref_p_302 __attribute__((used, section
("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: unsupported schema node type: %s"
), __func__, lys_nodetype2str(sib->nodetype)); } while (0)
1431 __func__, lys_nodetype2str(sib->nodetype))do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: unsupported schema node type: %s"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1431, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: unsupported schema node type: %s"
), .priority = (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_NB_OPERATIONAL_DATA), .args
= ("__func__, lys_nodetype2str(sib->nodetype)"), }; static
const struct xref * const xref_p_302 __attribute__((used, section
("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("%s: unsupported schema node type: %s"
), __func__, lys_nodetype2str(sib->nodetype)); } while (0)
1432 sib = nb_op_sib_next(ys, sib);
1433 continue;
1434 }
1435 }
1438 darr_free(xpath_child)do { if ((xpath_child)) { struct darr_metadata *__meta = (((struct
darr_metadata *)(xpath_child)) - 1); do { qfree(__meta->mtype
, __meta); __meta = ((void*)0); } while (0); (xpath_child) = (
(void*)0); } } while (0)
1439 return ret;
1442static void nb_op_walk_continue(struct event *thread)
1444 struct nb_op_yield_state *ys = EVENT_ARG(thread)((thread)->arg);
1445 enum nb_error ret = NB_OK;
1447 DEBUGD(&nb_dbg_cbs_state, "northbound oper-state: resuming %s",do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_cbs_state)->
flags, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000
))&(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("northbound oper-state: resuming %s"), .hashu32 = {
(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG
), 1448, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .fmtstring = (
"northbound oper-state: resuming %s"), .priority = (7), .ec =
(0), .args = ("ys->xpath"), }; static const struct xref *
const xref_p_303 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))
) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("northbound oper-state: resuming %s"
), ys->xpath); } while (0); } while (0)
1448 ys->xpath)do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_cbs_state)->
flags, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000
))&(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("northbound oper-state: resuming %s"), .hashu32 = {
(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG
), 1448, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .fmtstring = (
"northbound oper-state: resuming %s"), .priority = (7), .ec =
(0), .args = ("ys->xpath"), }; static const struct xref *
const xref_p_303 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))
) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("northbound oper-state: resuming %s"
), ys->xpath); } while (0); } while (0)
1450 nb_op_resume_data_tree(ys);
1452 /* if we've popped past the walk start level we're done */
1453 if (darr_lasti(ys->node_infos)((((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len) - 1)
< ys->walk_root_level)
1454 goto finish;
1456 /* otherwise we are at a resumable node */
1457 assert(darr_last(ys->node_infos)->has_lookup_next)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1457, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "darr_last(ys->node_infos)->has_lookup_next"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_304 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((({ uint __len = (((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (
((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len); (
(__len > 0) ? &(ys->node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void
*)0)); })->has_lookup_next) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (({ uint __len = (((ys->
node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys
->node_infos)) - 1)->len); ((__len > 0) ? &(ys->
node_infos)[__len - 1] : ((void*)0)); })->has_lookup_next)
; })
1459 ret = __walk(ys, true1);
1460 if (ret == NB_YIELD) {
1461 if (nb_op_yield(ys) != NB_OK) {
1462 if (ys->should_batch)
1463 goto stopped;
1464 else
1465 goto finish;
1466 }
1467 return;
1468 }
1470 (*ys->finish)(ys_root_node(ys), ys->finish_arg, ret);
1472 nb_op_free_yield_state(ys, false0);
1475static void __free_siblings(struct lyd_node *this)
1477 struct lyd_node *next, *sib;
1478 uint count = 0;
1480 LY_LIST_FOR_SAFE(lyd_first_sibling(this), next, sib)for ((sib) = (lyd_first_sibling(this)); (sib) ? (next = (sib)
->next, 1) : 0; (sib) = (next))
1481 {
1482 if (lysc_is_key(sib->schema)((!sib->schema || (sib->schema->nodetype != 0x0004) ||
!(sib->schema->flags & 0x0100)) ? 0 : 1)
1483 continue;
1484 if (sib == this)
1485 continue;
1486 lyd_free_tree(sib);
1487 count++;
1488 }
1489 DEBUGD(&nb_dbg_events, "NB oper-state: deleted %u siblings", count)do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_events)->flags
, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000))&
(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("NB oper-state: deleted %u siblings"), .hashu32 = {
(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG
), 1489, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .fmtstring = (
"NB oper-state: deleted %u siblings"), .priority = (7), .ec =
(0), .args = ("count"), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_305
__attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref
); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("NB oper-state: deleted %u siblings"
), count); } while (0); } while (0)
1493 * Trim Algorithm:
1494 *
1495 * Delete final lookup-next list node and subtree, leave stack slot with keys.
1496 *
1497 * Then walking up the stack, delete all siblings except:
1498 * 1. right-most container or list node (must be lookup-next by design)
1499 * 2. keys supporting existing parent list node.
1500 *
1501 * NOTE the topmost node on the stack will be the final lookup-nexxt list node,
1502 * as we only yield on lookup-next list nodes.
1503 *
1504 */
1505static void nb_op_trim_yield_state(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys)
1507 struct nb_op_node_info *ni;
1508 int i = darr_lasti(ys->node_infos)((((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len) - 1)
1510 assert(i >= 0)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1510, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "i >= 0", }; static const struct xref
* const xref_p_306 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((i >= 0) ? 0
: 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0)); }
while (i >= 0); })
1512 DEBUGD(&nb_dbg_events, "NB oper-state: start trimming: top: %d", i)do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_events)->flags
, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000))&
(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("NB oper-state: start trimming: top: %d"), .hashu32
= {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG
), 1512, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .fmtstring = (
"NB oper-state: start trimming: top: %d"), .priority = (7), .
ec = (0), .args = ("i"), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_307
__attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref
); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("NB oper-state: start trimming: top: %d"
), i); } while (0); } while (0)
1514 ni = &ys->node_infos[i];
1515 assert(ni->has_lookup_next)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1515, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "ni->has_lookup_next", }; static const
struct xref * const xref_p_308 __attribute__((used, section(
"xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((ni
->has_lookup_next) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&
_xref, ((void*)0)); } while (ni->has_lookup_next); })
1517 DEBUGD(&nb_dbg_events, "NB oper-state: deleting tree at level %d", i)do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_events)->flags
, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000))&
(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("NB oper-state: deleting tree at level %d"), .hashu32
= {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG
), 1517, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .fmtstring = (
"NB oper-state: deleting tree at level %d"), .priority = (7),
.ec = (0), .args = ("i"), }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_309 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("NB oper-state: deleting tree at level %d"
), i); } while (0); } while (0)
1518 __free_siblings(&ni->inner->node);
1519 lyd_free_tree(&ni->inner->node);
1520 ni->inner = NULL((void*)0);
1522 while (--i > 0) {
1523 DEBUGD(&nb_dbg_events,do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_events)->flags
, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000))&
(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("NB oper-state: deleting siblings at level: %d"), .
hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg _xref
__attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1524, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("NB oper-state: deleting siblings at level: %d"
), .priority = (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("i"), }; static const
struct xref * const xref_p_310 __attribute__((used, section(
"xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("NB oper-state: deleting siblings at level: %d"
), i); } while (0); } while (0)
1524 "NB oper-state: deleting siblings at level: %d", i)do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_events)->flags
, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000))&
(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("NB oper-state: deleting siblings at level: %d"), .
hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg _xref
__attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1524, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("NB oper-state: deleting siblings at level: %d"
), .priority = (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("i"), }; static const
struct xref * const xref_p_310 __attribute__((used, section(
"xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref(&_xref, ("NB oper-state: deleting siblings at level: %d"
), i); } while (0); } while (0)
1525 __free_siblings(&ys->node_infos[i].inner->node);
1526 }
1527 DEBUGD(&nb_dbg_events, "NB oper-state: stop trimming: new top: %d",do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_events)->flags
, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000))&
(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("NB oper-state: stop trimming: new top: %d"), .hashu32
= {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG
), 1528, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .fmtstring = (
"NB oper-state: stop trimming: new top: %d"), .priority = (7)
, .ec = (0), .args = ("(int)((((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len) - 1)"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_311 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("NB oper-state: stop trimming: new top: %d"), (
int)((((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len) - 1)); } while
(0); } while (0)
1528 (int)darr_lasti(ys->node_infos))do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_events)->flags
, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000))&
(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("NB oper-state: stop trimming: new top: %d"), .hashu32
= {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG
), 1528, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .fmtstring = (
"NB oper-state: stop trimming: new top: %d"), .priority = (7)
, .ec = (0), .args = ("(int)((((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len) - 1)"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_311 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("NB oper-state: stop trimming: new top: %d"), (
int)((((ys->node_infos) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->node_infos)) - 1)->len) - 1)); } while
(0); } while (0)
1531static enum nb_error nb_op_yield(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys)
1533 enum nb_error ret;
1534 unsigned long min_us = MAX(1, NB_OP_WALK_INTERVAL_US / 50000)(((1)>((50 * 1000) / 50000))?(1):((50 * 1000) / 50000));
1535 struct timeval tv = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = min_us };
1537 DEBUGD(&nb_dbg_events, "NB oper-state: yielding %s for %lus (should_batch %d)",do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_events)->flags
, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000))&
(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("NB oper-state: yielding %s for %lus (should_batch %d)"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1538, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("NB oper-state: yielding %s for %lus (should_batch %d)"
), .priority = (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("ys->xpath, tv.tv_usec, ys->should_batch"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_312 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("NB oper-state: yielding %s for %lus (should_batch %d)"
), ys->xpath, tv.tv_usec, ys->should_batch); } while (0
); } while (0)
1538 ys->xpath, tv.tv_usec, ys->should_batch)do { if (((__c11_atomic_load(&(&nb_dbg_events)->flags
, memory_order_seq_cst)) & (((0x01000000 | 0x02000000))&
(0x01000000 | 0x02000000)))) do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg
_xrefdata = { .xrefdata = { .xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .
hashstr = ("NB oper-state: yielding %s for %lus (should_batch %d)"
), .hashu32 = {(7), (0)}, }, }; static const struct xref_logmsg
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata
), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1538, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }
, .fmtstring = ("NB oper-state: yielding %s for %lus (should_batch %d)"
), .priority = (7), .ec = (0), .args = ("ys->xpath, tv.tv_usec, ys->should_batch"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_312 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("NB oper-state: yielding %s for %lus (should_batch %d)"
), ys->xpath, tv.tv_usec, ys->should_batch); } while (0
); } while (0)
1540 if (ys->should_batch) {
1541 /*
1542 * TODO: add ability of finish to influence the timer.
1543 * This will allow, for example, flow control based on how long
1544 * it takes finish to process the batch.
1545 */
1546 ret = (*ys->finish)(ys_root_node(ys), ys->finish_arg, NB_YIELD);
1547 if (ret != NB_OK)
1548 return ret;
1549 /* now trim out that data we just "finished" */
1550 nb_op_trim_yield_state(ys);
1552 }
1554 event_add_timer_tv(event_loop, nb_op_walk_continue, ys, &tv,({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 1555, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "nb_op_walk_continue", .dest = "&ys->walk_ev"
, .event_type = EVENT_TIMER, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_313 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_timer_tv(&_xref, event_loop, nb_op_walk_continue
, ys, &tv, &ys->walk_ev); })
1555 &ys->walk_ev)({ static const struct xref_eventsched _xref __attribute__( (
used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_EVENTSCHED), 1555, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .funcname = "nb_op_walk_continue", .dest = "&ys->walk_ev"
, .event_type = EVENT_TIMER, }; static const struct xref * const
xref_p_313 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"))) = &
(_xref.xref); _event_add_timer_tv(&_xref, event_loop, nb_op_walk_continue
, ys, &tv, &ys->walk_ev); })
1556 return NB_OK;
1559static enum nb_error nb_op_ys_init_schema_path(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys,
1560 struct nb_node **last)
1562 const struct lysc_node *sn;
1563 struct nb_node *nblast;
1564 char *s, *s2;
1565 int count;
1566 uint i;
1568 /*
1569 * Get the schema node stack for the entire query string
1570 *
1571 * The user might pass in something like "//metric" which may resolve to
1572 * more than one schema node ("trunks"). nb_node_find() returns a single
1573 * node though. We should expand the functionality to get the set of
1574 * nodes that matches the xpath (not path) query and save that set in
1575 * the yield state. Then we should do a walk using the users query
1576 * string over each schema trunk in the set.
1577 */
1578 nblast = nb_node_find(ys->xpath);
1579 if (!nblast) {
1580 flog_warn(EC_LIB_YANG_UNKNOWN_DATA_PATH,do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: unknown data path: %s"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_YANG_UNKNOWN_DATA_PATH)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1581, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: unknown data path: %s"), .priority
= (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_YANG_UNKNOWN_DATA_PATH), .args = ("__func__, ys->xpath"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_314 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("%s: unknown data path: %s"), __func__, ys->
xpath); } while (0)
1581 "%s: unknown data path: %s", __func__, ys->xpath)do { static struct xrefdata_logmsg _xrefdata = { .xrefdata = {
.xref = ((void*)0), .uid = {}, .hashstr = ("%s: unknown data path: %s"
), .hashu32 = {(4), (EC_LIB_YANG_UNKNOWN_DATA_PATH)}, }, }; static
const struct xref_logmsg _xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref
= { (&_xrefdata.xrefdata), (XREFT_LOGMSG), 1581, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .fmtstring = ("%s: unknown data path: %s"), .priority
= (4), .ec = (EC_LIB_YANG_UNKNOWN_DATA_PATH), .args = ("__func__, ys->xpath"
), }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_314 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); zlog_ref
(&_xref, ("%s: unknown data path: %s"), __func__, ys->
xpath); } while (0)
1582 return NB_ERR;
1583 }
1584 *last = nblast;
1586 /*
1587 * Create a stack of schema nodes one element per node in the query
1588 * path, only the top (last) element may be a non-container type.
1589 *
1590 * NOTE: appears to be a bug in nb_node linkage where parent can be NULL,
1591 * or I'm misunderstanding the code, in any case we use the libyang
1592 * linkage to walk which works fine.
1593 *
1594 * XXX: we don't actually support choice/case yet, they are container
1595 * types in the libyang schema, but won't be in data so our length
1596 * checking gets messed up.
1597 */
1598 for (sn = nblast->snode, count = 0; sn; count++, sn = sn->parent)
1599 if (sn != nblast->snode)
1600 assert(CHECK_FLAG(sn->nodetype,({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1602, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "CHECK_FLAG(sn->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER | LYS_LIST | LYS_CHOICE | LYS_CASE)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_315 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((((sn->nodetype) & (0x0001 | 0x0010 | 0x0002 | 0x0080
))) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*
)0)); } while (((sn->nodetype) & (0x0001 | 0x0010 | 0x0002
| 0x0080))); })
1601 LYS_CONTAINER | LYS_LIST |({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1602, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "CHECK_FLAG(sn->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER | LYS_LIST | LYS_CHOICE | LYS_CASE)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_315 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((((sn->nodetype) & (0x0001 | 0x0010 | 0x0002 | 0x0080
))) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*
)0)); } while (((sn->nodetype) & (0x0001 | 0x0010 | 0x0002
| 0x0080))); })
1602 LYS_CHOICE | LYS_CASE))({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1602, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "CHECK_FLAG(sn->nodetype, LYS_CONTAINER | LYS_LIST | LYS_CHOICE | LYS_CASE)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_315 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
((((sn->nodetype) & (0x0001 | 0x0010 | 0x0002 | 0x0080
))) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*
)0)); } while (((sn->nodetype) & (0x0001 | 0x0010 | 0x0002
| 0x0080))); })
1603 /* create our arrays */
1604 darr_append_n(ys->schema_path, count)({ uint __len = (((ys->schema_path) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (
((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->schema_path)) - 1)->len);
({ if ((ssize_t)(((ys->schema_path) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (
((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->schema_path)) - 1)->cap) <
(ssize_t)(__len + (count))) ({ ((ys->schema_path)) = __darr_resize
((ys->schema_path), (__len + (count)), sizeof(((ys->schema_path
))[0]), MTYPE_DARR); }); (ys->schema_path); }); (((struct darr_metadata
*)(ys->schema_path)) - 1)->len = __len + (count); if (
0) memset(&(ys->schema_path)[__len], 0, (count)*sizeof
((ys->schema_path)[0])); &(ys->schema_path)[__len];
1605 darr_append_n(ys->query_tokens, count)({ uint __len = (((ys->query_tokens) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (
((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->query_tokens)) - 1)->len)
; ({ if ((ssize_t)(((ys->query_tokens) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 :
(((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->query_tokens)) - 1)->cap
) < (ssize_t)(__len + (count))) ({ ((ys->query_tokens))
= __darr_resize((ys->query_tokens), (__len + (count)), sizeof
(((ys->query_tokens))[0]), MTYPE_DARR); }); (ys->query_tokens
); }); (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->query_tokens)) - 1)->
len = __len + (count); if (0) memset(&(ys->query_tokens
)[__len], 0, (count)*sizeof((ys->query_tokens)[0])); &
(ys->query_tokens)[__len]; })
1606 for (sn = nblast->snode; sn; sn = sn->parent)
1607 ys->schema_path[--count] = sn;
1609 /*
1610 * Now tokenize the query string and get pointers to each token
1611 */
1613 /* Get copy of query string start after initial '/'s */
1614 s = ys->xpath;
1615 while (*s && *s == '/')
1616 s++;
1617 ys->query_tokstr = darr_strdup(s)({ size_t __size = strlen(s) + 1; char *__s = ((void*)0); ({ if
((ssize_t)(((__s) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(__s)) - 1)->cap) < (ssize_t)(((ssize_t)(0) > (ssize_t
)__size) ? (size_t)(0) : __size)) ({ ((__s)) = __darr_resize(
(__s), (((ssize_t)(0) > (ssize_t)__size) ? (size_t)(0) : __size
), sizeof(((__s))[0]), MTYPE_DARR_STR); }); (__s); }); strlcpy
(__s, (s), (((__s) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(__s)) - 1)->cap)); do { ({ static const struct xref_assert
_xref __attribute__( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT
), 1617, "lib/northbound_oper.c", __func__, }, .expr = "(__s) || !((size_t)__size)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_316 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((__s) || !((size_t)__size)) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed
(&_xref, ((void*)0)); } while ((__s) || !((size_t)__size)
); }); if ((__s)) { ({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__
( (used)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1617, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "(long long)darr_cap(__s) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)"
, }; static const struct xref * const xref_p_317 __attribute__
((used, section("xref_array"))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect
(((long long)(((__s) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(__s)) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)) ? 0
: 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0)); }
while ((long long)(((__s) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (((struct darr_metadata
*)(__s)) - 1)->cap) >= (long long)((size_t)__size)); }
); (((struct darr_metadata *)(__s)) - 1)->len = ((size_t)__size
); } } while (0); __s; })
1618 s = ys->query_tokstr;
1620 darr_foreach_i (ys->schema_path, i)for ((i) = 0; (i) < (((ys->schema_path) == ((void*)0)) ?
0 : (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->schema_path)) - 1)->
len); (i)++)
1621 const char *modname = ys->schema_path[i]->module->name;
1622 const char *name = ys->schema_path[i]->name;
1623 int nlen = strlen(name);
1624 int mnlen = 0;
1626 while (true1) {
1627 s2 = strstr(s, name);
1628 if (!s2)
1629 goto error;
1631 if (s2[-1] == ':') {
1632 mnlen = strlen(modname) + 1;
1633 if (ys->query_tokstr > s2 - mnlen ||
1634 strncmp(s2 - mnlen, modname, mnlen - 1))
1635 goto error;
1636 s2 -= mnlen;
1637 nlen += mnlen;
1638 }
1640 s = s2;
1641 if ((i == 0 || s[-1] == '/') &&
1642 (s[nlen] == 0 || s[nlen] == '[' || s[nlen] == '/'))
1643 break;
1644 /*
1645 * Advance past the incorrect match, must have been
1646 * part of previous predicate.
1647 */
1648 s += nlen;
1649 }
1651 /* NUL terminate previous token and save this one */
1652 if (i > 0)
1653 s[-1] = 0;
1654 ys->query_tokens[i] = s;
1655 s += nlen;
1656 }
1658 /* NOTE: need to subtract choice/case nodes when these are supported */
1659 ys->query_base_level = darr_lasti(ys->schema_path)((((ys->schema_path) == ((void*)0)) ? 0 : (ssize_t)(((struct
darr_metadata *)(ys->schema_path)) - 1)->len) - 1)
1661 return NB_OK;
1664 darr_free(ys->query_tokstr)do { if ((ys->query_tokstr)) { struct darr_metadata *__meta
= (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->query_tokstr)) - 1); do {
qfree(__meta->mtype, __meta); __meta = ((void*)0); } while
(0); (ys->query_tokstr) = ((void*)0); } } while (0)
1665 darr_free(ys->schema_path)do { if ((ys->schema_path)) { struct darr_metadata *__meta
= (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->schema_path)) - 1); do {
qfree(__meta->mtype, __meta); __meta = ((void*)0); } while
(0); (ys->schema_path) = ((void*)0); } } while (0)
1666 darr_free(ys->query_tokens)do { if ((ys->query_tokens)) { struct darr_metadata *__meta
= (((struct darr_metadata *)(ys->query_tokens)) - 1); do {
qfree(__meta->mtype, __meta); __meta = ((void*)0); } while
(0); (ys->query_tokens) = ((void*)0); } } while (0)
1667 return NB_ERR;
1672 * nb_op_walk_start() - Start walking oper-state directed by query string.
1673 * @ys: partially initialized yield state for this walk.
1674 *
1675 */
1676static enum nb_error nb_op_walk_start(struct nb_op_yield_state *ys)
1678 struct nb_node *nblast;
1679 enum nb_error ret;
1681 /*
1682 * Get nb_node path (stack) corresponding to the xpath query
1683 */
1684 ret = nb_op_ys_init_schema_path(ys, &nblast);
1685 if (ret != NB_OK)
1686 return ret;
1689 /*
1690 * Get the node_info path (stack) corresponding to the uniquely
1691 * resolvable data nodes from the beginning of the xpath query.
1692 */
1693 ret = nb_op_ys_init_node_infos(ys);
1694 if (ret != NB_OK)
1695 return ret;
1697 return __walk(ys, false0);
1701void *nb_oper_walk(const char *xpath, struct yang_translator *translator,
1702 uint32_t flags, bool_Bool should_batch, nb_oper_data_cb cb,
1703 void *cb_arg, nb_oper_data_finish_cb finish, void *finish_arg)
1705 struct nb_op_yield_state *ys;
1706 enum nb_error ret;
1708 ys = nb_op_create_yield_state(xpath, translator, flags, should_batch,
1709 cb, cb_arg, finish, finish_arg);
1711 ret = nb_op_walk_start(ys);
1712 if (ret == NB_YIELD) {
1713 if (nb_op_yield(ys) != NB_OK) {
1714 if (ys->should_batch)
1715 goto stopped;
1716 else
1717 goto finish;
1718 }
1719 return ys;
1720 }
1722 (void)(*ys->finish)(ys_root_node(ys), ys->finish_arg, ret);
1724 nb_op_free_yield_state(ys, false0);
1725 return NULL((void*)0);
1729void nb_oper_cancel_walk(void *walk)
1731 if (walk)
1732 nb_op_free_yield_state(walk, false0);
1736void nb_oper_cancel_all_walks(void)
1738 struct nb_op_yield_state *ys;
1740 frr_each_safe (nb_op_walks, &nb_op_walks, ys)for (typeof(nb_op_walks_next_safe(&nb_op_walks, ((void*)0
))) nb_op_walks_safe = nb_op_walks_next_safe(&nb_op_walks
, (ys = nb_op_walks_first(&nb_op_walks))); ys; ys = nb_op_walks_safe
, nb_op_walks_safe = nb_op_walks_next_safe(&nb_op_walks, nb_op_walks_safe
1741 nb_oper_cancel_walk(ys);
1746 * The old API -- remove when we've update the users to yielding.
1747 */
1748enum nb_error nb_oper_iterate_legacy(const char *xpath,
1749 struct yang_translator *translator,
1750 uint32_t flags, nb_oper_data_cb cb,
1751 void *cb_arg, struct lyd_node **tree)
1753 struct nb_op_yield_state *ys;
1754 enum nb_error ret;
1756 ys = nb_op_create_yield_state(xpath, translator, flags, false0, cb,
1757 cb_arg, NULL((void*)0), NULL((void*)0));
1759 ret = nb_op_walk_start(ys);
1760 assert(ret != NB_YIELD)({ static const struct xref_assert _xref __attribute__( (used
)) = { .xref = { (((void*)0)), (XREFT_ASSERT), 1760, "lib/northbound_oper.c"
, __func__, }, .expr = "ret != NB_YIELD", }; static const struct
xref * const xref_p_318 __attribute__((used, section("xref_array"
))) = &(_xref.xref); if (__builtin_expect((ret != NB_YIELD
) ? 0 : 1, 0)) do { _zlog_assert_failed(&_xref, ((void*)0
)); } while (ret != NB_YIELD); })
1762 if (tree && ret == NB_OK)
1763 *tree = ys_root_node(ys);
1764 else {
1765 if (ys_root_node(ys))
1766 yang_dnode_free(ys_root_node(ys));
1767 if (tree)
1768 *tree = NULL((void*)0);
1769 }
1771 nb_op_free_yield_state(ys, true1);
1772 return ret;
1775void nb_oper_init(struct event_loop *loop)
1777 event_loop = loop;
1778 nb_op_walks_init(&nb_op_walks);
1781void nb_oper_terminate(void)
1783 nb_oper_cancel_all_walks();